“A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” Write-the-Ending Assignment

In a 2-paragraph essay (or more), please write how you think the book “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” ended and should end. Please answer the following questions:

  1. Paragraph 1: What do YOU predict happened in the book AFTER Chapter 7 according to the author?
  2. Please describe your prediction for the rest of the plot in time sequence (what happened first, second, third, fourth, etc. and last).
  3. Please mention what happened to ALL of the main characters/protagonists: 1) Francie (the girl), 2) Katie (the mother), 3) Johnny (the father), 4) Neely (the brother), and 5) Sissy (the aunt)? Feel free to mention other characters also as need be. Don’t forget to mention how you think Francie turned out as an adult in terms of her career, love life, etc.
  4. Please use details, examples, and explanations- don’t just list events briefly or use bullet points!
  5. This paragraph should be at least 150 words. (Feel free to write more- write whatever it takes to complete the assignment according to the directions).
  6. After you’re done writing, you will watch the rest of the movie to see how accurate you were.

You can start Paragraph 1 like this:

After reading Chapters 1-7 of the book “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” I think that the author will complete the book after Chapter 7 in many interesting ways. The first thing that I predict will happen is. . .

  1. Paragraph 2: If YOU were the author, how would YOU have continued the rest of the book? What would YOU write to finish the book? How SHOULD it end according to YOU?
  2. Please describe YOUR ending for the rest of the plot in time sequence (what happened first, second, third, fourth, etc. and last).
  3. Please mention what YOU would have happen to ALL of the main characters/protagonists: 1) Francie (the girl), 2) Katie (the mother), 3) Johnny (the father), 4) Neely (the brother), and 5) Sissy (the aunt)? Feel free to mention other characters also as need be. Don’t forget to mention how you think Francie turned out as an adult in terms of her career, love life, etc.
  4. Please use details, examples, and explanations- don’t just list events briefly or use bullet points!
  5. This paragraph should be at least 150 words. (Feel free to write more- write whatever it takes to complete the assignment according to the directions).
  6. This must be different that what you wrote for Paragraph 1. Please be creative and use your imagination. Any ending is fine as long as you follow the directions!

You can start Paragraph 2 like this:

If I were the author of the book “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” I would complete the book after Chapter 7 in many interesting ways. The first thing that would happen in my book is. . .