Monday, June 13, 2016—6:00PM
Dream Diné Office, Shiprock, NM
Agenda (Draft Minutes)
A. Call to Order/Roll Call (Telletha, Yolanda, Clarence, Kim) Guests: Please see sign in sheet
B. Invocation
C. Approval of May 18, 2016 Minutes
a. Amend next meeting from June 20, 2016 to June 13. Motioned (Yolanda) Second (Telletha) Total vote 4-0
D. Approval of Agenda Motion (Yolanda), Second (Clarence) Vote 4-0
a. Change agenda to add OMA to item after School Calendar Motion (Yolanda), Second (Clarence) Vote 4-0
E. Discussion and possible Action Items:
a. BARs 0020, Motioned (Yolanda), Second Clarence Vote 4-0
b. Financial Reports
i. Finance/Audit Committee Reports
c. 16-17 School Calendar
First, Week 1 break was shortened to a one-day break, the weeklong break from 5-29 to 6-2 has shortened to 1 day break to observe Memorial Day. August 15 start date, June 7 end date. No feedback from parents.
d. OMA-Gavin pointed out a violation of OMA, Resolution created in August 2014 and was tabled. It was not found on Agenda and there was no resolution for 2015-2016. The GC needs to approve Resolution. Where meetings will be held and what time, agendas will be available. In 2014 document all locations are not applicable. 5) Copies of written notice should be mailed to newspaper or radio station, has never been done unless requested by media outlets. Anything put in resolution needs to be practiced every time. Suggested that it should be on agenda and approved in July. Action: Sandy will make changes and send out to GC to review, revise, and approve in July. Because OMA is required, DDCS has been in violation since we opened. Sandy will find out how to correct passing an approved resolution and work with state to continue to revise resolution on an annual basis. Sandy suggested revising July annual. Required by law, if there is a website there needs to be updated posting
e. Bilingual Ed Grant- Due Wednesday, grant written for 45. Model is dual language, K-3, Navajo and English in Reading, Math, Science (3 hours required). Parental notification-Newsletter outlines each unit. In the parent handbook a curriculum map will show units throughout the year. Goals-Home heritage targeted language. ELL kids and English acquisition, both are being done. Academic goal for reading, math and science needs to be included and all actions are the same. Smart Goal: 70% or more will improve on ODLA testing. Action 80% students will be _____
Every January test is given; number is based off of students who met goal this year and last year. Reading goal 65% students will be on level benchmark goal. Reading goal: There are no PARCC results because K-2 for 2015-2016 school year. One will be written once DIBELS scores are finalized at the end of this year. No way to measure goal for science, so none was written. Action Plan: 1) 8 components training from dual language NM, Indian Ed. Grant. 8 components because it is flexible and training can meet on site. As opposed to reads to leads grant that is too specific). 2) Working in the community 3) integrated learning opportunities, students will be asked to achieve mastery. Implementation to meet reads to leads, students identified by DIBLES results at the beginning of the year.
Allocated funding: Indian Ed grant, reads to lead, learning in the community (travel from Indian Ed grant) $40,500, Carmelita will aid in this effort. This grant will be turned in on June 15, 2016
Professional Development: explained in Action step
PAC-what are you planning to do to engage in implementation and development. Once per quarter, Carmelita will be responsible to prepare staff. Language instruction with parents will be held once a month where they will take a survey.
Review and feedback will be done with the PAC. Deanna will send a budget review for 15’-16’.
Telletha- If we wanted to partner with CCSD? (Sandy)-We can fund that. If there are adjustments to how you are spending money that is where it is rigid. Once DIBLES are complete, Sandy will present data to GC.
Motion to approve bilingual grant motion, (Clarence), second (Yolanda)
f. Lottery policy revision- Some language was only applicable to year one. Sandy compiled policies from other schools and made it so it was applicable to DDCS. Once revised, it will be presented in the meeting in July. No action taken. Motion to table (Yolanda), Second (Clarence) Vote4-0
g. Investigation of Public Records policy- In the last year in a half, charter school division asks for policies every year from schools of public record. Sandy was not able to find policies adaptable to school short term. She will continue to find one to apply to ddcs and will present it to GC. Clarence-are there laws surrounding all aspects of public records and policies surrounding it. Sandy- you are required to give 15 days to fill a request.
Clarence- The 15 days seems like a good time period, we should consider to adopt that policy. No action taken. item will be tabled until July 2016. Motioned (Telletha ), Second (Clarence) Vote 3-0
h. MOU with NACA Inspired Schools Network. No action taken
i. Kellogg update : 3 resources 1) 2 UNM Doctorates- Willing to teach teachers how to teach, Professional development with GC and staff will take place to intentionally make a comfortable space in GC meetings, in the classroom ,and on campus. 2) Team of evaluators willing to help with evaluation piece. We will revisit this in July at the working session. Corletta Bird demonstrated how to create an evaluation for community. Telletha tried to reach out to Alvin Warren to notify him when the last week of school was. She will continue to try to reach out. Different groups at different stages were present and supportive of the school. We will continue to reach out to the various groups to get assistance.
j. Quarterly Meeting with Governing Council in July
Penny Bird- to be present to discuss language with intention.
Professional Development for G.C.- Everyone in GC will need 5 hours. (Clarence) Corina will be training GC in Gallup, NM June 14, 2016. She is putting together an outline of topics that GC needs to understand and become proficient in. She is certified to train GC on topics. Incorporating the community into the GC needs to be explored so that the state accepts community input.
Creating a customized GC for Shiprock community, specific to DDCS- Clarence will begin reaching out to create a council as such. Question from Jennifer K, how do you create that, will you incorporate Dine Philosophy? Response from Clarence, It will not be specific to communities, it should be applicable to all tribes and their tribal government laws as well as state laws.
