Independent Reading Menu

v  Complete your reading goal and one response activity each week. Be ready to show me your work each Friday during independent reading time.

v  Write your responses in the back of your Reader’s Notebook.

v  Put the response number and title of your book at the top of the paper.

Week One / Week Two / Week Three / Week Four
Reading Goal: / Reading Goal: / Reading Goal: / Reading Goal:
1.1 Draw a picture of the setting. Label at least 5 details. Also include a half page summary explaining the importance of the setting and details. / 2.1 Write a 1 page letter to a character and describe your similarities and differences. You may also comment on what you like or don’t about their actions and decisions. / 3.1 Select two key events from your story. Illustrate the event and include a 3-5 sentence caption explaining the significance of the event. / 4.1 Imagine you have an interview with a character or the author. Create 10 questions and write a transcript of the interview (questions and responses).
1.2 Create a list of 20 questions you have from the first few chapters. They can be questions about characters, setting, events, actions, etc. If you find answers, record them as well. / 2.2 Choose 3 characters from your novel. Create a profile and describe their physical appearances, importance to the story, and character traits. Each profile should be one paragraph. / 3.2 Create a timeline of 5 events.
Include a symbol and three sentence summary for each event. / 4.2 Write an alternative ending to your novel (at least 1 page)
In a separate paragraph, describe how your ending compares to the author’s ending.
1.3 Create a mind map to represent what you’ve learned in the first few chapters. Include: title in the middle, and create spokes for characters, events, and setting with words and pictures. / 2.3 Choose a situation in the story and create a comic strip (at least 6 panels) to depict the event and how the character reacted. In addition, write a paragraph that evaluates the character’s reactions/decisions, were they good or bad? Why? / 3.3 Write a 1 page news article reporting on a key event from your novel. Be sure to include a title and answer the 5 Ws + H (who, what, where, when, why, how) / 4.3 Write a 1 page reflection about how the book affected you.
-Happiest/saddest moment
-surprising/disappointing moment
-what you will remember most