Application for Corporate Membership

Having read the Conditions of Membership accompanying this application form, we wish to apply for Corporate Membership of the BVRLA.

Business Details
Registered business name
t/a name
(if applicable) / t/a name
Head office address
Postcode / Main telephone
General email
Registered company no / FCA authorisation no (if applicable)
Data Protection registration no (ICO) / Do you rent/lease vehicles from this location? / Yes/No
Location where maintenance records for vehicles over 3.5 tonnes are held (Head Office or branch if applicable)
Contact Details
Managing Director:
Forename / Surname
Direct email / Direct telephone
Main contact for BVRLA (a representative from your organisation)
Forename / Surname
Direct email / Direct telephone
Position held
Fleet Details
Leasing Fleet / Cars
(inc MPVs) / Minibuses
(9+ seats) / LCVs
(up to 3.5 tonnes) / CVs
(above 3.5 tonnes) / Semi-trailers / Motor Homes / Other
Contract Hire
Contract Purchase
Fleet Management
Finance Lease
Personal Contract Hire
Personal Contract Purchase
Employee Car Ownership Scheme
Rental Fleet / Cars
(inc MPVs) / Minibuses
(9+ seats) / LCVs
(up to 3.5 tonnes) / CVs
(above 3.5 tonnes) / Semi-trailers / Motor Homes / Other
Short Term Rental
Car Club
Credit Hire

We would also like to know about your electric vehicle fleet. Please indicate the combined number of pure EV and plug-in hybrid vehicles owned and fleet managed. These will be vehicles you have already outlined in the main count.

(inc MPVs) / Minibuses
(9+ seats) / LCVs
(up to 3.5 tonnes) / CVs
(above 3.5 tonnes) / Semi-trailers / Motor Homes / Other
Pure EV, Plug-in Hybrid and Range Extenders
All applicants must have two referees. The applicant should supply references of organisations that interact with their business e.g. rental/leasing company, leasing broker, manufacturer. Another BVRLA member would be ideal. Please refrain from including your bank as a reference.
Contact name / Contact name
Company / Company
Address / Address
Email(s) / Email(s)
Telephone / Telephone

We confirm that the information given in this application form refers accurately to our business activities and understand that such information, together with sample documents submitted, will be treated in complete confidence by the BVRLA.

We understand that the subscription due is based on the maximum number of vehicles which it is anticipated that we will own or control at all of our locations during the next 12 months.

We confirm that we will abide by the conditions of membership of the BVRLA, the BVRLA Broker Code of Conduct and applicable inspection.

Signature / Name (print)
Position / Date
Subscription Rates
Group / Fleet Size / Subscription
1 / 1-10 / £305.00
2 / 11-100 / £515.00
3 / 101-250 / £780.00
4 / 251-500 / £915.00
5 / 501-1000 / £1,110.00
6 / 1001-1500 / £1,490.00
7 / 1501-2500 / £1,880.00
8 / 2501-5000 / £2,515.00
8 / 5001-7500 / £3,305.00
10 / 7501-10000 / £4,360.00
Additional Membership Information
Please list the names, titles and contact details of all senior management within your company. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.
Name / Title
Tel / Email
Name / Title
Tel / Email
Name / Title
Tel / Email
Name / Title
Tel / Email
Name / Title
Tel / Email

Please tell me more about...

Please tick the boxes below if you would like to receive more information about our services, products and publications. To help us further, please fill in the name, telephone number and email address of the person(s) we should be contacting regarding that service.

☐Seminars & training

Name / Title
Tel / Email
Name / Title
Tel / Email

☐BVRLA events

Our Annual Dinner, Industry

Conference, Golf Day and

Name / Title
Tel / Email
Name / Title
Tel / Email

forums on residual value

& remarketing, service,

maintenance & repair

The BVRLA likes to keep the staff of its member companies fully informed on the latest industry news, events, training and research so that we can deliver value to its members. Please tick here to confirm that the association has your permission to email your members of staff. All BVRLA emails can be unsubscribed from at any time.

Please note: If the BVRLA accepts this application, your business will be subject to an inspection. You will be responsible for the costs of this inspection, which will be £170 + VAT. Your application and supporting documentation will be reviewed by the BVRLA to determine BVRLA membership.

Conditions of Corporatemembership

1.Only companies engaged in the business of acting as a rental, leasing or fleet management of motor vehicles are eligible for Corporate membership. Applications should be made on this form and should be supported by evidence as requested by the association. The minimum standards are those laid down by the association in the Code of Conduct as published from time to time. If any application for membership is declined the association is not obliged to discuss the reason.

2.Applicants must make such vehicles generally available to individual consumers and/or corporate users under rental, leasing or similar agreements, or provide fleet management services, which must include the provision of maintenance services.

3.Applicants undertake to comply fully with the BVRLA’s Code of Conduct, including the individual testing of vehicles and the inspection of locations and vehicle records in accordance with the BVRLA’s Quality Assurance Scheme and Conciliation Service.

