Lesson Plan Day #6
Instructor:Nicole Rotondo
Title of the lesson: / Diálogos y el proyectoI. Preliminaries
Objective(s) of the lesson: / LWBBAT . . .write in Spanish using the grammatical components we have learned thus far in the unit.
MI world language standards served: / 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 3.2, 5.1, 5.2
Focus question: / Can I write in Spanish when talking about ordering in a restaurant?
Key vocabulary/concepts: / Restaurant scenes/phrases
Time required: / 80 minutes
Materials needed: / Green dialogue sheet, rubric, paper
II. The Lesson Itself*
Hook / Students get into groups of 3 to go over their green handout and get any fill-ins they may have missed.(I take attendance and check in their work).
How the lesson’s objec-tive(s) will be shared with the students: / I have an agenda on the board outlining what we will be doing today and what students should know how to do once they exit the classroom today.
Learning activities (step-by-step): / 1)As a class, students are assigned parts of the green dialogue handout. We read through as though reading a play script.
2)I explain their dialogue project and how they will be writing a dialogue like the one they just did.
3)Pass out rubric and put into already-assigned groups.
4)Students being collaborating in groups to write dialogues using vocab and grammar we have been discussing. They are planning props and assigning parts.
5)When written, students may go down to the lab to type up drafts.
Checking for understanding: / I will be handing back graded dialogues with corrections.
Guided practice/extension: / Completed dialogue rough drafts. Prep for presentation.
Summarizing what was learned (done by the students or the instructor): / I quickly write the main points that should be included in the dialogues on the board.