Title: Supermom

Genre: Action-Sci-Fi Adventure

Writer: Claire Hutchinson, M.A. (Manitoba), Cert. Feature Film Writing (UCLA),

Cert. Professional Program in Screenwriting (UCLA)

Agent: Terry Porter, Agape Productions, WGA/East

Email: ,

Website: http://www.ambassadorcommunications.biz, http://www.theterryporteragency.com

Dear Producer:

Superhero movies generate big box office and have wide audience appeal. We can see this with the recent successes of “Iron Man” and “The Dark Knight” (which took in almost $160 million dollars in a weekend). Audiences just love their superheroes.

May I present for your consideration: Supermom.

Logline: Supermom, a part bionic-part human who runs Supermom’s Orphanage on Mars, must go to Earth to fight the evil Egoman, who has kidnapped two of her orphan children and plans to enslave Earth.

Synopsis: Earth 2018: Eight years ago, Earth, led by Tom Davis of the Police Force and Jennifer Williams of Immigration, fought a war against the Superhumans, who are humans who had elective surgery. They used Earth’s new bionic technology to become part human, part bionic, wreak havoc on Earth, and demand to be worshipped as gods. The Superhumans were banished to Mars, where the worst were imprisoned. The others were forbidden to returns to Earth, and are blocked from entering Earth by Earth’s Golden Shield.

The leader of the evil Superhumans, Eric Williams (aka Egoman and Jennifer’s ex-husband), was put in a maximum security jail. Supermom, a good Superhuman, now runs Supermom’s Orphanage on Mars, where she cares for the orphaned children of the wars on Mars. Eric Williams escapes from jail, kidnaps two of Supermom’s orphans, and goes to Earth to find his own kids and dupe Earth into allowing the Superhumans to repatriate. Eric bypasses Earth’s deadly laser Golden Shield, and enters Earth undetected. Supermom follows him, but her entry into Earth is detected. Tom and Jennifer are put on the case, determined to put Supermom behind bars and deport her back to Mars.

In an attempt to use love to make Jennifer see that some Superhumans are good, Supermom disguises herself as nanny Goldie Templeton and wins the heart of Jennifer and her kids, Fred and Paula, who Jennifer is having trouble disciplining. But after Eric attempts to kidnap Fred and Paula and Supermom fends him off, Tom becomes suspicious that Goldie Templeton is really Supermom. Reluctantly, Tom and Jennifer capture Supermom and she is put on ice (which disables her bionic ability) in prison, to be deported. However, when Supermom’s two orphan children are found steering a spaceship that is veering uncontrollably into the Golden Shield, which will disintegrate the ship, Supermom is called to rescue the kids. This has the effect of making Supermom a world hero but at the same time making Earth’s people want to allow the Superhumans to repatriate. Meanwhile, Eric gains control of the U.S. President, weak and looking for a new physical body, and convinces him to repatriate the Superhumans in exchange for becoming bionic. The President tries to convince Jennifer and Tom to accept the plan, but they refuse, resulting in them becoming fugitives, along with the police force and the immigration office, who are also opposed to the plan. Eric kills the President, takes control of the Presidency, the Immigration office and the Golden Shield that surrounds Earth, and allows only the evil Superhumans to re-enter and take control of Earth. Jennifer and Tom organize a resistance movement, and with the help of Supermom, battle to defeat Eric and his Superhuman thugs.

The climax comes as Eric’s forces corner Jennifer’s and Tom’s, and the world police’s ships against the deadly laser Golden Shield, where certain destruction is imminent. Supermom, however, saves the day. In the end, Jennifer’s change of heart is revealed when she asks Supermom to stay on Earth.

Author Biographical Note: Ms. Claire Hutchinson, M.A., is an accomplished writer of multiple screenplays and plays, and the co-writer of two film soundtracks. She has had poetry published, and her Master’s thesis, “Conrad and the Idea of Progress” is an accepted critical work on the writings of Joseph Conrad, the late 19th-early 20th century novelist. In 2006, her drama-comedy play, “Harry and Marge”, won third place in the Humana Festival of New American Plays for the Actors’ Theatre in Louisville, KY. Her short screenplays have consistently placed highly in the American Gem Short Screenplay Contests. Her short drama, “That’s Amore,” was a Top Ten Finalist in the Mafia Short Script Competition sponsored by Pavaline Studios. Ms. Hutchinson founded Ambassador Communications in 1999. Under this banner, she performs script consulting, screenwriting, and publishes the Christian Screenwriters’ Newsletter, which has a subscriber base of approximately 500 screenwriters and producers. She is also the Founder of the Faith and Values Screenwriting Competition, a competition geared to finding the best faith-based and family oriented screenplays for production. At present, Claire is writing a WWII documentary entitled “For the Love of Freedom” for Jeffrey Worthington, Producer/Director.

For all information, please contact:

Mr. Terry Porter, WGA/East Agent

Agape Productions

P.O. Box 147

Flat Rock, Indiana

47234 U.S.A.

Tel. 812-587-5654
