Jacksonville High School

Chorus Handbook


Yajaira Morales-Adamo, Choral Director

Director’s Welcome

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to the JHS Chorus for this year 2008-2009 school year! I am very excited for the students as we venture into the world of choral music. During this year students will be motivated to exceed ones potential and confidence in ones self. Students will develop an understanding and appreciation for music by showing respect for the efforts of others; demonstrating appropriate expressive technical vocal practices; reading and notating rhythmic and melodic patterns, improvising, composing, listening and evaluating ones self and as a group, and most importantly singing to their fullest potential. Students will have a positive and a rewarding feeling through the experience in scheduled activities and performances. I invite you to come and enjoy all performances the students have worked so hard for. I also ask to please be involved and support our choral program so that it may continue to be successful throughout the year. Thank you for your understanding and support!


Yajaira Morales-Adamo

Choral Director, Jacksonville High School

Chorus Description:

Freshman Chorus (Grade 9)

This choir is a beginning level group for all ninth graders. Students will learn basic sight singing and choral skills as well as music theory. Choir members will experience a wide variety of music form classical to pop. Freshmen are encouraged to signup for two semesters of chorus. This class requires no audition. Concert attendance is required, as well as the purchase of a uniform.

Concert Choir (Grade 10-12)

Concert Choir members will study choral vocal skills, sight singing and choral literature of various styles and periods of music. It is highly recommended that the class be taken for two semesters for two credits. This class especially prepares students for the Cardinal Chamber Ensemble. Music theory is studied as well. Attendance at concerts is required as well as the purchasing of tux or concert dress.

Cardinal Chamber Ensemble (Grade 10-12)

It is recommended to have completed auditions and received a teacher recommendation. Membership in this choir comes from an announced singing and dancing audition. It is highly recommended that the class be taken for two semesters to receive two credits. The choir performs a wide variety of advanced level classical music as well as show choir and jazz tunes. Music theory is studied as well. Attendance at local concerts, festivals, banquets, and contest is required. The Cardinal Ensemble is an Honors Choir and is weighted on a five-point scale for the second semester of the junior and senior year.


In order to have a successful year in chorus, we must work together as a team and promote good musicianship and good citizenship. Every individual should remember that he/she represents the program, school, and community when he/she appears and performs publicly. Any misconduct reflects negatively on our school and community. Therefore, in addition to the policies of Onslow County Board of Education and Jacksonville High School, all chorus members will abide by all policies as outlined in the following Chorus Handbook!

Classroom Procedures:

  1. Be Present and On Time for Class and Performances.
  2. Bring Notebook and Pencil to Class Everyday.
  3. Act with Courtesy toward Other Students and Teachers. Misbehavior will not be tolerated.
  4. Bathroom passes will be issued in EMERGENCY situations only.
  5. Learn Repertoire and be a Contributing Member of the Choir. (Seek extra help when needed)
  6. Keep Mouth Free form Gum, Food, and Candy. Students are allowed to have ONLY Bottled Water in Classroom.
  7. Follow all School Rules.


First Offense: Students name is written on the board to indicate WARNING!

Second Offense: A check is placed by the students name indicating that the student is required to serve an hour detention after school. The parent will be notified in writing and must sign and return the Discipline Referral before the detention can be served.

Third Offense: A second check will be placed by the students name indicating that the parents will be contacted for the purpose of arranging a parent/teacher conference to discuss cooperative strategies for modifying the misbehavior.

Fourth Offense: If misbehavior persists, or the student fails to comply with the previously outlined system, the student will be referred to the Assistant Principal.

Reward for Adhering to Procedures Include:

Special privileges, Praise, Recognition Awards, Student Leadership Opportunities!!!

Choral Fee:

There is a choral fee of $5.00 per semester for each choral group. Fees will be used to purchase supplies and other materials used in class. This fee, along with other school fees is paid at the beginning of the school year to the homeroom teacher.


Each student will need a pencil, a black folder with pockets on side, and a three ring binder with pockets on the side. All materials must be brought to class everyday, A space will be provided to keep the folders.

Grading Policy:

Daily Participation 40%

Concert Grade 50%

Written Assignments and Tests 10% (5% each)

Performance Requirements and Opportunities:

Attendance and participation in concerts is a requirement for Jacksonville High School students, and is a factor in the grading policy.

Please note the following concert attendance policy:

Prior Commitment: The director must receive a note from a parent/guardian at least 2 weeks before the concert. The student will sing the concert music for the director outside of class. The student’s performance must be at a satisfactory level to earn full credit.

Illness/Family Emergency: Parents/Guardians must call and notify the director or principal of the situation as soon as possible, as well as provide a written excuse. The student will sing the concert music for the director outside of class. The student’s performance must be at a satisfactory level to earn full credit.

No Advance Warning/Unacceptable Excuse results in loss of credit for the concert.

Students will be given the opportunity to participate in Honors Chorus, All State Chorus, All County Chorus, and other choral activity this year. Participation in these activities will be based on student performance and attitude in the classroom. All students are encouraged to participate in any choral activities. More information will be forthcoming.

Concert Dates:

December 11, 2008Winter Concert7:00 PMAll Choir

May 27, 2009Spring Concert7:00 PMAll Choir

*Again all other choral opportunities on dates will be forthcoming.

Concert Attire:

All choir groups will receive information of choral attire as well as price for each uniform the first day of school.


Parents and students are encouraged to talk to me about student progress, behavior, attitude, or any other concern. I will make every effort to provide each student with leadership that will bring about an enjoyable experience filled with learning and personal growth.

I may be reached at (910) 546-2237 or by via email . Please feel free to contact me for any questions or concerns you may have; especially for setting up conferences.


Student Performance Contract

We have read the Jacksonville High School Chorus Handbook in its entirety, and fully understand the expectations placed on the individual members and his/her parent(s) or guardian(s). We agree to live up to these expectations to the best of our ability. We also agree to accept the consequences as stated in the handbook if we should fail to comply with these expectations.


Chorus Member SignatureDate


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate

* Please complete the back page of the Chorus Handbook and return it to the Director!

Jacksonville High School Member Information

Name: ______Nickname: ______

Last First M.I.

Date of Birth: ______

Home Phone Number: ______Grade Level: ______

Cell Phone Number: ______

Parent or Guardian’s Full Name(s):Work Phone Number:



Parent/Guardian’s Email Address: ______

Parent /Guardian’s Cell Phone: ______

Emergency Contact Person:Work Phone Number:


Are you currently on Medication(s)? ______if yes, please list.

Are there any health conditions the choral director should be aware of?

List any extra-curricular activities, other than Chorus, that you are likely to be involved this year.

(Ex: Sports, church groups, musicals, etc.)