Spring Term Thursday 5th January 2017 - Friday 31st March 2017
Half Term Closed Monday 13th February – Friday 17th February 2017
Dear Parents and Carers,
Happy New Year!
A warm welcome to our new children and their families joining Harlequin this term.
Harlequin hope you have all had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year!
Staff would like to say thank you again for all the Christmas gifts and wonderful cards/messages received.
The children enjoyed their Christmas Party and it was lovely to see parents/carers joining us after for Harlequin Christmas songs. Well done to the children who all worked really hard learning the
Next week all diaries that have been returned will be replaced with a more cost effective communication booklet, please ensure on every session attended this booklet is placed in the designated box in the entrance hallway for your child’s key person.
Show & Tell
If your child is bringing in a show and tell item please make sure it is placed in their supplied show & tell bag, this helps eliminate the possibility of children mistakenly taking home the wrong show and tell (replacement bags are available to purchase at the cost of £1).
In the event of extreme weather conditions we aim to send an email/text via parent mail as soon as possible with regard to any closure, please make sure your contact details are up to date on your parent mail account. You may also wish to check the following:
Facebook: Harlequin Montessori Nursery
The Billericay School Website: www.billericay.essex.sch.uk/
Please note if The Billericay School is closed Harlequin Nursery will also be closed
Spring Term 2017 Snacks
AM SNACK / PM SNACKMONDAY / Toast/Dairy Free Spread / Apples
TUESDAY / Cucumber Sticks / Melba Toast
WEDNESDAY / Apples / Breadsticks/Raisins
THURSDAY / Rice Cakes / Cucumber Sticks
FRIDAY / Breadsticks/Raisins / Apples
Semi-Skimmed Milk or Water to drink
May we remind Billericay parents once again cars should not be brought through the gates into the school grounds except for emergencies e.g. sleeping baby in the car. If you have to enter the school grounds with your vehicle please make sure you are in a designated parking space not blocking in any cars or causing an obstruction, even if you are only going to be a few minutes. The car park is monitored and we accept no responsibility for any action taken against offending vehicles. There is plenty of parking outside in School Road and Roman Way where parking restrictions are not in force at normal dropping off and picking up times.
Choking Risk
To help eliminate the potential risk of choking please ensure all grapes, cherry tomatoes, & olives are cut in half before adding to your child’s lunch box.
Please be aware that we have children in nursery with nut allergies and kindly ask that you do not include in your child’s packed lunch peanut butter, pesto sauce or food products that contain nuts on some occasions even the smell of nuts can cause a severe reaction.
Child Absence
Please notify the nursery if you child is going to be absent for any reason there is an option on your parent mail account to report absences alternatively contact 01277 633223.
Child Illness
If your child has been unwell we have a policy on how soon a child is allowed to return to Nursery after illness. In the case of a high temperature (38 degrees C or above) or sickness/diarrhoea, these conditions must have been clear for a minimum of 48hours before your child can return. If you have given your child Calpol or other pain-relief medication, we will also be unable to accept your child at Nursery that day. Please ensure your child has recovered fully to help minimise the spread of any childhood illnesses.
· Please remember to keep your contact details/addresses/email address up to date on your parent mail account.
· Please remember to label all items of clothing and shoes including underwear where possible also clearly label lunch boxes and containers.
· Harlequin advise you not to allow your children to wear jewellery in case of loss, damage or injury
· Staff would be grateful if show and tell items could be related to the current topic, letter or number of the week and is in your child’s show and tell bag.
· All children attending nursery require a spare change of clothes in their bag.
· We encourage children to gain the skills that help them to be independent and look after themselves. Jogging bottoms are easy for children to manage and will help them with their independency when using the toilet. Please avoid button or zip fastened trousers and tight leggings.
· In the interest of safety please do not send your child to Nursery wearing flip flops, crocs or lace up footwear.
As always we run an open door policy. If you would like to have a chat with your child’s key person or our Nursery Manager regarding an issue relating to your child please ask a member of staff to make an appointment for you.