Technical Proposal for Institutional Development Consultancy Services for

Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development Project

Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Proposed Key Experts

1. General

Proposed Title and No.
Name of Key Expert
Name of the Firm proposing the Key Expert
Date of Birth
Country of Citizenship/Residence

2. Education:

Institution / Dates attended / Degree/diploma attained
Strathclyde University, Glasgow,U.K / 1976-1981 / Ph.D.(Development Economics)
Dhaka University / 1967-1968 / M.A.(Economics)
Dhaka University / 1962-1965 / B.A. (Hons.) in Economics

3. Employment record relevant to the assignment:

Period / Employing organization and your title/position. Contact information for references / Country / Summary of activities performed relevant to the Assignment
Jun 1995 - Present / Freelance Consultant
National Consultant / Organization Development Specialist / Monitoring and Evaluation Expert / Trade Expert / HR Development and Management Expert/Public Finance Management Expert
Reference: Abdul Majid Fakir, Managing Director, E-mail: / Bangladesh / Working with various public and private sector development in the capacity of institutional development, capacity building, monitoring and evaluation, human resources management, public finance management etc. Review how regional institutions are structured and operate and how they are financed (variously from local taxes, block grants from central government, sale and disposal of assets, land leasing, and, other revenue raising powers). Enhanced organizational structures for RAJUK, and how new functional mandates would be accommodated in the proposed structures. Staffing levels and responsibilities, and a detailed analysis of training needs and an implementation strategy for increasing professional capacity.
Aug 1998 - Aug 2000 / Jamuna Bridge Division and Executive Director, Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Authority, Ministry of Communication, GoB.
Secretary / Bangladesh / Responsible for the completion of construction, operation, maintenance, security etc. of the Jamuna Bangabandhu Bridge, supervised and coordinated the implementation of resettlement programmes and environmental mitigation and income generating activities in the project areas by various public and non-governmental organizations.
Jan 1997 – Jul 1998 / Finance Division, Ministry of Finance. Govt. of Bangladesh.
Additional Secretary / Bangladesh / Supervision of the work of Administration Wing, Development Budget Wing, Expenditure Control Wing, External Finance Wing and Monitoring Cell Wing (State Owned Enterprises). Contact point for relationship with IMF and other international organizations for matters relating to economic and development policies and programmes of the Government. Analysis and designing of macro-economic policies including fiscal and monetary policies and targets and monitoring of the policies and programmes. Coordination of financial and economic policies and chairing the Technical committee of the Resource Committee for preparing the national budget. Coordination of training programmes in financial management for civil officers and dissemination of the new systems among stakeholders. Overall supervision and coordination of the budgeting reform efforts in the public finance undertaken under Reforms in Budgeting and Expenditure Control Project (RIBEC) of the Ministry of Finance funded by DFID, U.K. Convener of the Committee to suggest delegation of financial powers to the proposed local government body at the sub-district (Upazilla) level. Supervision of enforcement of financial discipline and accountability in public expenditures.
Oct 1995 – Dec 1996 / Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (the National Tourism Organization)
Chairman / Bangladesh / Chief Executive of the Corporation which is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism. The corporation is responsible for development of tourism, provision of tourist facilities and related services and research etc. Initiated and undertook the implementation of National Tourism Human Resource Development Programme funded by the European Union involving development of standards for training, manual for training of trainers, acceptance of the standards by international stakes holders. Vastly expanded the training activities in the Training Institute of the Corporation and encouraged similar undertakings in the private sector. Encouraged the setting up of the Dhaka University Tourism Society.
