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Blue Oak School Foundation

Foundation Grant Application


To nurture and deepen each child’s academic and creative capacities using Waldorf methods in a public school setting.

Grant Instructions:

This grant application is for small projects requiring a one-time purchase or investment of less than approximately $250 that would benefit all the students of Blue Oak School. Class-specific needs, like field trip funds, are to be addressed at the classroom level, not by the Blue Oak School Foundation (BOSF). Project leaders are those who fill out the application, spearhead the outlined project, and report back to BOSF upon completion of the project. Project leaders are asked to contact the fund coordinator as a preliminary step in assuring that the project fits within the scope of BOSF and the designated fund. Project leaders, with the assistance of the fund coordinator, may then complete the grant application and secure Blue Oak School administration’s approval. Project leaders may drop completed applications at the school in the BOSF folder or via email to . For 2012/2013, the coordinators are:

Grounds & Site Development: David Beerman, 892-9486

Teacher Education: Barbara Ott, 680-5146

Library & Tech Lab: Mike Antongiovanni, 520-6751

Garden: David Orneallas, 876-8014

Music & Arts: Brianna Lee, 879-7483 (School main line)

General Fund: Carrie Gausemel, 521-0661


For standard, one-time grants of less than $250, the BOSF will consider a grant application at the next board meeting following the grant application submission. Please submit your application at least 72 hours before the next board meeting for review. Incomplete grant forms will not be accepted. BOSF meetings are held the first Monday of the month at 6pm. Submissions are accepted throughout the year. Any grant that follows the mission of BOSF and meets one of our mission categories will be considered. On-going or larger grant requests will require additional deliberation and documentation, as determined by the BOSF board. You are welcome and encouraged to attend BOSF meetings; please email for location prior to the meeting date.

Project Leader Information
Total funding requested: / $
Project Leader Contact Information:
Phone / Email
Mission category:
(Check one)
Grounds and site development / Garden
Teacher education / Music & Arts
Library and tech lab / General

(Please complete other side of form)

Grant Application

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Copy to Applicant:

1. Provide a brief description of your project:

2. What is the goal of your project?

3. Describe how the requested funding will be spent.

4. What educators, administrators, or students at Blue Oak will be involved?

5. Anticipated start date:

6. Anticipated completion date:

7. This form has been reviewed and approved by either the Executive Director or Principal of Blue Oak School.


Signature of AdministratorDate

8. At the conclusion of this project, I agree to notify BOSF, and to soon thereafter provide BOSF with a report of the outcomes, including any data or measurements made, and an accounting (including original receipts) of the funds spent, to the BOSF board via email, within a month after the Anticipated Completion Date. Should the estimated end date shift, I agree to notify BOSF and provide updated Anticipated Completion Date.


Signature of Project LeaderDate

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