Stone Lake Elementary PTO General Meeting Minutes –October 13, 2015

The October meeting of the Stone Lake PTO was called to order at 6:12 p.m. by Lisa Mehl.

Attendance: Jessica Trudell, Liz Mellinger, JoAnna Cline, Mark Beard, Kristen Beckner, Lisa Mehl, Christina Strother,Yvette Sack, Amrit Thandi, Gisela Gutierrez, Danaa Tateishi, Ebony Wellington, Tami Cano, Jasmine Gonzalez, Lisa May, Wendy Yee, Erica Davis, Emily Mehl, Megan Yee, Neyha Thandi.

Approval of General Meeting Minutes:

Yvette Sack discussed that the minutes from the September meeting had the wrong month listed on the first line. A motion was made by Tami Cano and seconded by Liz Mellinger to approve the minutes for the September 8, 2015 meeting with a change from “August meeting”to “September meeting”on the first line of the minutes. Lisa Mehl called for a vote to approve the motion. All present members were in favor; no objections or abstentions.

Treasurer’s Report/Budget:

Jessica Trudell reported on the September Treasurer’s Report. Items mentioned: 1)Apex Fun Run for all tracks - $26,081.21, 2)Restaurant night (Chuck E Cheese) - $259.95. A motion was made by JoAnna Cline and seconded by Erica Davis to approve the September Treasurer’s Report. Lisa Mehl called for a vote to approve the motion. All present members were in favor; no objections or abstentions.


A: APEX Fun Run

Jessica Trudell reported on the APEX Fun Run. She reported that funds raised totaled $26,081.21. She passed out a questionnaire for input regarding the fun run. All data collected from the questionnaire will be used in deciding whether to book the fun run again for the next school year. She also mentioned that she would be giving the questionnaire to all staff for their input.

B: NEHS Student Presentation

Officers from the NEHS along with their advisor, Gisela Gutierrez, presented information about the Society. Officers included: Megan Yee –President, Emily Mehl –Vice President, Neyha Thandi –Secretary. Information shared included: 1) they are sponsoring a family for Christmas, 2) they are setting up a garden at the Stone Lake Wildlife Refuge in the children’s play area in honor of Mrs. Shanks, 3) they will be wearing their t-shirts at all events and offered their help at any PTO events, 4) applications will be accepted in January for 5th graders, 5) 6th grade advisors are Ms. Cheung & Gutierrez, 5th grade advisors are Mr. Pearson & Ms. Goodwin.

C: Membership

JoAnna Cline reported that the Membership Drive for 2015/2016 has ended. She reported that memberships can still be accepted anytime during the year and that membership forms are available in the office and on the PTO website.

D: Scholastic Book Fair

Lisa Mehl reported on behalf of Jennifer Ferraiuolo and Amy Sazama. The Scholastic Book Fair is currently underway. She reported that help is still needed for Thursday and referred everyone to the sign up genius on the PTO website.

Future Business:

A: ZBest Coupon Book Sale

Lisa Mehl reported on the upcoming coupon book fundraiser. The fundraiser for B,C & D tracks will be held from October 27 – November 10. Delivery of the books and the assembly will be held on October 27. The fundraiser for A track will be held from November 30 – December 11.

C: Restaurant Night

Ebony Wellington reported that the next restaurant night will be held at BJ’s on Wednesday, October 21 from 4-9pm. The school will receive 15% of sales. The flyer is needed.

D: New Activity Presentation

Lisa May shared information regarding a possible activity for the school called “Willie’s Woodshop”. She showed projects that her own kids had created when they took the class from CSD. This activity would be presented as a mobile truck with 10 workstations. Lisa Mehl suggested that this would be a school activity instead of a PTO event. Mr. Beard shared that he would be interested in obtaining more information.

E: Two-Way Radios/Staff Wish List

Mr. Beard presented a request from the yard duty staff that PTO purchase new two-way radios. He recommended that PTO purchase 2 of these radios. He presented that these radios would cost $700 each. Radios are not provided by the district, but if the radios are purchased from the district they will include access to the emergency channel, all radios on campus will be the same and the district will provide maintenance. A motion was made by Kristen Beckner and seconded by Tami Cano to approve the purchase of 2 two-way radios from the district for up to $2000. Lisa Mehl called for a vote to approve the motion. All present members were in favor; no objections or abstentions.

Lisa Mehl tabled discussion regarding the Staff Wish List until the next meeting.

Principal’s Report

Mr. Beard reported that the Kinder Shade Structure construction would begin the next day and would be completed by the end of October.

Mr. Beard reported that discussions had been held with CDI regarding the safety on Lakepoint Dr. A petition was submitted to the city for speed bumps, however that request was denied. Instead, a 3-way stop will be created for the intersection at the gated community close to the crosswalk on Lakepoint. The crosswalk will be moved to that area.

Parents should receive CAASP testing results for their child/childrenby October 19-20.

Mr. Beard discussed the APEX Fun Run. He stated that it was a huge hit with him. He appreciates how the program promotes healthy mind/healthy body, positive with the kids and character building.

Mr. Beard discussed that he would update the group about the Lexia program at the next meeting.

Open Forum

Erica Davis requested pictures for the yearbook.

Mr. Beard mentioned the change in the awards ceremony. He stated that primary grades would be included and awarded for being HAWKS and Writers that Soar. He will recognize perfect attendance but will not call each child on stage.

Discussion was held regarding the Chrome carts. These were a district purchase, not PTO.

Lisa Mehl asked the staff to email parents regarding signing up for the Book Fair. She also asked them to recommend to all staff to include the PTO website on their personal websites for their classrooms.

Lisa Mehl, on behalf of Erica Davis, yearbook chairperson, asked that teachers please submit pictures for the yearbook.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:12 p.m. on a motion by Jessica Trudell and a second by JoAnna Cline.