1991 - 1995 / Ministry of Finance, Govt. of Bangladesh.
Joint Secretary (Banking) / Bangladesh / Analysis and designing of credit policies: industries, agriculture, SMEs, micro-credit, trade, exports etc and coordination, monitoring and supervision of those policies through banks and other institutions. Coordination in the Financial Sector Reforms Programmes (FSRP) including macro-financial measures in credit flows, initiating open market operations, enacting legislation to strengthen debt recovery, bank supervision, bankruptcy process, introduction of new standards of capital adequacy and loan classification etc; strengthening of capital market and institutions and their reorganization. Maintenance of close contacts with the various donors especially World Bank and IMF on the activities under the programme. Matters relating to funding of credit programmes by donors such as IDA, ADB, IFAD, OECF, USAID etc. Negotiated and actively participated in the formulation of the Jute Sector Adjustment Programme funded by the World Bank including restructuring of Jute sector debt. Restructured the failed banking and financial institutions, BCCI Bangladesh, Bank of Small Industries and Commerce (BASIC), National Credit and Commerce Bank (an investment company) and BCI (another investment company). Monitoring and supervision including budgeting of public banks and financial institutions.
1982 – 1991 / Trade and Industrial Policy Reform Programme (TIP), Planning Commission, Govt. of Bangladesh
Project Director / Bangladesh / Worked jointly with the overall expatriate team leader on work programmes, implementation of the activities by the various units of TIP, reporting and performance evaluation etc. Supervision of the activities of the various units and logistics provision. Recruitment of team of consultants from both home and abroad and administration of the Project. Formulation and presentation of reform programme and recommendations for Governing Body of TIP consisting of Secretaries of the concerned Ministries and heads of the implementing agencies. Member Secretary of the High powered Standing Committee under the Chair of Vice President of the Govt. for consideration and speedy implementation of the recommendations of TIP. Worked for the project from beginning to the end.
1981 – 1982 / Planning Commission, Govt. of Bangladesh
Joint Chief / Bangladesh / Responsibilities included planning and monitoring of the production and supplies of food (cereals) and the various inputs (irrigation, chemical fertilizers, pesticides).
May 1975 - Sep 1976 / Economic Coordination, Planning Division, Government of Bangladesh.
Deputy Chief / Bangladesh / Maintenance of liaison with various Divisions and Ministries of the Government on economic issues and development policy. Monitoring the progress of development projects and programmes under public sector.
Apr 1972 – Apr 1975 / External Relation Division, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of Bangladesh.
Assistant Chief and later Deputy Chief / Bangladesh / Assessment and negotiation of external assistance for government sponsored programmes and projects. Maintenance of liaison with middle eastern countries and funds, e. g. Abu Dhabi Fund for Arab Development, Kuwait Fund. Monitoring the flow and use of external assistance and maintenance of aid accounts and repayment schedules. Determining the debt liability of the new government of Bangladesh for the projects funded by the international donors and visibly located in Bangladesh.
1968 – 1972 / National Board of Revenue, Government of Bangladesh.
Deputy Commissioner of Taxes / Bangladesh / Was responsible for assessment and collection of income taxes in the field level in the early years of service and later as Joint Inspecting and also Additional Commissioner of Taxes supervised the work of assessing officers and also provided training to the officer cadre.

