FNW Bacteria & Foodborne Illness – LGHS Nutrition & Food Science

Student Name: ______Period: ______

Food, Nutrition & Wellness / Period:
3rd, 5th & 7th / DATE:
September 27, 2016 –, 2016 / UNIT:
It’s Alive: Bacteria &
Food Borne Illness
FNW-HUM- 8: Compare the causes and foods at risk for illnesses.
8.1 Distinguish causes and difference in food borne illnesses (e.g. but not limited to: Clostridium botulinum, clostridium perfingens, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, staphylococcus aureus, salmonella, hepatitis and trichinosis).
8.2 Understand the causes of food contaminants.
8.3 Identify the potentially hazardous foods and causes.
8.4 Determine the effect of ingredients on microbes, processing time and or temperature.
8.5 Identify safety nets and identify resources to combat food borne illnesses i.e. FDA. / Driving Questions:
·  What groups are considered high risk for food borne illness and why?
·  Explain food contaminants and their causes?
·  Explain and give examples of cross-contamination?
·  Compare and contrast foods and nutrition careers.
·  Compare and contrast time temperature relationships.
·  Explain the different food borne pathogens (sources, symptoms and prevention)
·  Redirection to small groups as needed
·  Task Sheet (MOWR)
-  Students choose tasks in the order they wish to complete assignment
-  Standards addressed in a smaller environment.
-  Small group help: teacher led or student led; increased time with students struggling
·  Flash Card or Quizlet practice / Assessments:
·  Flash Cards/ study too creation for Review; Quizlet Practice
·  Coffee House Notes Turned in
·  Discussions, observations & Peer Reviews
·  Practice work before assessments
Checkpoints for progress:
·  Checkpoints within the deadlines listed below.
·  Students must have the items completed by the date listed at that checkpoint.
·  Student/Teacher Conferences
·  Unit Test
·  Creepy Critter Project
Competencies Addressed:
Competency #1: Analyze traits needed to be successful in pathway related careers.
Competency #2: Develop industry related skills.
Competency #3: Apply a skill set to an authentic or new situation
Competency #4: Demonstrate effective communication skills used to succeed in the business world. Competency #5: Model work readiness traits required for success in the workplace.
Instructional Strategies (Activities): Students will perform the following tasks at their own speed within the designated date. Assignments and dates may change based on schedules and classes.
Dates: September 27, 2016 – October 21, 2016
Teacher will facilitate the following: Coffee House/Video Discussions (instructional time), Teacher/Student Conferences, Personalized Groups/Areas, Checkpoints and individual student questions/needs.
Standard(s) covered / Task / Date Completed
Teacher Sign- Off
8.4 & 8.5 / It’s Alive: Food Borne Illness Vocabulary
Create a set of Quizlet cards, flashcards, flipbook or other method of student tool with this vocabulary. (I suggest Quizlet because it is easier to access as mid-term & final exam study material)
8.1 / Least Wanted Bacteria Vocabulary
Create a set of Quizlet cards, flashcards, flipbook or other method of student tool with this vocabulary. (I suggest Quizlet because it is easier to access as mid-term & final exam study material)
8.4 & 8.5 / Hamburger Lab (handouts and charts provided)
8.4 & 8.5 / Bacteria Everywhere Lab (handouts and charts provided)
8.4 & 8.5 / Food Borne Illness Project (Google Classroom)
8.2, 8.3
& 8.5 / Food Poisoning Prevention PSA (Google Classrooms)
This can be done as a commercial (Individually-scrolling power point
Group -video), it can be completed as a magazine article (individually) or another form you have in mind that has been approved by Mrs. Foster
8.4 & 8.5 / Bacteria Investigation (Google Classrooms)
8.4 & 8.5 / Food Safety Violations (Google Classrooms)
8.4 / Foot Safety Thermometer (Google Classrooms)
8.4 & 8.5 / Food Infection vs Intoxication (Google Classrooms)
8.4 & 8.5 / Coffee House: Dr. X Notes (guided notes given)
Completed notes will be taken up for a grade / 9/27/16
8.4 & 8.5 / Coffee House: It’s Alive: Food Borne Illness (guided notes given)
Completed notes will be taken up for a grade
8.4 & 8.5 / Coffee House: Hot Topics: Fruits, Vegetables & Salmonella
(guided notes given) Completed notes will be taken up for a grade
8.4 & 8.5 / Creepy Critter Project: (rubric & least wanted bacteria handout give to students)
8.4 & 8.5 / Create a Unit Study Tool:
Flashcards, Quizlet, graphic organizer, or flipbook.
8.4 & 8.5 / Career Unit Assessment