ICSA Academy

Ted Wragg Multi Academy Trust

Inaugural Local Governing Body Meeting

Wednesday 23 October 2013 commencing at 6.15pm

Present: Gina Woodcraft (Chair of Governors), Anthony Boulton, Lewis Banfield, Helen Crossfield, Bernard Dugdale, Beverley Martin (Executive Principal), Anne Oxborough, Ian Rogers, John Staddon, Tracey Spink, Brahm Norwich, Nigel Watts.

In attendance: Alison Moxey (Assistant Vice-Principal),Carrie-Ann McMillan(Assistant Vice-Principal)James McMurray (Clerk to the Local Governing Body), John Potter (Assistant Vice-Principal), Simon Weir (Vice-Principal)

1) Apologies for Absence

These were received from: RachelBrown, Kate Campbell-Bellis, Roger Fetherston, and Assistant Vice-Principals: Gemma Hunt, Bekah Mardall

2) Welcome and introductions: all governors and clerk

As this was the inaugural meeting of the Local Governing Body, the Governors, Executive Principal, Leadership team and new Clerk to Governors introduced themselves. In particular, Nigel Watts was welcomed as a new Governor to his first meeting.

3) New Governance arrangements (circulated papers refer)

i) Governors organisation chart (proposed)

3.1The new proposed organisation chart had been developed illustrating the different roles that the Governors could effectively contribute strategy to the different aspects of School life. This had included the proposed names of the Governors which had been allocated to each area.

3.2The Executive Principal explained that the new structure was much more focused on partnership working. The Teaching and Learning Committee would meet 6 times per year and will work with school leaders to raise achievement. There are four Governors linked to Heads of Faculty;three of these (Nigel, Anne and Roger) are all current or former teachers/headteachers. These Governors will become aware of the main strengths and weaknesses of each faculty and then come together as a committee to consider school standards. This included looking at standards, including those for special interest groups and understanding local and national data to make informed judgements about the performance academy. Each ‘group’ of the new organisation will make up a panel when necessary.

3.3The Executive Principal stated that it was important that Governors read correspondence in advance of the meetings and so that they were in position to hold the schools leaders to account for performance.

3.4Many Governors have been to see the school at work. In respect of Governors visiting the academy Helen Crossfield asked that proper identity badges be issued to Governors and that a specific signing in sheet is provided in the reception. The Executive Principal replied that it was intended that this will be actioned and also stated that there are facilities for Governors to use in School. This included a ‘hot desk’ for use and the use of room F066, which Governors can use as a meeting space if required. However, this room was sometimes booked for use by staff during the school day.

3.5The Executive Principal stated that she welcomes Governorsinto visit the Academyand further stated that the School Leaders understood that Governors were volunteers and their work was very much appreciated. The Chair reminded Governors that their role was strategic and not operational and that this always had to be borne in mind when carrying out their duties.

3.6The Chair drew governors attention to the document NGA /NAHT ‘What Governing Bodies should expect from school leaders’ and then there was discussion as to the data required by Governors to assess the performance of the academy. There was then discussion as to how Governors use Raise-Online as a resource for making judgments about the performance of the Academy, and then holding to account the school leaders.In the ensuing discussion,Governors will receive an overview of this data and there is a DFE Governors Dashboard. The Executive Principal’s reports will also provide data to performance within the school.

3.7A briefing note of the School Governance Regulations 2013 had been circulated to Governors. It was noted that there were now various different types of school and indeed governing bodies, and regulations had to be carefully read in respect of the provisions which now applied to a particular school.

3.8Helen Crossfield raised a number of points which were:

a)How was the Academy intending to inform Parents about the Governors and

who they were.

The Chair replied that one way of doing this was through the website.

b)What is the view of the TWT regarding Parent representation on the Local Governing Body and whether the Trust would seek to replace Governors who were parents if they left the Local Governing Body.

Beverley Martin responded the Trust will seek to replace current Parent Governors with Parents. It is likely that expressions of interest will be invited from the parent body and then the TWT will potentially interview prospective Governors and then appoint accordingly (indeed as they will appoint all Governors of the Local Governing Body).

c)Student representation and how students will interact with the Local Governing Body. It was felt that this could take the form of students attending Local Governing Body Meetings or Governors attending a meeting with Student representatives.

The Chair stated that this would be further reviewed in term 3 and this could be linked to the School Council possibly in KS3 and KS4.

3.7 It was agreed that Helen Crossfield research the different models for Student Voice and then report back to a future meeting with a recommendation.

3.8Beverley Martin reported that terms of office for individual Governors were being clarified with the Ted Wragg Trust (TWT). It is likely that the Governors will continue to serve their current tenure through their existing terms of office as would have been the case under the former governing body. Beverley Martin will clarify this with the TWT. Any new Governor that has recently been appointed will probably be appointed for a 4 year term of office.

ii) Senior leadership responsibility matrix

3.9This had been drafted but was currently awaiting some final ‘tweaks’ and would be distributed to Governors in due course.

iii) NGA /NAHT ‘What Governing Bodies should expect from school leaders’…


This paper had been circulated to Governors prior to the meeting; the paper aimed to improve the effectiveness of school governance, underpinning it is an expectation that governing bodies and school leaders will jointly develop effective working practices which are mutually supportive and respectful of each others roles. The Chair referring to the paper prompted the ensuing discussion about how the Local Governing Body saw its role. It was noted there was a need for the Governing body in future to work more strategically in terms of shaping future teaching and learning.

iv) Governor needs and new ways of working

3.11 The paper also facilitated a discussion on the role of Governors within the

ISCA Academy and,in particular, new ways of working.

