Registration Form
15th Glasgow (Eaglesham) Scout Group /
Section 1 - Member Details
forename / date of birth
surname / gender
known as / section
Home phone

Medical Information

This should include details of chronic illnesses, significant past medical history, long-term regular medications, drug and other allergies which leaders in charge should be aware of.

Special Dietary Needs

Other Information

Any other information which you feel leaders should be aware of.

Section 2 – Parent\Guardian Details
Please provide at least one email address and mobile number where possible. These will be used to convey important information about activities, camps and special events, etc. Late changes to arrangements may also be communicated in this way.
the email address and mobile number you specify should be functional and checked regularly
mother/guardian / father/guardian
known as
help i can offer
(Please tick all that apply) / c Occasionally at weekly meetings
c Weekend activities and camps
c Find out more about a regular leader/helper role
c Administration
c Fundraising
c Hall maintenance
c Specialist skills (please provide details)
c Useful contacts (please provide details) / c Occasionally at weekly meetings
c Weekend activities and camps
c Find out more about a regular leader/helper role
c Administration
c Fundraising
c Hall maintenance
c Specialist skills (please provide details)
c Useful contacts (please provide details)
Section 3 – Emergency Information
The information in this section will be used to pre-populate permission forms for activities where these are required, avoid the need for you to complete a form each time. The emergency contact should be someone other than yourselves who can be contacted in the event of an emergency.
emergency contact (other than Mun&Dad) / family doctor
name / name
relationship / address
Section 4 – Declaration
I give permission for my child, to participate in the activities of the 8th Clyde Scout Group. I authorise a leader to act on my behalf in an emergency if I cannot be contacted.
I give permission for photographs/video to be taken of my daughter in the course of Scouting activities and I consent to such material being used in Group publications including but not limited to newsletters, displays and promotional material.
signed / Parent/Guardian / date

15th Glasgow Scout Group – Serving Eaglesham & Waterfoot

Patron HM The Queen President HRH The Duke of Kent Founder Robert Baden-Powell OM Chief Scout Bear Grylls