WATER AND SANITATION COVERAGE / World / Develop-ing countries / Least developed countries / Indust-rialized countries / Eastern and Southern Africa / West and Central Africa / Middle East and North Africa / South Asia / East Asia and the Pacific / Latin America and Caribbean / CEE/ CISDRINKING WATER COVERAGE (% population)
Total coverage 1990 / 77 / 71 / 51 / 100 / 48 / 48 / 85 / 70 / 72 / 83 / 90
Total coverage 2002 / 83 / 79 / 58 / 100 / 56 / 58 / 87 / 84 / 78 / 89 / 91
Total coverage 2015 (projected) / MDG target / 89 / 89 / 87 / 86 / 65 / 76 / 100 / 64 / 74 / 68 / 74 / 89 / 93 / 98 / 85 / 84 / 86 / 95 / 92 / 92 / 95
Rural coverage 1990 / 63 / 59 / 44 / 100 / 36 / 34 / 75 / 64 / 61 / 58 / 80
Rural coverage 2002 / 72 / 70 / 50 / 100 / 43 / 45 / 77 / 80 / 68 / 69 / 79
Rural coverage 2015 (projected) / 81 / 81 / 56 / 100 / 50 / 56 / 79 / 96 / 75 / 80 / 78
Urban coverage1990 / 95 / 93 / 78 / 100 / 87 / 78 / 95 / 89 / 97 / 93 / 97
Urban coverage 2002 / 95 / 92 / 80 / 100 / 87 / 78 / 95 / 94 / 92 / 95 / 98
Urban coverage, 2015 (projected) / 95 / 91 / 82 / 100 / 87 / 78 / 95 / 99 / 87 / 97 / 99
Total coverage 1990 / 49 / 35 / 23 / 100 / 34 / 29 / 68 / 17 / 30 / 69 / 85
Total coverage 2002 / 58 / 49 / 35 / 100 / 37 / 35 / 72 / 35 / 50 / 75 / 81
Total coverage 2015 (projected) / MDG target / 67 / 75 / 63 / 68 / 47 / 62 / 100 / 40 / 67 / 41 / 65 / 76 / 84 / 53 / 59 / 70 / 65 / 81 / 85 / 77 / 93
Rural coverage 1990 / 25 / 16 / 15 / 100 / 27 / 20 / 48 / 5 / 16 / 35 / 71
Rural coverage 2002 / 37 / 31 / 27 / 100 / 27 / 24 / 52 / 23 / 35 / 44 / 62
Rural coverage 2015 (projected) / 49 / 46 / 39 / 100 / 27 / 28 / 56 / 41 / 54 / 53 / 53
Urban coverage1990 / 79 / 73 / 58 / 100 / 60 / 49 / 86 / 50 / 65 / 82 / 94
Urban coverage 2002 / 81 / 73 / 58 / 100 / 60 / 52 / 88 / 64 / 72 / 84 / 92
Urban coverage, 2015 (projected) / 83 / 78 / 65 / 100 / 60 / 55 / 90 / 78 / 79 / 86 / 90
Millennium Development Goal Seven (Environmental Sustainability) is to halve the proportion of people living without access to an improved source of drinking water and basic sanitation between 1990 and 2015. Drinking water data refer to the share of the population with reasonable access to any of the following types of water supply for drinking: household connections, public standpipes, boreholes, protected dug wells, protected springs and rainwater collection. Reasonable access is defined as the availability of at least 20 litres per person per day from a source within 1 kilometre of the user’s dwelling. Sanitation data relates the percentage of the population with access to adequate excreta disposal facilities, such as a connection to a sewer or a septic tank system, a pour-flush latrine, a simple pit latrine or a ventilated improved pit latrine. All data from UNICEF and WHO.