SUMMONS to a meeting of EARBY TOWN COUNCIL to be held on Monday 30th January 2017 at 7.00pm in The Parish Rooms, Victoria Road, EARBY



The Chairman,Cllr. Tennant welcomes all to the meeting at 7.00pm.

2.Attendance, Apologies and Non Attendance

To record accept or otherwise, attendance, apologises for absence and non-attendance.

Attending Cllrs:

Apologies from Cllrs:

Absent Cllrs:

3.Declarations of Interest/s

Members are reminded of the legal requirements concerning the declaration of interests.

A Member must declare a pecuniary interest which he/she has in any item on the


A Member with a pecuniary interest in any item may not participate in any

discussion of the matter at the meeting and must not participate in any vote taken on the

matter at the meeting.

In addition it is suggested that a Member with a pecuniary interest leave the room where the meeting is held while any discussion or voting takesplace.

At this point in proceedings the latest management accounts will be presented to council. These have been prepared as per council’s standing orders.

Proposed: Council to receive, discuss and approve the Councils Management Accounts to the 31st October 2016.

4. Public discussion

Members of the public present to be offered the opportunity to address council on any relevant subject not already on the agenda.

Usual maximum time allotted 15 minutes.

Any questions for council to be sent via post or email to the clerk a week before the meeting.

5. Friday Surgery

Cllr Cocker to bring to Councils attention items of special note from the report from the Friday Surgeries.The report having previously been issued to councillors.

6. Police business

To report on any issues of concern and forward selected ones to the local West Craven Police Team.

7. Planning: to consider and comment on the following:


Town and Country Planning Act 1990


PROPOSAL: Full: Change of use of dwelling house to dwelling house and private hire booking office for airport transfers and school runs only.

AT: 8 Kenilworth Drive Earby Barnoldswick

FOR: Mr Lee Atkinson

CONSULTATION Deadline: Please send me your comments by: 14th February 2017

Delegated List

The latest list has been circulatedby the clerk to all councillorsvia email.

Council will discuss items pertinent to Earby and the clerk to be notified should a councillor wish to highlight a decision for such discussion.

If none the list will be deemed to be accepted.


To accept and approve as an accurate representation the minutes of the previous council meeting held on Monday 09th January 2017.

9. Update of ongoing issues from previous minutes

Verbal update from clerk and councillors on any matters from the above.

10.Reports from meetings with other organisations

To receive for information purposes verbal or written reports from councillors or clerk on any such meetings they have attended.

These should be notified to the clerk in advance of the agenda so that they can be listed; in the case of written reports, in order that they can be circulated to councillors prior to the meeting.


To consider approve or otherwise the following:


Bills presented for payment:

Cheque / Payee / Details / Amount £ + VAT / Budget & VAT
D/D / Xln business services / Telephone/Internet / 45.53 / AD 7.59
S/O / S. Cumpstey / November Payment / 100.65 / PR Nil
S/O / S. Schollick / November Payment / 666.97 / AD Nil
S/O / K. Thompson / November Payment / 258.50 / PT Nil
D/D / Bridge Bus. Solutions / PAYE Agency / 15.00 / AD Nil
HMRC / PAYE Month 8 / 201.82 / AD Nil
Boss / Envelopes / 29.87 / AD 4.98
Pioneer Press / Churches Together Cards / 431.00 / EV Nil
Ashburn Stoves Ltd / 5.5tonnes pellet store / 5544.00 / PR 924.00
Dales Renewables Ltd / 1 Pallet Wood Pellets / 264.91 / PR 12.61
Christmas Tree Group / Contribution – Earby Tree / 150.00 / DO Nil
J Schollick / Management Accounts x 4 / 120.00 / AD Nil
Malcolm Baines / Test & 5yr Insp Electric Install / 300.00 / PR 50.00
JLM / Fencing in PR Car Park / 1500.00 / AS 250.00
Stately Lighting / 5 x tree lights (Replacements) /


/ EV 35.00
DD / npower / Electricity Sep to Jan / 215.78 / PR 10.28
DD / npower / Colne Rd Public Convenience / 35.73 / PT 1.70
The Flood Company / Flood Mitigation Survey / 300.00 / PR 50.00

12. Youth Hostel

a) Cllr Tennant: That an Earby Youth Hostel - Working Group be formed and that the criteria for membership be as follows: Earby Town Councillor, other interested parties such as the Friends of Earby Hostel and other individuals all of whom are interested and committed to the continued success of Earby Hostel and who are able to meet on a regular basis over the coming months/years.

b) To discuss payment of £4000 plus vat in respect of the sale of the hostel inventory, as per the agreement with Dean Langton. Total £4800.

c) That Council send a strongly worded letter to Caroline White YHA CEO deploring the YHA actions demanding the immediate return of both the Katherine Bruce Glasier Albert Holt artefacts to Earby.

d) That Council write to Dean Langton, Strategic Director Pendle Borough Council, requesting funding for the replacement of the central heating and hot water boiler at the Earby Hostel; this due to the information identified by Bob Abel in the terms of the lease between Pendle BC & YHA which identifies this liability falling with the “landlord” (Pendle BC) and that this should have been done years ago. That Council seek to obtain 100% of this cost with a minimum of 50% been agreeable since the lease between Pendle BC and the YHA is about to terminate on the 30-01-2017 and that the Earby Hostel has been transferred to Earby Town Council on a FOC basis.

13. Precept 2017/2018

Council to discuss and set the precept for the coming fiscal year.

14. Correspondence

To receive for information purposes items received since the last meeting that have not already been dealt with by the clerk or appear on the agenda.

These are to be found on the “press desk”.

The next meeting will be held on Monday 27thFebruary2017 at 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms.

DATED: 25th January 2017Clerk: S.P. Schollick

S.P Schollick