Lincoln Christian School Foundation Board of Director’s Meeting Minutes

September 12, 2014 at 6:45 a.m.

Lincoln Christian Elementary Media Center

The meeting was opened at 6:47 a.m. with prayer by Rod Zach.

Foundation Board Members Present: Alan Friesen, Barry Lockard, Don Magee, Scott Andrews, Bob Glenn, Keith Miles, and Tom Teckmeyer.

Also attending: Mark Wilson, Rod Zach, Susie Orduna, and Mark Powell

Not able to attend: Ed Osborn, Jason Dworak, Tom Teckmeyer, and Jim Fay

Meeting minutes from July 19, 2014 were approved with no changes. Bob Glenn moved and Scott Andrews seconded to approve the July minutes. Motion passed unanimously.

Superintendent’s Report

“Commit your works to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” Proverbs 16:3

1.  The elementary sewer became blocked on Monday, August 18. We were unable to use toilets, sinks, or drinking fountains. Plumbers from Greens came out and fished out 200 feet from the building, but were unable to find the blockage. Another crew was on site Tuesday to put in a cleanout farther down the line and find the blockage. At the time of this writing, the sewer is still blocked. We arranged for portable toilets and a washing stand to be place just outside of the pre-school doors. The older students utilized restrooms in the Secondary Building. We provided ice water for drinking in the classrooms with picnic coolers and paper cups. We also provided hand sanitizer for cleaning hands.

2.  Other than the sewer problem, the start of school has gone smoothly. It’s a great blessing to see the students come through the doors again. The new teachers and the veterans have all performed well, and we are thankful for them. We’ve prayed for God’s protection and provision, and trust that He will continue to bless His ministry here.

3.  We were pleasantly surprised by making the “Top 50 Christian Schools” list. We had not been contacted in any way by the organization naming the top schools. However, we did receive some excellent media attention, and we thank God for that. Margaret Reist, who wrote the LJS article regarding the top 50 list, contacted us for ACT scores, and she will write an article about comparative area ACT scores. That article will come out before the Board Meeting.

4.  Our Lincoln Christian staff has experienced several serious health challenges. Bruce Stahr either was bitten by a spider or received a scratch on the leg which resulted in a hospital stay, and multiple surgeries. Sue Malcom’s husband continues to fight cancer. Sam Nelson will be going back to Mayo Clinic soon as his tests indicate that his cancer may have returned. Annette’s mother has been in and out of the hospital. There may be others, but those are the ones that the Lord has called to mind right now. Please be in prayer for our staff and their families.

5.  We are enjoying the air conditioning and upgrade to the entrance, multipurpose room, and gym. Many people have commented positively on the improvements. We are in the last stages of completion, with a number of minor things to finish.

6.  The Leadership Team has been analyzing the drop in enrollment that took place over the spring and summer. It’s very hard to pin down a single factor. We have interviewed every family that left, and the reasons are varied. We have families moving, students wanting programs like show choir and auto mechanics that we don’t offer, some students not feeling accepted, some parents feeling that their gifted student can receive more special attention in public school, some parents home-schooling their kids, some issues about cost, and some athletic issues. We will continue to strive to market to our own people and to the community the value of our uniquely Christian education, and to raise the actual value of that education.

School Board Report

Keith Miles shared the new committee structure that the board approved. The two new committees are Spiritual Development and Technology. Jeff Matner came and gave board training in August. The board went through a SWOT analysis the past week. Keith reviewed the strategic plan goals with the Foundation Board.

Controller’s Financial Report

Susie Orduna gave both school and foundation financial reports. She stated on the school side tuition revenue looks favorable in relation to the school budget. On the Foundation side there are a number of outstanding invoices that will be received over the next two months in regards to this summer’s facility improvement projects.

Development Director Report

Development Update – 3 month

Fundraising directed to School’s General Fund

Actual 3 Mo Budget 12 Mo Budget

Family Education Grant 110,018 100,000

Pursuit of Excellence

Total 110,018 100,000 400,000

Auction (Nov) 0 0 75,000

Endowment (Sept) 0 0 25,000

Total as of July 31 2014 $110,018 $100,000 $500,000

Contributions: Designated fundraising update – 3 month through August 31, 2014

Outdoor Learning Area 75,000

Spiritual Development 70,000

Tennis 4,000

Facilities 2,500

Total Designated & Undesignated Contributions $151,500

FEG and Pursuit of Excellence Update

Currently the Lord has secured $250,000 in FEG pledges for the upcoming year and I’m waiting to hear back from a number of donors who have supported FEG in the past.

Endowment Update

The endowment balance as of September 10, 2014 was $723,053.

Group Donor Meeting Update

Individual donor meetings for the Capital Campaign began in June. The prayer is to secure the remaining $1.3 million ($2.5 goal) for facility refurbishments and then begin to tackle the $4 million dollar classroom addition. I’m working with 3 donors on making a significant contribution to this effort. Members of the Capital Campaign Committee include: Tim McEwen, Michele Steckelberg, Alan Friesen, Ed Osborn, Scott Louderback, and Mark Powell.

HVAC Update

Praise God for the new HVAC Systems and the improvements to the multipurpose room! Contractors are continuing to eliminate punch list items to finish the project.

Fall Crusader Newsletter

The Lincoln Christian Fall Crusader newsletter will be sent to donors, alumni, friends, families, and grandparents by September 15. The newsletter was completed and sent to the printer on Thursday, September 4.

Pursuit of Excellence

The Pursuit of Excellence will begin on Friday, October 10 and be completed on Friday, October 24. I’m working to secure a matching gift for this short term campaign. We will have a greater presence at the Alumni Tailgate and Grandparent’s Day with opportunities to give to the campaign. Please pray that God would bring donors that embrace the eternal value of investing in the next generation.

Grading Plan Update

We are now working with Shanahan Construction and Clark Enersen to begin grading and improvements for the area between the football field and The Flats Apartments. This looks like it will happen at no cost to the school other than landscape design expenses.

We have completed and surveyed the Outdoor Learning Area and will release bid documents by Monday, September 15. The bids will include the dredging, grading and additional drainage pipe for this area. The goal is to have this work completed sometime before winter.

Donor & Alumni Database

The donor and alumni database continues to grow with the addition of birthdates, emails, and cell phone numbers. Sue Chapin has completed about 67% of the data entry and this includes date of birth, cell number, middle initial, etc. The thought upon completion of the database is to target younger donors/alumni with monthly giving opportunities and older donors with lifetime and legacy gift opportunities early in the fall.

24th Annual Gala & Auction Update

The 24th Annual Lincoln Christian Gala & Auction will be held on Friday, November 21 at the University of Nebraska Innovation Campus Event Center. Mark your calendars and make sure to purchase a Corporate Sponsorship $2,500, Champions ($1500) or Friendship table ($750) for eight guests for this great evening.

All the praise and thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Bob Glenn shared about Monte Jones recent article in the Institute for Creation Research magazine. Monte recently graduated with honors from their Master’s program.

Other Business

Don Magee, Barry Lockard, Tom Teckmeyer, and Mark Wilson went on a tour of the school’s updated indoor and outdoor facilities.

Meeting was adjourned and closed in prayer at 7:41 a.m. by Jason Dworak

Next Foundation Board Meeting: Friday, November 14, at 6:45 a.m. in the Elementary Media Center.

For His School, Mark Powell, Secretary