



No. AG 84 of 1994


This Agreement shall be known as the Vinidex Tubemakers Pty Ltd (Maintenance Section) Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 1994.




3.Area and Scope

4.Incidence and Parties Bound

5.Date and Period of Operation

6.Relationship to Parent Award

7.Single Bargaining Unit


9.Productivity Improvement Programme



12.Signatories to Agreement

Appendix - Resolution of Disputes Requirement


This agreement shall apply to the Maintenance Section of Vinidex Tubemakers Pty Ltd with respect to employees engaged in classifications specified in Clause 31. - Wages of the Metal Trades (General) Award 1966 No. 13 of 1965.


This agreement shall apply to and be binding upon Vinidex Tubemakers Pty Ltd (the company) and all persons employed in the classifications set out in Clause 31. - Wages of the Metal Trades (General) Award 1966 No. 13 of 1965 at its Perth Division, and the Metal and Engineering Workers' Union - Western Australian Branch (the union).


This agreement shall operate from 1st August 1994 and remain in operation until 31st July 1996 and will not continue in force after this date unless renewed. All parties are committed to re-negotiating this agreement and applying for its continuation, replacement, or cancellation before the expiry date.


(1)This agreement shall be read and interpreted wholly in conjunction with the Metal Trades (General) Award 1966 No. 13 of 1965.

(2)Where there is any inconsistency between this agreement and the award stipulated, this agreement shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.


(1)For the purposes of this agreement and in accordance with the decision in the January 1992 Western Australian State Wage case, a single bargaining unit has been established by way of a Consultative Works Committee. This Committee shall be comprised of the following members:

(a)The personnel officer.

(b)Two representatives of the Maintenance Division workforce.

(2)The single bargaining unit shall be given all relevant information to enable effective monitoring of the implementation of the continuous improvement programme.


(1)The Consultative Works Committee will also act as a training committee to establish, implement and monitor a training programme applicable to the maintenance staff of the company at Perth. It is the intention of the committee that opportunities will be made available for further enhancement of both administrative and technical skills. Training may be on or off-the-job but will be accredited and linked to a competency-based career path.

(2)Areas of training identified by the representatives of the Maintenance Division for inclusion in the programme are -

(a)Customer service.

(b)Total quality control and management.

(c)Restricted electrical licences.




In accordance with the terms of the December 1993 State Wage Case Decision the following measures to achieve real and demonstrative gains in productivity, efficiency and flexibility have, or will be, implemented.

(1)Consultation and communication:

Two-way communication between maintenance and production functions and between management and employees will be maintained and enhanced via -

(a)Quarterly management report-back meetings with all employees.

(b)Monthly consultative committee meetings.

(c)Weekly and daily maintenance tool box meetings to discuss scheduling and preventative programmes.

(2)Employee involvement:

Employees are committed to become involved and to continue focussing on -

(a)Customer service, both internal and external.

(b)Reduction in down-time, waste and replacement parts wherever possible.

(c)Productivity projects to improve quality and output without increasing overall maintenance costs.

(3)Performance indicators:

(a)The Consultative Works Committee will develop a maintenance, productivity and performance plan to identify and benchmark a number of performance indicators. The benchmarking process will use a "best practice" policy in order to create an environment, and a performance plan which will commit the parties to a simultaneous improvement in costs, quality and delivery.

(b)The two main groups with which performance indicators will be identified are:

(i)Overall company performance measures applicable to the business.

(ii)Improvement measures specific to the Maintenance Section.

(4)Examples of improvement measures within the Maintenance Section include, but are not limited to:

(a)Housekeeping standard of maintenance in work areas and stores to be established and maintained.

(b)Measurement and control of consumables.

(c)Plant design and modification.

(d)Measurement and commitment to minimise the use of sick leave.

(e)Measurement of overtime and reasons.

(f)Machine down-time measurement.

(g)Maintenance programme performance.