4.Applicants must state if they are a subsidiary or holding company (as defined in Section 736 & 736A of the Companies Act 2006) and name any companies with which they are associated in this way.

5.All applicants must nominate in writing someone who can exercise the rights of membership on its behalf. Any change in nomination should be notified to the association in writing.

6.An unincorporated body shall, as soon as possible, notify the association of any change in its principals.

7. BVRLA membership Cancellation Policy

Should you wish to cancel your membership of the BVRLA then you must provide written notice of cancellation to the BVRLA’s registered office. Your cancellation request will only be processed upon receipt. Cancellation of your subscription will not remove your responsibility to pay for any outstanding membership fees and products or services you may have requested, and no refund will be made for any fees paid.

If you are three months or more in arrears of payment of joining fees, entrance fees or membership subscription, then you may not exercise your rights to cancel, or in any way benefit as a member and you will not be exempt from liabilities in accordance with our Articles of Association.

Members who do not wish to renew their subscription must ensure that written notice of cancellation is provided at least three months prior to the expiry date of their subscription.

No member shall be entitled to the privileges or the services of the association if their subscription is more than one month overdue.

If a member of the BVRLA goes into administration/bankruptcy, their membership will be terminated automatically.

Membership of the BVRLA cannot be transferred without the written permission of the BVRLA.

8.At general meetings of the association every corporate member has one vote on a show of hands, but if a poll is required voting rights are as follows:

Groups 1 to 3 1 vote Groups 10 and 11 4 votes

Groups 4 to 6 2 votes Groups 12 and above 5 votes

Groups 7 to 9 3 votes

* Where companies are associated (as defined in 4 above), no group of members may have more than five votes.

* Votes by proxy are not permitted.

* The full requirements of membership are detailed in the association’s Memorandum & Articles, which can be seen (and from which extracts may be taken) at the association’s registered office.

9. Members undertake to complete and return statistical questionnaires and participate in the BVRLA’s data collection initiatives, as appropriate, on the understanding that they will be treated in complete confidence by the executive and/or its appointed agencies.

10. Members should display the association’s logo at their premises and on their company stationery and website. By doing so, customers will be able to identify easily those companies committed to upholding the BVRLA Code of Conduct.

11. Members should be aware that their details may be entered into a directory published by the association. Any members not wishing to be included in such a listing should indicate so by not ticking the box below.

I agree for my company details to be published by the BVRLA.

12. Members must adhere to the Code of Practice for the Disposal of Motor Vehicle Salvage, which incorporates the statutory obligation for registered keepers to notify the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency of vehicles that have sustained substantial damage (defined as when the cost of repair exceeds the pre-accident value of the vehicle), and which gives guidance for self-insured members on the steps that should be taken in the treatment of salvage and recovered vehicles.

13.Members must monitor the training requirements of their staff and provide induction training for all staff during the first 12 months of their employment. In addition, members must monitor and record the quality of their staff training and produce these records to the BVRLA upon reasonable request. Staff should be trained to a standard at least as high as that provided by the BVRLA’s accredited training programmes, details of which are available on the BVRLA website.

14. Members will refer unresolved disputes to the BVRLA Conciliation Service and make it clear in their complaints procedure that unresolved disputes can be referred to the BVRLA. Members will assist with the investigation of complaints and are bound by the decision reached by the Conciliation Service. Membership entitles you to have free access to our conciliation service, but this is subject to a fair-usage policy. Members exceeding our fair-usage policy will be charged for each complaint handled. Please contact the BVRLA for further details.

15. Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct and conditions of membership may render members liable to expulsion from the association.

16.All membership applications must be accompanied with a signed direct debit mandate, authorising us to collect your annual membership subscription. Your initial membership fee upon joining the BVRLA will be calculated on a pro-rated basis within 21 days of us receiving your application. Total annual membership fees will be collected in January each year; we will advise you of the amount to be collected by emailing our invoice before your subscription commences.

Please enclose the following relevant documentation to support your application

Daily Rental Leasing, Contract Hire, etc

1. Rental agreement and Terms & Conditions 1. Standard contract hire agreement 2

2. Pre-rental safety checklist2. Standard contract purchase agreement2

3. Copy of rental motor insurance certificate3. Standard fleet management agreement2

4. Public liability insurance 4. Completed and signed Direct Debit Mandate1

5. Completed and signed Direct Debit Mandate 15. Other literature - e.g. brochures, sales material

6. Copy of complaints procedure 6. Insurance Policy

7. Data Protection Registration (ICO)

1 This must be an original, not photocopied or emailed.

2 Only include for products you offer.

Your completed application form should be returned to:

Greg Theaker, BVRLA, River Lodge, Badminton Court, Amersham, Bucks, HP7 0DD

All queries concerning this form and BVRLA membership should be directed to Greg Theaker, Membership Manager:

Tel: 01494 545705Fax: 01494 434499Email:

BVRLA, River Lodge, Badminton Court, Amersham, Bucks, HP7 0DD

tel 01494 545720 fax 01494 724563 email
