Huck Finn Character Journal Rubric
Demonstrate Understanding(20 points) / Creativity and Perspective(20 points) / Vocabulary
(10 points) / Attention to Detail
(10 points)
Journal entries reflect major events in narrative and accurate details; superiorattention to detail (20) / Entries in the journal are creative;specific quotes show the chosen character’s unique perspective; pictures and other creative methods are used for entries; great thought and planning is clear (20) / Journal creatively and accurately uses 5+ vocabulary terms from each chapter (10) / Character Journal is carefully put together, has clear attention to detail, journal entries from every chapter. Shows great effort and is a exemplary project (10)
Journal entries reflect events in the narrative, mostly accurate details;good attention to detail (15) / Entries in the journal are mostly creative; includes quotes from novel, and show the chosen character’s unique perspective; pictures and other creative methods are mostly used for entries; journal is mostly original; good thought and planning is clear(15) / Journal mostly uses approximately 2 vocab words from each chapter accurately (7) / Character Journal is mostly carefully put together, journal entries from most chapters, has attention to detail, shows good effort and is a proficient project (7)
Journal entries reflect some events in the narrative, and some details;some attention to detail (10) / Entries in the journal are somewhat creative; few quotes, and somewhat shows the chosen character’s perspective; pictures and other creative methods are somewhat used for entries; journal is not original; moderate thought and planning is evident (10) / Journal somewhat creatively and accurately uses some vocabulary from the book (5) / Character Journal is somewhat carefully put together, has some attention to detail, entries from 50% of the chapters, shows some effort and is a needs improvement project (5)
Journal entries poorly reflect major events in the narrative, few details;poor attention to detail (5) / Entries in the journal are not creative; no quotes; character’s unique perspective poorly shown; little thought and planning is evident (5/0) / Journal does not accurately use new vocabulary from the book, or does not include anyof the new vocabulary (3, 0) / Character Journal is poorly put together, entries reflective of less than 50% of the book, has poor attention to detail, shows little effort and is a poor (warning) project (3)
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