/ D3.1 CREATIONS Demonstrators

D3.1.19 Science Talks

Project Reference: / H2020-SEAC-2014-2015/H2020-SEAC-2014-1, 665917 / Author: / Jorge Rivero, David Lee
Code: / D 3.1.19 / Contributors:
Version & Date: / 10/6/2016 / Approved by:

1. Introduction / Demonstrator’s Identity

1.1 Subject Domain

Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optics, Photonics

1.2 Type of Activity

Participative Colloquium with presentations and interactive discussion

1.3 Duration

120 – 150 minutes

1.4 Setting (formal / informal learning)

Formal or informal

  • University auditoriums
  • Lecture theatres
  • City Halls

1.5 Effective Learning Environment

Communication of scientific ideas to an audience. The concept is a combination of a series of

short, inspirational talks representing different areas of photonics applications to the students followed by a discussion where students can analyse, reflect and communicate ideas with their peers.

2. Rational of the Activity / Educational Approach

To create awareness among the students about the potential of photonics thereby encouraging them to consider Photonics as a career choice.

2.1 Challenge

To engage in a constructive dialogue between specialists in the field of optics and photonics and students;

To present the exciting research and career opportunities in optics and phonics;

To convince talented individuals to follow careers in optics and photonics.

2.2 Added Value

It is important to avoid technical talks. Visual aids can be useful in demonstrating:

  • Why is photonics interesting?
  • How does photonics impact society through what I do?
  • Potential of photonics for jobs
  • Passion for photonics as a career path
  • Economic impact of photonics
  • Alternative careers

3. Learning Objectives

To create awareness among the students about the potential of photonics thereby encouraging them to consider Photonics as a career choice.

3.1 Domain specific objectives

The session will contain a series of talks and interactive discussions with successful professionals representing different career options within photonics.

The session will focus on:

  • Exposing students to the potential of careers in Photonics
  • Revealing non-traditional career paths in Photonics
  • Uncover the ubiquity of Photonics across disciplines

3.2 General skills objectives

Extract most important ideas from a presentation

Reflect on applications of the photonics technologies presented on the subject of their studies

Enhance collaborative skills to work in groups

Improve communications skills to present conclusions to other students

4. Demonstrator’s characteristics and Needs of Students

4.1 Aim of the demonstrator

To present the various opportunities in optics and photonics for interesting and exciting careers for students. To present the fact that photonics technologies can be applied to many fields.

4.2 Student needs addressed

To link the career development opportunities in optics and photonics to the educational paths proposed in universities. To learn that photonics technologies could have important applications on the fields related to their studies and future careers.

5. Learning Activities & Effective Learning Environments

During lectures, in suitable auditoria, specialists present the latest research in the field of photonics.

The setting can be at schools, universities, private companies, etc.

Stimulating presentations, using the beauty of the research in photonics, as well as exciting opportunities for career development and innovation are presented using multi-media techniques (presentations, video, posters).

Ample time is allotted for extensive questions and answers.

CREATIONS has receivedfunding from the European Commission HORIZON2020 Programme / Page1of15
/ D3.1 CREATIONS Demonstrators
Science topic: Physics, Quantum electronics and optics, photonics
(Relevance to national curriculum)
Class information
Year Group: undergraduate, and graduate students in university
Age range: 18-27
Sex: both
Pupil Ability: university studies in science and engineering / Materials and Resources
Projector and computer to upload speakers’ audio-visual material
Microphones depending on the number of speakers
Recording Devices
Streaming facilities
Where will the learning take place?
University auditoriums, Lecture theatres, City Halls …
Health and Safety implications? none
Teacher support?
Prior pupil knowledge
university studies in science and engineering
Individual session project objectives (What do you want pupils to know and understand by the end of the lesson?)
Students will be introduced to wide variety of research and career challenges in optics and photonics:
  • Why is photonics interesting?
  • How does photonics impact society through what I do?
  • Potential of photonics for jobs
  • Passion for photonics as a career path
  • Economic impact of photonics
  • Alternative careers
  • Appreciation of the creativity in research, in particular in photonics
  • Use of different lighting techniques (incandescent, led etc) and impact on perception of colours

