Invitation to Tender to Document the Review of the Theory of Change of Amashiga Program, CRS Burundi Development Food Assistance Program, funded by FFP/USAID
Catholic Relief Services-United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (CRS), acting through its office in the Republic of Burundi located at Avenue Muyinga No. 9, Rohero I, Bujumbura invites qualified consultants to submit offers documentfor theTheory of Change (ToC) Review of a large, five-year Development Food Assistance Program, entitled “AMASHIGA”, funded by USAID Food For Peace (FFP).The program started on September 26, 2014, and the review of the ToCis scheduled for November 2017.
The ToC review process will gather project staff members and other stakeholders, spanning from higher level management to lowest field level staff, to review pathways from all outputs of project interventions through intermediate outcomes to the ultimate goal. The ToC review process will also consider the performance against targets to identify outputs and outcomes for which indicators are significantly under or over targets. The review process will be participative.
AMASHIGA is being implemented in Muyinga province in the north-eastern corner of Burundi. The goal of the program is,“Sustainable, nationally replicable improvement in child nutrition achieved in Muyinga”. There are 3 Purposes; 1) Chronic Malnutrition in children under 5 years is reduced(Ministry of Health service delivery, community empowerment, and food distribution to PLWs), 2) HH have continuous access to adequate nutritious food in Muyinga(increasedagricultural production, reduced post-harvest losses, environmental protection through FFW, and access to credit), and 3) Decentralized government structures, civil society and private sector strengthen and implement effective and equitable nutrition strategies(capacity building, DRR and EWS, policy improvement and implementation, and documentation of lessons learnt). There is also a cross-cutting sub-purpose, “HHs and communities adopt gender-equitable decision making practices”, focusing on improved gender relations and communication.
The project staff will review the TOC, and the consultant will observe, document in detail, analyze, and evaluate the review process, and submit a critical report.
The consultant will be a fully qualified evaluator, with a significant formal education in program evaluation, anthropology, applied research, organizational development, sociology, or organizational change, at a post-graduate or via professional continuing-education. Experience in developmental evaluation highly preferred. S/he must be fluent in speaking and understanding spoken French (native speaker preferred) and fluent in spoken and written English.
Separate from a resume or CV, applicants must document her/his:
- Practical experience evaluating processes using qualitative methods
- Strengths in participative methods
- Experience with the development and application of logic models (especially Theories of Change) in evaluation
- Experience or training in developmental evaluation processes
Duration: 20-30 days
Composition of Tenders
- Technical offer that must include:
- CV or resume of experience
- Description of specific experience and strengths requested above
- Financial offer:
- With sufficient detail on honorariums, and other costs to facilitate a thorough review of the offer.
- The tender must be presented in English.
Submission Requirements
- The complete tender, in English, will be sent to CRS Head Office, to the Attention of CRS Burundi Country Representative
- Tenders can be presented:
- By email attached files to the following address:ith the reference"Confidential - Offer for the Documentation of the Review of AMASHIGA Program ToC”in the subject line of the message.
- The deadline for submission of tenders is Friday, October 6th, 2017 at 12:00 PM(GMT+2H).
- Only bidders who are short-listed will be contacted.
This tender is open on equal terms to any legal person or entity having the required technical and financial capacities.
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