The Annual General Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council was held in the Millennium Hall on Monday 17 May 2010 at 7.30 p.m.
Present:Cllrs Andrews, Beattie, Bridgwood, Callingham, Cutler, Deeley, Parrott,
Robinson, Trevor, and Welburn
Also present:I parishioner.
Apologies:Cllr Jones
Attendances for the year: 12 Callingham. 11 Beattie, Cutler, Deeley, Jones & Pearson. 10 Robinson & Wright. 8 Rowan & Trevor. 7 Welburn. 6 Cropley & Hutchinson. 5 Andrews 4 Parrott. CountyCllr Fleetwood 4, Police 3, Youth Representative 5.
Cllr Callingham welcomed Cllr Bridgwood, who hadpreviously been a youth representative, to the full Council.
It was proposed, seconded and agreed that Cllr Callingham be elected. He took the Chair and signed a declaration of office form.
It was proposed, seconded and agreed that Cllr Robinson be elected.
There were none given.
2010/48 MINUTES
It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 19 April be confirmed and signed as a true record.
Minute 2010/37item 1 – question as to steep increase in salaries – this was down to NI, pensions etc being included in the total figure, a breakdown will be presented to Councillors as per new standing orders.
Item 2 – No reply received from PCSO Parker regarding parking outside 6 Rudgard Ave. The disabled crossing is being impeded. The Clerk to contact her again.
Item 3 – Request made that reasons for apologies be noted - this will also be dealt with under the new standing orders.
The following items were on the table for members to look at:
a.Langworth Local and Sudbrooke News
b.Lincolnshire Fieldpaths Association newsletter
c.Brochures and costs for bus shelters. Working party set up to return to June
meeting with recommendations. Agenda item. Recommended that CW &
Reepham clerks consult to see if any savings can be made on bulk buying but
CW preference is for 3 bays with sides. WP = Cllrs Beattie, Cutler, Parrott,
Trevor. (Requires pre-meet, site visit and determination meet).
d.Clerks & Councils Direct publication
e.Copies of TPO decision notices for 7 Waterford Lane
f.Kompen play equipment brochure
g.Wright-Vigar – charities bulletin and seminar
h.HM Revenue & Customs Employer Buletin
i.CE Electric – Community Update
j.District & Parliament election results
k.Notice of Annual Meeting of WLDC – 24th May 7pm agenda & minutes
l. Police report - has been circulate
1.TNG – Community Task Force working with WLDC. Giving work experience
to unemployed 18 – 24 year olds. Would like to hear of any community projects that
can offer voluntary placements. Cll Welburn to invite to speak at June PC
2.Resident of Fern Grove wanting the post master to be asked to cut his hedge. Clerk to
write to Royal Mail.
3.A resident of Lady Meers Road had written hoping that the bottom of Lady Meers
Road would be opened soon and they asked about a pathway to link it to the Fiskerton
Road footpath. Taylor Lindsey had confirmed they would not open the road for quite
some time. WLDC were looking into this and the resident was to be informed.
4.Details from WLDC regarding post election matters – Code of conduct, declaration of acceptance of office, register of interest, training etc were discussed and were to be
discussed further at the June meeting...
5.It was noted that WLDC were holding a code of conduct – training/awareness seminar
on 19 July. The importance of attendance was stressed to all Councillors but it would
mean the July council meeting would need to be changed. Agenda item for June.
6.An LCC update on the footpath to the river application was noted. Further enquiries
were to be made to users who provided initial statements.
7.A thank you card from Val Wright for her flowers and voucher plus list of items
was read. Cllrs Trevor and Welburn were to replace Cllr Wright on the Playing Field notice board and the sign would need to be changed. Cllr Callingham would have the Millennium Hall key and the window cleaner was to be asked to put his bill through the Millennium Hall door.
8.A Mr Sanghi had been in touch wanting to speak to the Council about his possible
plans for setting up a dentalpractice in Cherry Willingham. He was interested in several villages and had no premises in mind as yet. He was to be invited to speak at the June meeting.
9.Cllr Cutler was to be the Reepham & Cherry Village Hall representative.
10.It was noted that there had been an extension of the consultation period for the WLDC
Flood Risk Management scheme and Cllr Welburn was to assess it as she had a
meeting arranged with Tony Adams.
11.It was noted the work on Hawthorn Road to upgrade the footway to a cycleway was due to start on 26 July and could last for 12 weeks.
12.Watering of the trees on the Lady Meers pond project was discussed. Cllr Trevor agreed to water them and Cllr Jones was to be reimbursed for the water used.
- An email from S. Rowan regarding the re-naming of Rennies Pharmacy to Co-op was noted.
2010/51 FINANCE
Balance at 17 May £52,475 (£8,425 only to be spent on capital projects) and £19,030 for the Lady Meers Pond area. Total £71,505
Accounts paid during the month
Uniworld Communications – monthly phone line rental 15.83
Multidata broadband – monthly broadband charge 23.21
Eon – Hall electricity 23.00
Accounts to be paid
Staff salaries and costs plus expenses1796.91
Councillors expenses 3.50
Lincolnshire Fieldpaths Association – annual membership 5.00
Zurich Insurance PLC – annual insurance1295.70
Anglian Water Millennium Hall water 28.83
Veolia ES (UK) Ltd – monthly bill plus football pitch roll 580.03
Petty Cash 30.00
It was resolved that the accounts be paid. The Receipts and Payments book was available for members to look at.