*Contact information for references is required only for assignments during the last 3 years.

4. Membership in Professional Associations and Publications:

·  Life Member, Bangladesh Economic Association

5. Language Skills (indicate only languages in which you can work):

Speaking / Reading / Writing
Bangla / Native / Native / Native
English / Excellent / Excellent / Excellent

6. Adequacy for the Assignment:

Detailed Tasks Assigned on Consultant’s Team of Experts:
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Reference to Prior Work / Assignments that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Assigned Tasks
Dr. AK Abdul Mubin an experienced Civil Servant in the Country retired as Secretary to the Government of Bangladesh. He worked with repute in management and organizational development, trade, public sector finance management and institutional reform in GOB and Others, having been the Executive Director of Jamuna Banghabandhu Bridge (1998-2000), Project Director in the “Trade and Industrial Policy Reform Programme (TIP)” from 1982-1991 and the key person in the Finance Ministry (1991-1998). The TIP programme carried out a large number of studies, which led the beginning of reforms in the mid-1980. He was keenly involved in Financial Sector Reforms of 1990s and Budgeting and Expenditure Control Project of the Finance Ministry for strengthening Public Financial Management processes and capacities. He has expertise in the field of management and coordination in the Ministries of Finance, Planning, Economic Relation Division, Project and Programme of Government of Bangladesh (GOB). In 2008 he was involved as Member of National Pay Commission, Govt of Bangladesh where he recommended to Government Finance Ministry a suitable pay structure for the entire civil service personnel.
Year & duration: Feb 2013 – May 2013 (21 days)
Project: Independent Review of Strengthening Public Expenditure Management Programme (SPEMP) Bangladesh
Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Client: World Bank
Main project features: To assess and score the progress of the SPEMP against the agreed output milestones and to make recommendations on actions to maximize progress towards the project outcome. SPEMP, being implemented by Bangladesh, is one of the largest Projects on Public Finance Management anywhere in the world. SPEMP is financed by a multi-donor trust fund. SPEMP consists of 3 main Projects with many sub-components; i) Deepening the Medium Term Budget Framework and strengthening the Financial Accountability Project, ii) Stregthening the Office of Controller and Accountant General Project and iii) Strengthening the Parliamentary Oversight Project.
Position held: Senior Local Consultant
Activities performed: Review report is a joint product of all the members each contributing. The activities included review of the various document including the earlier reviews, consultations with the stakeholders: donors, GoB officials in line Ministries, component leaders, consultants and selected beneficiaries.
Year & duration: Sep 2011 – Sep 2012 (4 months)
Project: ADB TA: Strengthening Regional Planning and Governance
Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Client: ADB / RAJUK
Main project features: Project preparation and feasibility study to identify ways that the existing institutions and structures can be strengthened to better respond to the challenge of economic development and rapid urban growth. The anticipated impact is a better integrated, more efficient and more accountable city region development in Dhaka, plus a national urban policy context that supports such development in other city regions.
Position held: Organization Development Specialist
Activities performed: Review how regional institutions are structured and operate and how they are financed (variously from local taxes, block grants from central government, sale and disposal of assets, land leasing, and, other revenue raising powers). Enhanced organizational structures for RAJUK, and how new functional mandates would be accommodated in the proposed structures. Staffing levels and responsibilities, and a detailed analysis of training needs and an implementation strategy for increasing professional capacity.
Year & duration: Jan - Mar 2010 (3 months), Dec 2008 - Jan 2009 (1.5 months) and Dec 2007 - Jan 2008 (2 months)
Project: Managing at the Top 2 Project (MATT-2) funded by DFID
Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Client: DFID
Main project features: MATT 2 programmes is a joint initiative of the GoB and DFID to develop reformed human resource management systems within the Bangladesh Civil Service as an important building block for incremental administrative reform. The programme aims at creating a critical mass of reform-minded civil servants who, through mutual support and pressure, at strategic and influential locations within the civil service, and through their own improved performance, willgenerate and demand administrative reformfrom inside the Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS).
Position held: Independent Consultant / Mission Member
Activities performed: As an Independent Consultant to DFID for the mid-term review of MATT2 project (Jan – Mar 2010).
As two members review committee for second annual review mission of DFID finance MATT2 project (Dec 2008 – Jan 2009).
Worked in a team with Prof Geof Wood of Bath University, England for the first Output to Purpose Review of MATT2 Project. MATT2 is a DFID funded GoB project consisting of 2 main activities: advisory to the Government Establishment Ministry on HR Development and Management and delivery of management development training through experiential learning (Dec 2007 – Jan 2008).
Year & duration: Jan 2009 - Apr 2009 (3.5 months)
Project: Study on Joint Cooperation Strategy funded by UNDP
Location: Bangladesh
Client: UNDP
Main project features: Joint Cooperation Strategy of Government of Bangladesh and Development Partners
Position held: Senior National Consultant
Activities performed: Study on the strategy of joint cooperation of Government of Bangladesh and Development Partners.
Year & duration: Nov 2008 – December 2008 (1.5 months)
Project: Maternal and Neonatal Health (MNH) Project
Location: Bangladesh
Main project features: Initiative to increase the survival of mothers and their newborns. Its mission was to provide technical assistance to increase access to, demand for, and use of life saving care for mothers and newborns.
Position held: Consultant
Activities performed: Review the output to Purpose Review of Maternal and Neonatal Health (MNH) project. Worked with a team as mission expert.
Year & duration: Nov 2006 - Jan 2007 (3 months) and Oct 2006 - Nov 2006 (2 months)
Project: Financial Management Reform Program Project funded by DFID, EU, CIDA and WB
Location: Bangladesh
Client: WB and DFID
Main project features: The efficiency of public financial management and government spending in Bangladesh; it seeks to set local accounting and audit practices in international perspective, assess and reduce prevailing variances, and develop a basis for continuous assessment. As part of a Review of Public Sector Accounting and Auditing Practices, diagnostic questionnaires incorporating international public sector accounting and auditing principles were used to collect data from the government budget and state-owned enterprise sectors.
Position held: Consultant / Mission Member
Activities performed: Worked in a team of DFID, EU, CIDA and WB experts for Identification of a follow up Programme in Financial Management Reforms (FMR) and Capacity Development in Bangladesh (Nov 2006 - Jan 2007).
Worked in a DFID Mission to make an assessment of the impact of past and on-going FMR in Bangladesh including capacity development efforts (Oct 2006 - Nov 2006).