Matrix to implement the JBI project

Tasks / ENNHRI Staff / Timeline / Comments
Prepare WG Chairs Meeting / Julie / By 30 January
AMWG Chairs Planning Meeting / Julie, Debbie, Lelia / On 31 January
Finalise deliverables of the AMWG Chairs meeting including a draft template and the Project thematic focus / Julie / By 3 February
Emailing to finalise group of participating members (Belgium, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Greece, Ukraine (+ Germany? + Spain?) / Julie / By 6 February
Define key features of final publication and liaise with Vertige to check feasibility of timing / Lelia, Julie / By 6 February
Send letter to Claude Moraes (LIBE) / Julie, Debbie, Lelia / By 6 February / Objective is to 1) introduce ENNHRI 2) introduce the project 3) test the idea of MEPs visiting detention places jointly with NHRIs
Set up meetings with Celine Chateau (Research Deptt), Olenka De Langhe (EPS), contact person Debbie (EPP), / Julie / By 6 February / Objective is to set up a meeting as to 1) introduce ENNHRI 2) introduce the project 3) test the idea of MEPs visiting detention places jointly with NHRIs
Dissemination of Final template for reporting through AMWG / last call to participation into the project for first round of reporting/ Call to members to identify and share contact of national MEPS to target with event / Julie / By 8 February
Set up a conference call with representatives of participating countries / Julie / Week of 13 February
List of MEPs and stakeholders invited to event / Julie, Lelia, Debbie, Nina / By 15 February
Book room and catering for event in EP / Julie, Lelia, Christos / Week of 20 February
Call for volunteers among participating members to host and assist in organizing joint visits of MEPs and NHRIs (if not dealt with on phone conference / Julie / On 17 February
Send reminder to participating members to fill in the template when conducting visits and send back to Secretariat / Julie / On 8 March
Final reminder to get all the templates back to Secretariat / Julie / Send on 30 March
Deadline on 7 April
Drafting ofFactsheet / Julie, Lelia / Week of 17 April
Consultation on draft Factsheet with participating members / Julie / Week of 24 April
Send invitations to MEPs and stakeholders for event
ECC validation of final draft Factsheet / Debbie, Julie / Week of 24 April
Sending final draft to Vertiges / By 8 May
Prepare communication pack for event at EP / Lelia
Prepare mailing list for sending publication / Julie, Lelia / By 15 May
Announce event in ENNHRI mailing / Week of 22 (or 29) May
Event in Parliament / Wednesday 21 June ??
First sending of publication to stakeholders at European level and GANHRI + ENNHRI mailing / Julie, Lelia / On 22 June
Second sending of publication to stakeholders at national level / Week of 17 July
Liaise with GANHRI to feed into their input to Global Compact process / From 31 July on
Identify stakeholders for recommendation follow up / Week of 7 august
Email to participating countries to launch second round of visits / Week of1 September
Design JBI Project evaluation form for participating members / By 12 September
Update email to group of MEPS participating to the Event in June / On the Week of 18 September
Side event on JBI project at Czech CoE Presidency Conference on Migration or Topic for speech from ENNHRI representative / 25-26 September, Prague/Strasbourg
Launch second round of monitoring / On 1 October 2017
Reminder by email to participating members + sending of evaluation form / On 2 November 2017
Collect data (call back all monitoring templates / From 1 December to 6 December
Collect evaluation forms answers / From 1 December to 6 December
Collate all templates + evaluations / On 4 December
Drafting final report / From 5 December
ECC validation of final report (or for information only)? / Last ECC?
Sending final report to JBI / By 10 January 2018