Payments in
Hall rentals - 5 users 171.00
Draper memorials – headstone fee 38.00
CW News advertisers 196.00
Total 405.00
The end of year accounts and bank reconciliation statement had been circulated and the Annual Governance Statement was completed and signed at the meeting. It was proposed Cllr Trevor, seconded Cllr Deeley and agreed that these items be accepted.
2010/52 PLANNING
During the month the committee considered 2 applications
125741 – a single storey side extension to 66 Fern Grove. No objections
125232 – amended plans for double garage in front garden of 1 Elm Ave. Committee said original objections to size & position still stood.
Planning permissions
125328 – 7 Croft Lane.
Resolved to accept the decisions of the Planning Committee.
Terms of reference of committees will be added to The Standing Orders
Employment Committee
Cllrs Callingham, Robinson, Trevor, Welburn and 1 new member
To discuss terms of reference and bring to the June meeting.
Finance & General Purposes Committee
Cllrs Callingham, Bridgwood, Cutler, Jones, Robinson, Welburn and 1 new member
To discuss terms of reference and bring to the June meeting.
Planning Committee
Cllrs Andrews, Beattie, Parrott, Trevor and 2 new members
To discuss terms of reference and bring to the June meeting.
Playing Field Working Party
Cllrs Andrews, Bridgwood, Callingham, Deeley, Robinson, and Trevor plus 1 new member
Cheque Signatories
Cllrs Beattie, Callingham, Deeley, Jones, and Robinson
Burial GroundWorking Party
Cllrs Beattie, Trevor & 1 new member
Christmas Event/Tree LightingWorking Party
Cllrs Cutler, Deeley, Jones, Robinson and Trevor
CW News Editorial StaffWorking Party
Cllr Deeley – Editor and Mr S Rowan – Sub Editor
Youth ClubCommittee representatives
Cllrs Bridgwood and Trevor
Ellis CharityTrustees
Cllrs Trevor and 1 new member
Footways and HighwaysWorking Party
Cllrs Beattie, Cutler and Welburn
Village Hall Representative
Cllr Cutler
Website Organiser
Cllr Welburn
It was resolved that the above members be elected into the positions stated.
A report on a committee meeting held with Noel Robinson on 13 May was circulated and discussed. It was agreed that the Parish Council does not accept the comments from Mr A Brown that the problem on Fiskerton road near the quarry can be dealt with when the by-pass is constructed. Agreed that a letter be sent to Highways to reflect the Council opinions.
New item. The hedge at 24 Larkin Avewas overgrown and covering the footpath, this was a common problem in the village and it was agreed that an item would be inserted in CW News asking residents to cut their hedges back to the boundaries of their properties.
Cllr Andrews remarked on articles in the CW News not pertaining to Cherry Willingham. Resolved to only publish items with relevance to the village unless a contribution was paid and Cllr Deeley was to review the policy.
Cllr Deeley reported receipt of an email regarding the new composting site at Fiskerton. This was reported to the Parish Council at the April meeting. Concern was shown over the potential numbers of lorries involved but the official figure was seven per week as the site was only designed for local green waste. Cllr Parrott to investigate and report back so that a reply could be formulated.
Cllr Bridgwood reported that residents were organising a petition to ask Stagecoach to run a limited Sunday Service.
Cllr Callingham reported that the computer was unworkable. Cllr Deeley would assess the problem and was sanctioned a limit of £150 to spend.
Above proposed by Cllr Cutler and seconded by Cllr Trevor
It was proposed Cllr Deeley, seconded Cllr Parrott and agreed that Cllr Callingham would
reply to the letter as per advice from the LALC. 6 for 1 against, 3 abstentions.
Proposed by Cllr Beattie and seconded by Cllr Trevor and agreed that the meeting be accepted as a true record.
Matters arising
Minute 4/5/2010/4 -a letter had been sent to theClerk with reference to her request for a change of role and a response had been received. Further advice has been taken from LALC and a reply would be sent in due course. Proposed Cllr Callingham, seconded Cllr Robinson and agreed.
The Chair and Vice-chair were given a mandate to act in accordance with all recommendation from LALC. Proposed Cllr Cutler, seconded Cllr Deeley and agreed – 8 for and 2 abstentions.
Minute 4/5/2010/s Findings 2-6 Standing Orders to be reviewed for June meeting and the PC would need to buy part 1 at a cost of £30. Proposed Cllr Trevor, seconded Cllr Cutler and agreed.
Minute 4/5/2010/5 Finding 10 Recommendation from LALC that John Walton was qualified to carry out this work. Cost would be £25/hr and time would be approx 3-4hrs. Cllr Callingham asked to set a date in July for a work study. Cllr Robinson proposed that the Council make contact now and book a date, seconded Cllr Welburn and agreed.
There were four vacancies on the Council. Applications were read out, a vote was taken and K Bolland, K Kalchev, M Mason and M Thain were duly co-opted.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 11.05pm.
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