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The Columbia Board of Aldermen met in joint session with the Tyrrell County Board of Commissioners at 5:PM, Monday, February 1, 2016, in the meeting room of the ColumbiaMunicipalBuilding. Aldermen attending were Lloyd Armstrong, James Cahoon, Mildred Ogletree, Ray Marner and Sandra Owens. Mayor F. Michael Griffin presided.

CountyCommissioners attending were: Chairman Leroy Spivey, Carl Willis, Larry Hill, Thomas Everett and Nina Griswell.

Mayor Griffin called the meeting to order and asked Alderman Cahoon to offer a prayer for the two boards. Prior to addressing the agenda, Mayor Griffin recognized Marie and Steve Dosher who own property on Virginia Avenue. Ms. Dosher appealed to the two boards to complete the foreclosure on the burned out house on Virginia Avenue and to tear it down so the lot can be maintained. She asked who is the attorney handling the foreclosure and Town Manager Rhett White was asked to provide that information to the couple.

CountyManager David Clegg reported that the ScuppernongRiverPark opposite the Columbia waterfront is completed and close out grant documents are being prepared. He said the County will apply for a $100,000 CAMA grant to replace the existing bulkhead around the park.

Alderman Cahoon said he is working with Commissioner Everett to determine what interpretative graphics will be placed within the park.

Chairman Spivey announced that since the park is no longer designated as Veteran’s Park, he has talked to the local veteran’s about naming the bridge the Tyrrell Veteran’s Bridge. He asked for resolutions from both boards requesting that action by the North Carolina Board of Transportation. Upon motion of Alderman Cahoon, motion for a resolution to request that the NC Board of Transportation name the bridge the Tyrrell Veteran’s Bridge was unanimously passed. attachment # 1

A similar resolution was adopted by the CountyCommissioners, upon motion of Commissioner Everett and unanimous vote.

North Road Street flooding was discussed. The CountyManager reported that funding was found by NC-DOT to pay for the balance of the Rivers & Associates plan to

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replace the culvert and elevate the road surface. He said plans should be available for DOT review within 60days and that it may be mid-summer before any work can get underway.

Mayor Griffin requested that the engineers be asked to stage the project so that there is minimal disruption to traffic.

Mayor Griffin asked what would be necessary to reactivate the old Columbia/Sound Side water management district. Commissioner Everett said the town can establish a water management district if it desires to do so. Discussion followed.

Chairman Spivey announced that at the first Commissioners Meeting in March a proposal to create a fire tax district that does not include the town will be discussed. Under the proposal the County would not fund any fire protection within Columbia. Both Mayor Griffin and Alderman Ogletree expressed concern that the result would be a tax increase for town residents if the Tyrrell Volunteer Fire Department expects the town to make up the difference in revenue needs. More discussion followed.

A request to support requesting NC-DOT to install security cameras at the Tyrrell County Rest Area was considered. It was noted that alarms are being tampered with and vandalism and theft is occurring. TVFD Chief Johnny Spencer spoke to the risk and cost presented to volunteers by such activity.

Upon motion of Alderman Ogletree and unanimous vote, a letter to NC-DOT was authorized supporting installation of security cameras. A similar motion was approved by the CountyCommissioners, upon motion of Commissioner Willis and unanimous vote.

Hotel Recruitment was discussed. Commissioner Spivey said he talked to the developers of a new hotel in downtown Washington, last week. He said now is a good time to work on recruiting a hotel. It was noted that the town has a prospectus ready for anyone interested in a 60-90 room hotel that includes support from Outer Banks businesses and attractions. Discussion followed.

Neither Board has heard anything from NC-DOT about the status of the FonsoeStreetBridge across GrindleHillCanal. Mayor Griffin noted that NC-DOT had committed to a community meeting prior to taking any action such as abandoning the bridge.

During a brief discussion of Stiletto Manufacturing, it was agreed that both Boards need to stay in touch as grants are applied for and secured. Commissioner Spivey said the Albemarle Commission Revolving Loan Fund has approved a $50,000 loan, with conditions. Mr. White said the Town has submitted a Building Renovation and Reuse Grant Application to the NC Department of Commerce with grant awards expected in


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Alderman Cahoon complimented the Commissioners for the nursing home that is nearing completion.

Chairman Spivey reported on the planned walking track with exercise units and the $300,000 handicapped accessible playground that will be constructed at Tyrrell Hall.

The Boards agreed that another joint meeting in about six months would be desirable.

With no other business, Mayor Griffin recessed the joint meeting until the regularly scheduled meeting at 7:PM.

This the 1st day of February, 2016.


F. Michael Griffin, Mayor



Rhett B. White, Clerk