Community Council Minutes
February 2, 2017
SJH Library
Melanie Holiday called for a motion to call the meeting to order at 5:08 PM 2nd by Alex, passed unanimously.
Members present: Melanie, Kammy, Ryan Nielson, Stuart, Jennifer, Francine, Sylvia, Charlotta
Members absent: Steph, Bob
Motion by Alex to approve the November 14, 2016 minutes; second by Kammy, passed unanimously.
Staffing: 5 openings at SJH currently. Lyle and Layne moving more to Foreign Language, so hiring a new LA teacher, SPED, Social Studies, Assistant Principal, and Engineering and possible Financial Secretary. Also, looking for a new football coach.
ACT Test Prep: Counseling Center planning a ACT Test Prep during SEOP day for the juniors, any other students are invited, but mostly for juniors. Core teachers are using a program to work with students on Fridays to do ACT Prep, and Shelly’s ACT Prep class for some juniors. Juniors will take the ACT March 1, and take it online so they will be taking it in different labs throughout the school.
WIDA Testing Window: Testing for ESL/ELA students starts next week.
Benchmark Test day will be moved because of ACT. Benchmarks cover English and Math. Science doesn’t have benchmarks. Students don’t opt out of Benchmarks. SAGE covers all three core subjects.
Mobile Computer Lab: Come out of Trust Land money. Mason has been working on getting things for that.
Stake Holders Survey: Window is currently open. 1st hour teachers have done it with their students. It ends Feb. 23. Encourage all parents to take it. There is a link on the high school website to get there.
New Business: Alex shared about FMP: With 116 students 1st term only 17 classes total were failed by freshman out of over 800 total classes. FMP has switched to being only half a year and the counseling center is currently monitoring numbers to see if it’s affecting it or not. Also, one class was added to help sophomores the second half of the year as well as 40 freshmen. Trying to help the application pool for mentors, changed the name of the mentor class to Leadership and have a letter grade.
Next meeting was talked about, but unsure, possible on April 10, but Bob will send an email about what date for sure
Motion to adjourn at 5:25 PM by Kammy Palmer 2nd by Jennifer Warren (I think);passed unanimously.