(h)The creation and upkeep of maintenance stores and a parts inventory system.

(i)Discussion over an equitable system of remuneration, for example, annualised salaries.

(j)Pro-active safety programme.

(k)Work organisation procedures.

(l)Development of maintenance and production work procedures.

(m)Alternative roster system.

(n)Labour flexibility.

The progress of these improvements will be reviewed by the parties in February 1995.


(1)Wage increases are payable as follows:




Engineering Tradesperson

C11 440.00 46.00 486.00

C9 493.00 51.00 544.00

C8 513.00 54.00 567.00

(2)The percentage increase and total rate shall be payable on and from the 1st day of August 1994.

(3)The wage rates specified in subclause (1) hereof shall be payable for all purposes.


(1)The parties undertake that the terms of this agreement will not be used to progress or obtain similar arrangements or benefits in any other enterprise.

(2)This agreement shall not operate to cause any employee to suffer a reduction in ordinary time earnings or to depart from the standards of the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission in regard to hours of work, annual leave with pay or long service leave with pay.

(3)There shall not be any further wage increase for the life of this agreement except where consistent with a State Wage Case decision.


Signed for by the maintenance staff of the company, Perth.

G Wood J Walsh F Coppini

K Thickbroom R Pancini J Wood

J Depane J Sharp-Collett

State Secretary

Metals and Engineering

Workers' Union - Western

Australian Branch

Agreed to by management of the company, Perth.

V J Middleton D A Mansom

Dated 1st August 1994.


(1)This Appendix is inserted into the award/industrial agreement as a result of legislation which came into effect on 16January 1996.

(2)Subject to this appendix, and in addition to any current arrangements the following procedures shall apply in connection with questions, disputes or difficulties arising under this award/industrial agreement.

(a)The persons directly involved, or representatives of person/s directly involved, shall discuss the question, dispute or difficulty as soon as is practicable.

(b)(i)If these discussions do not result in a settlement, the question, dispute or difficulty shall be referred to senior management for further discussion.

(ii)Discussions at this level will take place as soon as practicable.

(3)The terms of any agreed settlement should be jointly recorded.

(4)Any settlement reached which is contrary to the terms of this award/industrial agreement shall not have effect unless and until that conflict is resolved to allow for it.

(5)Nothing in this appendix shall be read so as to exclude an organisation party to or bound by the award/industrial agreement from representing its members.

(6)Any question, dispute or difficulty not settled may be referred to the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission.

(7)This appendix shall come into effect on and from 16August 1996.





No. Ag 84 of 1994

Delivered 06/09/94 at 74 WAIG 2149

Consolidated at



1. Title

as deliveredAg 84/9405/09/9474 WAIG 2149

2. Arrangement

as deliveredAg 84/9405/09/9474 WAIG 2149

Ins. Appendix - Resolution...693/9616/07/9676 WAIG 2768

3. Area and Scope

as deliveredAg 84/9405/09/9474 WAIG 2149

4. Incidence and Parties Bound

as deliveredAg 84/9405/09/9474 WAIG 2149

5. Date and Period of Operation

as deliveredAg 84/9405/09/9474 WAIG 2149

6. Relationship to Parent Award

as deliveredAg 84/9405/09/9474 WAIG 2149

7. Single Bargaining Unit

as deliveredAg 84/9405/09/9474 WAIG 2149

8. Training

as deliveredAg 84/9405/09/9474 WAIG 2149

9. Productivity Improvement Programme

as deliveredAg 84/9405/09/9474 WAIG 2149

10. Wages

as deliveredAg 84/9405/09/9474 WAIG 2149

11. Commitments

as deliveredAg 84/9405/09/9474 WAIG 2149

12. Signatories to Agreement

as deliveredAg 84/9405/09/9474 WAIG 2149

Appendix - Resolution of Disputes Requirement

Ins. Appendix693/9616/07/9676 WAIG 2768