3.12Tracey Spink spoke about the experience of parents in understanding the whole school and this being vital to inform the work of the Local Governing Body.

3.13Anne Oxborough stated that there was a need to establish clear protocols for how the Teaching and Learning Committee would work. It was noted that there is a need for a consistent approach in order to ensure that no particular area of the academy was neglected.

3.14Governors who are not members of committees may attend the Teaching and Learning Committee as observers in the futurebut it was felt that there was a need to allow the Committee to organise itself and its future ways of working in the first instance.

3.15Tracey Spinknoted that there was a role for Governors in challenging results particular where these were below expectations or approved targets. There was a need to always have regard to the ‘headline’ figures that would be reported in the local media.

v) Protocols and communication

3.16Ian Rogers raised that there was need to adopt the previous polices that existed for the former ISCA College of Media. The Clerk confirmed that he was of the same opinion and that such a resolution would be expedient. Ian Rogers also felt that policies should be appended to approved minutes. He further pointed out that such policies needed to be accessible by the Clerk, possibly in centrally accessible files.

3.17Therefore Ian Rogers proposed, Lewis Banfield seconded the motion:

That previous polices that existed under the ISCA College of Media be adopted by the ISCA Academy initially for a period of 1 year.

This was put to the vote and carried unanimously by the Local Governing Body.

3.18It further queried as to whether meetings of the Local Governing Body were going to be open to non-Governors. In answer, it was noted that this would be the decision of the Ted Wragg Trust (TWT).

vi) Forthcoming events and Governor involvement

3.19It was noted that details of Governor training has been circulated and that Governor visits into the Academy were welcomed.

4) ISCA Friend’s

4.1At 7.10pm the meeting adjourned to join the meeting of the ISCA Friends so that Governors could meet members of the group. This also afforded the opportunity for the Executive Principal to outline some of the key changes that were made within the Academy. These included the changes to the timetable, the introduction of 6 terms, more structured use of tutor time and the introduction of parent’s surgeries in addition to more formal parents evenings. The Friend’s were thanked for their ongoing work and contribution to the academy.

5) Executive Principle verbal update

5.1 The meeting then reconvened and received a report from Beverly Martin on the headlines of her report which had been tabled. The report had also been provided to the TWT. It was further reported that 57% of students achieved 5 or more A-C’s or equivalent, including English and Mathematics. The report also highlighted that 31% of registered students were in receipt of free school meals.

5.2It was noted that only the first examination entry in year 11 now counts in the league table under changes made by the Department for Education (DFE).This represented a substantial change and could have significant impacts in some schools. The current attainment levels required improvement and the changes made were improvements towards achieving this end.

5.3There was discussion about the methods of ensuring that the quality of teaching was further enhanced across the school. The Senior Leadership Team were constantly going in and seeing lessons and making a judgement about the quality of teaching. The Executive Principal stated that this provided a more adequate ‘snapshot’ of teaching rather than scheduled observations of lessons. As part of the programme of observations, some staff had been placed on a supportive appraisal and these would occur when the observation(s) show that the current level teaching is not considered good or outstanding.

5.4All the team carrying out the observations have had the equivalent of Ofsted inspection training and had a good knowledge of the criteria used by inspectors.

5.5Bernard Dugdale raised the problem which had previously been apparent in that the schools own judgements as to the quality of teaching made did not match with the judgments that had been made by Ofsted Inspectors. He queried whether there was a measure or margin of error that could be used to identify any difference between the reported teaching and learning and what inspectors may find. Beverley Martin reported that the new observations were a better and accurate gauge as to performance and therefore better reflect the quality of the teaching that is taking place.The Executive Principal stated that she believed teaching was good.

5.6Simon Weir commended the work of Debbie Naden, the Attendance Officer, who has done a very good job in chasing up the attendance of individual students.

5.7 A number of new appointments had recently been made and there was discussion as to a request made by a member of staff (part II Minute refers).

6) School Budget

6.1Lewis Banfield had prepared a paper which set out the current position in relation to the School’s Budget. It was noted that following the conversion to academy the college is now funded directly (through the Ted Wragg Trust) by the Department for Education (DFE). The Local Governing Body was responsible for managing the budget. The Executive Principal was asked to set a budget/forecast for the next meeting, against which the Governors can track the financial position through the year.

6.2Following the conversion to an Academy, there are still a number of outstanding matters which are imperative to allow the sound financial management of the school. It was reported that the DFE (through the TWT) had been asked to provide clarification as to the level of the funding which the school will receive. We are still awaiting clarification as to the roll over of funds prior to the academy conversion, from Devon County Council (DCC).Once this information is available to the Executive Principal and Assistant Vice-Principal Alison Moxey had been asked to provide a budget/forecast. Whilst this was already being worked on, it was noted that the usefulness of any such budget/forecast was questionable without this outstanding information.

7) Questions

There were no further questions raised.

8) Any other business

8.1Tracey Spink spoke about outdoor expeditions taking place and the number of students that were taking up the opportunity to become involved in this. This year’s higher take up of free school meal students in this activity was positively noted.

8.2It was agreed that Any Other Business items needed to be notified to the Chair prior to the meeting.

9) Future meeting requirements

9.1It was agreed that Governing Body meetings take place at 5pm to reflect the need to balance staff staying in school into the evenings against the need for Governors to potentially take time off work in order to attend meetings. The Teaching and Learning Committee was intending to meet at 4.30pm over the course of the academic year.

9.2 The list of dates for both meetings would be circulated as soon as practicable.

10) Date of next meeting - 18th December 2013 5pm – 7.30 pm

The Chair closed the meeting 8.35pm


