The Stanford Forum.

Meeting held at the ETCA, at 7.30 PM, 12th March 2009

1 Apologies Received from Cherie Sargeant & Terry Hipsey
Attending were Terry & Joan Piccolo, Jackie & Trevor Robe, Alan Farenden, Shirley & Peter Watson, Dave Sargeant, Mandy Monksfield, Lyn Plunket, Rachel Birrane, Eddie Hardiman, Annie O’Brien, Ted Howell, Paul Crewel & Andrew Brown.
2 Minutes of the last meeting. Signed Terry Piccolo, proposed Trevor Robe, 2nd Dave Sargeant
3 Police Report, Rachel Birrane & Lyn Plunkett
In the last month there have been 5 assaults; 3 on females and 2 on males.
Burglary dwelling 1; burglary other 2. Criminal damage 8, including 1 case at Wharf road cemetery. Theft 3, thefts of bicycles 2, theft from motor vehicles 3, theft of motor vehicles 2.
A lot of operations targeting thefts and burglaries, patrols in St Margaret’s & Broadhope; during the xmas period there were 20 calls, only 2 this month.
Knife crime, “knife arch” (metal detector and wands) used to make youth aware of knife crime, talks at schools, railway station.
Graffiti at Hardie hall
Terry, Quadrant security patrol Hardie Park 2/3 times a week, youth seem to welcome them. Can police visit in the 3-6 PM period?
NAP Priorities. Continue Broadhope & St Margaret’s Avenues.
Level crossing, vehicles shooting through when lights flash, and people jumping barriers. Transport police responsibility, the security staff do not have the power to arrest. Q next joint operation? Q do youth run away when they see you? Yes.
Mobile police station was in the sandpits car park today, & every 2-3 weeks, and has been on the St Margaret’s estate a lot.
4 Public Forum
a) Proposed car parking charges, petition started against introducing them in Stanford and Corringham. Existing charges to increase by 50%. Has to go to public consultation, Highways matter.
Gordon is presenting an 18 page petition to the full council on the 25th
He is also organising another meeting in Corringham hall, inviting Terry Hipsey, Neil Rockliffe, and Brian Madley.
Eddie, I am opposed to these charges, Corringham and Stanford are different issues, little commuter parking at Corringham; Morrison’s will probably refund the parking charges for customers. Will damage greengrocer, butcher shops etc.
b) Steps, stomer support organisation meet at St Margaret’s 2nd Saturdays.
c) Cleaning and Greening; gullies to be discussed at next meeting.
d) Wharf Road, railway bridge flooding, who owns the pumps?
e) Squibb, no action yet, are driving in outside permitted hours.
Funding Applications
All spent, about £38 remaining
a) Lap top for Pally Club, application granted £369.99. Photo shoot to organise
b) Next years grant £7445.
c) Error in the accounts found, 99p out from just under £10,000.
d) Ideas from AGM
e) New notice board for the Library £349.89. Is the new board on the station?
f) Trying to get shopkeepers on board with the web site, link their sites to ours. Window stickers cost about £100, 50 x 75mm.
Annie O’Brien. Have been in the post for 6 weeks now, for the Stanford Festival and Music Festival. Hope to have more attractions this year, and put Stanford back on the map. I was community development officer at Tilbury for 7 years. Quiz night at the Inn on the Green, Monday 30th
Posters and programmes, information deadline 23rd May.
Terry, road closures, hit and miss signing, need to be well signposted.
Alternative routes need to be kept clear.
5 Correspondence.
a) Planning list
b) The Raj, in the high street has applied for a variation in the opening hours to 2 AM.
c) Thurrock business association 2nd April 4 to 8PM at the learning campus by the beehive centre in Grays.
d) Caratenga samba choir 19th march and 4th June.
e) Quiz night 30th March 30th at the inn on the green, free curry £3.
f) Member of the Independent Council Standards Commission vacancy. Commission meets 4 times a year.
g) Community showcase 2009 at the civic centre 20-21st March, 2-4, public on the Saturday. CIB, council, trailer will be there. Ex Superintendent Graham Cary is the new chair of the CIB.
h) South Essex transport system.
i) South East Thurrock master plan, Tilbury marshes, Friday 9 30 to 5, Saturday 10 to 5.
j) Forms for volunteer hours.
7 Councillors reports, Eddie Hardiman.
a) Next year funding, many councillors do not go to forums.
b) Flooding in Runnymead & Ruskin Roads, Essex water have installed new pumps, all sewerage from Langdon goes down Runnymead Road,
225 & 75 sewers, divert valve to be installed?
c) £750 raised at the council offices for Polio immunisatin in the 3rd world, enough for about 1500 treatments.
d) Christian Care Home propose a 28 bed home in Southend Road, a need for this.
e) Cleaning done in the Town Centre, a lot of complaints about the state they were in, a lot of broken glass.
f) RNLI life boat station visit
g) Impulse Leasure have asked for £750000. No truth in wild rumours.
8 Treasurers Report
a) Laptop for Pally Club, £399.99
b) £15 paid in
c)Stanford wanderers want to advertise for players on the web site.
Meeting closed 9 30PM.
Date of next meeting, 9th April.