Recorded material of the event
Questionaires filled by the participants
A brief report on the overall response of the participants indicating the number of total participants, invited speakers, topics of the talk, highlights of the event etc. / Differentiation
Each session will be different, based on the local environment, the speakers invited, and the level of the students attending. / Key Concepts and Terminology
Optics, photonics, career choice and development
Science terminology:
Physics, optics, photonics, informatics, innovation
Arts terminology:
Creativity, light spectrum, colour, density
Session Objectives: To create awareness among the students about the potential of photonics thereby encouraging them to consider Photonics as a career choice
Learning activities in terms of CREATIONS Approach
IBSE Activity / Interaction with CREATIONs Features / Student / Teacher / Potential arts activity
Phase 1:
QUESTION: students investigate a scientifically oriented question / Students pose, select, or are given a scientifically oriented question to investigate. Balance and navigation through dialogueaids teachers and students in creatively navigating educational tensions, including between open and structured approaches to IBSE. Questions may arise through dialoguebetween students’ scientific knowledge and the scientific knowledge of professional scientists and science educators, or through dialoguewith different ways of knowledge inspired by interdisciplinarity and personal, embodied learning. Ethics and trusteeshipis an important consideration in experimental design and collaborative work, as well as in the initial choice of question. / Eg. Engage with teacher’s questions. Watch videos and use the web to explore evolution. / Eg. Will use challenging questions and the web (images, videos) to attract the students’ interest in ….
Phase 2:
EVIDENCE: students give priority to evidence / Students determine or are guided to evidence/data, which may come from individual, collaborative and communal activitysuch as practical work, or from sources such as data from professional scientific activity or from other contexts. Risk, immersion and play is crucial in empoweringpupils to generate, question and discuss evidence. / Eg. Student will be curious about potential of photonics from the presentation performed by teacher/researcher / Eg. Will use experience from its professional activity to show potential of photonics
Phase 3:
ANALYSE: students analyse evidence / Students analyse evidence, using dialoguewith each other and the teacher to support their developing understanding. / Eg. In different groups students analyse the information received / Eg. Teachers supervise the different groups and try to orientate the discussions
Phase 4:
EXPLAIN: students formulate an explanation based on evidence / Students use evidence they have generated and analysed to consider possibilities for explanations that are original to them. They use argumentation and dialogue to decide on the relative merits of the explanations they formulate, playing with ideas. / Eg. Students confront the information received with their scientific knowledge / Eg. Teachers supervise the different groups and try to orientate the discussions
Phase 5:
CONNECT: students connect explanations to scientific knowledge / Students connect their explanations with scientific knowledge, using different ways of thinking and knowing(‘knowing that’, ‘knowing how’, and ‘knowing this’) to relate their ideas to both disciplinary knowledge and to interdisciplinaryknowledge to understand the origin of their ideas and reflect on the strength of their evidence and explanations in relation to the original question. / .Eg. Students try to relate the information received with their prior knowledge on the fields they are studying / Eg. Teachers supervise the different groups and try to orientate the discussions
Phase 6:
COMMUNICATE: students communicate and justify explanation / Communication of possibilities, ideas and justifications through dialoguewith other students, with science educators, and with professional scientists offer students the chance to test their new thinking and experience and be immersed in a key part of the scientific process. Such communication is crucial to an ethical approach to working scientifically. / Eg. Students communicate their conclusions to the other groups and discuss their findings / Eg. Teachers moderate the discussions
Phase 7:
REFLECT: students reflect on the inquiry process and their learning / Individual, collaborative and community-based reflective activity for changeboth consolidates learning and enables students and teachers to balance educational tensions such as that between open-ended inquiry learning and the curriculum and assessment requirements of education. / Eg. Students reflect on the open questions that have been generated by the expositions of different groups / Eg. Teachers moderate the discussions
CREATIONS has receivedfunding from the European Commission HORIZON2020 Programme / Page1of15
/ D3.1 CREATIONS Demonstrators

6. Additional Information

7. Assessment

The main tool for recording assessments will be a questionnaire filled by the participants and recorded material of the event.

A brief report on the overall response of the participants indicating the number of total participants, invited speakers, topics of the talk, highlights of the event etc could be prepared with this information.

8. Possible Extension

A library of presentations for online viewing

Create a community of presenters in the field of photonics

Include career and entrepreneurial LIGHTTALKS in conferences and meetings

Propose LIGHTTALKS to science museums, and for public lectures at universities

9. References

CREATIONS has receivedfunding from the European Commission HORIZON2020 Programme / Page1of15