Yolanda-We should reach out to individuals in Kellogg to see how their GC is made up, there were many tribes that were represented at the June 8, 2026 conference.
Clarence-In pueblo communities, everything goes back to council, States are starting to recognize it. Although there is some disagreement the tribal communities are pushing back to use philosophy in GC for tribal sovereignty. Clarence will lead discussion around a model. Telletha- There was talk about a healing circle; maybe this can be a discussion open to the public. This will be tabled for the next meeting in July. Facilities are not on Agenda for July work session but will be featured as a follow up at the next meeting.
Working Session for July 11, 2016, 6-9pm. Working in the evening may be better for community members to join in. Regular Governing Council Session will take place July 18, 2016 6pm
Motioned ( Telletha ), Second Yolanda Vote 4-0
Facilities are not on Agenda for July work session but will be featured as a follow up at the next meeting.
k. MOU with Central Consolidated School District: Meeting with Dr. Bowman, transportation was possible if we give parents a map to map out drop off points, BUT STUDENTS need to be at drop off points. Food services are also possible through 2 options. Transportation of food (lunch) needs to be done by school in the event that the chapter house can not accommodate 45 kids. Professional development possible with CCSD and Dream Dine.
CCSD has evening events; perhaps we can team up to make family nights possible. BUT MOA needs to be made before July 1st (CCSD board meeting) so that August work session can happen. Even if MOA is still in process we can meet to talk about relationship.
Sandy suggested we should talk before an MOU signed, Clarence agreed that MOU should not be rushed. Transportation is important, to present and future families we should consider using this partnership for that reason. We need more time to talk about what we need.
Yolanda- We would use their maps for our students, there were other issues that are connected to transportation. We as a school would be responsible for the kids who are not able to be dropped off.
Alyssa Begay- Food service should continue to be by DDCS, parents are happy with meals provided.
Sandy- The transportation piece is more enticing.
Yolanda-According to Dr. Bowman they just want to see what DDCS students are mapping.
Jennifer K.- There was a discussion that transportation should not be provided because parent interaction between staff members is had during daily drop offs.
Telletha-This discussion started for the transportation piece during half days.
Sandy- this was the first discussion, lets talk with parents about transportation, Lets gauge where families are. With new students and lets discuss with current parents.
Telletha- Let’s meet with Dr. Bowman to talk about meeting with the Navajo language team that Dr. Bowman listed. We talked about our Kellogg visit, and Dr. Bowman was interested.
Clarence- This is an opportunity to establish a relationship with someone who is supportive and willing to work. Telletha will reach out and update.
k. Wellness Policy Revision: Sandy-we have a wellness policy in place. After this past state visit there were 2 documents created for school, Alyssa brought it to the council to discuss. The council will review and will table wellness policy revision Motion (Telletha), Second (Yolanda) Vote: 4-0
l. Revision on Chapter Service Agreement: No action taken
F. Updates
Award letter from Reads to lead, ddcs was awarded $28,000. Head admin signature required. Deanna will be able to apply right away. Bulk will go to reading interventionist.
Curriculum; planting unit is wrapping up.
Gilbert Yazzie Trip- June 23, 2016 Navajo bus transportation. We will go back June 15, 2016 to focus on weeding and how it is applicable to what they are learned in classroom
June 16, 2016- Music Preformance Phil Thomas Center
June 23, 2016- Summer Celebration, Presentation of plant life cycle, singing songs from this year, visiual displays of work done this year. Unit and explanations of this past year.
June 24, 2016- All day curriculum. Teachers will map out time line for Summer curriculum planning.
June 28, 2016- Staff will go rafting.
Outreach Updates- 2 moved, 1 Gavin is not here, 4 kids withdrew 1 because of transportation, 1 work to intense, 1 mom was out of town, 1 because gavin was not here
EQC Security companies came on June 13, 2016. The gate will have a buzzer, a camera, and will require a sturdier gate foundation. Alyssa will work with chapter to move gate and to install heftier gate.
Another company was also consulted with.
Alternative Internet provider will be considered, Internet will be accessible to all module buildings. Cellular one is who we talked to, they can provide Microwave service. But we are not ready for that.
a. Head Administration/Principal
i. New Hires of Staff:
Americorps Vistas: Cosnsuela Benally and Shaka Rucker
ii. Student Handbook
Conversational piece for behavior component. Needs to reflect charter and what is reflective of what is possible here. Alyssa and I are working on attendance, bell times.
iii. Meeting with CCSD and Shiprock Planning Commission
b. Parent Advisory Board
i. PAC updates- Issues for security gates, we are addressing right now
Parents were given the option to pick 4 dates throughout the school year for night school.
Sandy- Will have the section of the charter so PAC can work on it in July at July 5, 2016 meeting. Community should be apart of that discussion surrounding behavior piece.
More communication about notification to parents, we will post on website and facebook.
ii. Next parent meeting
Next meeting is scheduled for July 5, 2016.
Land near Chief Hill should be considered, CCSD land near track belongs to CCSD, Land across from Eva B. Don’t try because Dine College has designated land for residential. Glojean asked that we consider land behind Mesa Elementary .
Shiprock Planning Commission Meeting June 14, 2016 at NHA headquarters. This area is becoming congested; the fence has come up without us knowing. This land will sustain us for the next two years. We need to consider which land base we would like to persue.
H. Executive Session: The Governing Council may, if necessary, enter into executive session limited to discussions regarding personnel.No action will be taken in executive session in accordance with the NMSA 1978 Section 10-15-1(H)(2).