Powered by PTA
Baker Elementary Fundraising
Here are some simple ways to earn money for our school.
Shop at Market Day and 10% or more of every order total goes directly to funding activities and events for the students. Turn your order form into the school each month or go to www.marketday.comto order online. New customers can save $5 off of a purchase of $25 or more on their first order by using the online promotional code NEWFIVE at checkout.
Clip Box Tops from many products including Pillsbury, Hefty, Cheerios and many others listed on the box tops website and send them to school to help earn cash to benefit Baker students. Also, if you register on www.btfe.comyou can print coupons, recipes and use the Marketplace to earn money for our school by shopping many on-line stores. Make sure you select Baker Elementary as your school.
Apples for students
Register your Giant Eagle Advantage Card at 1-800-474-4777 or http://www.gianteagle.com/schools/apples-for- students.Register using School Code #45or search Baker Elementary and enter the number under the bar code on the back of your Advantage Card. In past years our school has earned iPads, cameras, and school supplies for our students.
Bottom Dollar
School Code: 52345. Enroll shoppers card by using school code or school name. Earn school supplies and equipment for our students.
Students Extra Educational Development (S.E.E.D)
Register your Perks card online to earn a FREE assembly for our school. Visit www.shopnsavefood.com/SEED and login or register then select Baker School on the My Account page. We can earn a free Carnegie Science Center, Carnegie Museum of Natural History or Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium assembly for our students.
Collect Labels for Educationfrom products like Campbells, Dannon, Pepperidge Farm, and Pop Secret to earn money for our school.You can also register online and add your Giant Eagle Advantage card to earn additional points at http://www.labelsforeducation.com/.
Take Charge of Education
Enroll your Target REDcard at
or call 1-800-316-6142. Target will donate a percentage of each in store or on-line purchase to our school. Register using School ID 91555.
Carnegie Cash for Schools
Register your new or existing museums membership to our school by visiting http://members.carnegiemuseums.org/baker
Or calling 412-622-3314 and ask that your purchase be credited to Baker Elementary School as Carnegie Cash for Schools participant. For every new member, our school gets $10, and for every renewal our school gets $5.