Swinderby Parish Council

Meeting held on Monday 4th January 2016

7.30pm in the village hall.


Present:- Chairman, Cllr Ketteringham. Vice Chairman Cllr Crozier.

Cllrs. Hodgson, Carter and Lloyd

Apologies for absence was received from Cllr Clark (personal)

Clerk/RFO Lesley Piper

LCC Councillor absent

NKDC Councillor absent.

Police –1

Public 0

“To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011, and consider any requests for dispensation in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.”

Already declared.

Cllr Carter, school governor, (personal interest)

Minutes of the last meeting

Agreed and signed without alteration.

Council received reports on the following

  1. Positioning and installation of the boundary posts on the High Street PlayArea. Decision not made as the estimate is not yet available. The village handyman (Charles Wright) and Cllr Ketteringham will meet sometime in early January to discuss. The estimate should be available for the February meeting.
  2. Cllr Crozier -Speed Safety signs. -The cheque has been sent to LRSP but no other information has been received from them.
  3. Cllr Crozier –costs and styles for the proposed village entrance signs were not available so no decision was made. David Morris has agreed to update and refresh his design for the signs, taken from a previous drawing completed by him. There will be no charge to the PC.
  4. Formulation of a Strategic Plan.- Cllr Lloyd will meet with Cllr Ketteringham to look in depth at his ideas and they will present their findings to the Parish Council at a future date. (no date was fixed or suggested for this presentation) this will hopefully form a “Long Term Action Plan” for the Parish Council.
  5. Cllr Crozier-new notice board outside village hall (£750)-decision to go ahead was made by council. Proposed Cllr Ketteringham, seconded Cllr Carter, unanimous.
  6. Cllr Crozier -highways matters.The street lights previously reported have not yet been repaired, potholes are regularly reported but some remain un- repaired.
  7. Cllr Clark -possible costs of the proposed War Memorial and a proposed donation from All Saints Church.In the absence of Cllr Clark this item was not discussed.
  8. Police/criminal activity in Swinderby Area

Report on crime/activity, within the area during the last month.

PCSO Sarah Lingard attended the meeting and gave a short verbal report.

Standing Orders

Council decided to put in a full review. Cllr Ketteringham and Cllr Lloyd will have a meeting (14th Jan ) and present their findings to a future meeting. No time scale was discussed. It was agreed that an Annual review should take place.

Grass Cutting Contract

Council received a full review of the contract from Cllr Lloyd.

It was decided to award the contract to Mr Charles Wright for a further 2 years subject to certain amendments/adjustments being made.

The redrafted contract/specifications will be presented to the February meeting by Cllr Lloyd for final agreement by the council.

Financial Matters.

Cheques s/o to be signed at this meeting

Village Hall £19.50

PAYE £7.59 (as per letter from HMRC)

Lesley Piper (s/o) £190

Select-equip notice board. £775

Lesley Piper (sundries) £53.01

LALC training £80

Anne Hood £45

LALC training £60

Planning applications


Erection of new stable block and tack room.

Oakhill Equestrian Centre, Eagle Road, Swinderby.

No comment or objection to make.


Erection of new pole/hay barn.

Oakhill Equestrian Centre, Eagle Road, Swinderby.

No comment or objection to make.


  1. Lincs Minerals and Waste Local Plan-discussed by councillors. Cllr Ketteringham will access the documents on-line and circulate his thoughts and opinion before the due date for comments to be made. Subject to other councillors comments the council will send a resume of these opinions to LCC.
  2. Electoral review of Lincolnshire: Draft recommendations. A similar approach to above. Councillors will look in-depth at the documents on-line between meetings.


Docs circulated

Matters that councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings.

No decisions to be made under this section but councillors may wish to use this to flag up issues they wish to be raised in the future.

Cllr Carter asked if the grit bin outside the school could be replaced at the Parish Council’s cost? (LCC Highways refuse to repair the damaged lid)

A verbal agreement was gained from all councillors and this will be a formal agenda item for February meeting and an order will be placed (if agreed)

Litter bin outside All Saints Church-possible replacement and re-siting to accommodate the site of the War Memorial. A verbal agreement was gained from all councillors and this will be a formal agenda item for February meeting and an order will be placed (if agreed)

Cllr Lloyd reported that a resident is driving and parking on the grass outside their property on Newton Close.

The next meeting/presentation from Produce World will be February 4th 2016 in the Village Hall.

Dates of the next meetings.

Monday Feb. 1st

Monday March 7th

AGM and meeting Monday April 4th

Annual Parish Meeting Monday May 23rd.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.35.