2017 Booklet

Welcome to Chertsey Primary School

Welcome to Chertsey Primary

Welcome to Chertsey Primary School. This school has a wonderful background of community involvement and is very welcoming of new people. We look forward to introducing our wonderful school to you. We believe Chertsey Primary School is the Central Coast’s best kept secret. Each school has its own distinctive characteristics, but Chertsey is particularly unique. Whether you are one of our community or a potential future friend, there will be something of interest for you. Chertsey was first established in 1969 on the site of an old Central Coast orchard and gained its’ name from the name of this orchard. It is reminiscent of Chertsey in England. It has very much the feel of that lush green orchard, located as it is, in a pocket of rainforest near Erina Creek on the Central Coast of New South Wales.

We are very proud of the physical appearance of our school. The grounds consist of beautiful water-wise gardens, cultivated by a dedicated school community, Gecko Club. It has extensive and beautiful play areas with cricket nets, a soccer field, netball court and a working cricket pitch, sandpit, worm farms and more. New play equipment in all playgrounds provides a variety of activities for children including a covered outdoor learning area. Chertsey is organised into nine mainstream classes and four support classes. Our children are a credit to us and we are very pleased at how they work together.

The school buildings include an excellent library, technology room, hall and new covered outdoor learning area (COLA) are located in six separate blocks around 2 larger courtyards and are well resourced. The support classes each have their own courtyard. A community cottage, Chertseydale Cottage, is located within the school grounds and we run before and after school care here. The school community has high expectations for learning. We believe that every child is capable of continually growing and learning. Our results in National Assessments and University of New South Wales competitions indicate that Chertsey students achieve very high standards. Learning in literacy and numeracy are well-supported by committed teachers, dedicated staff, an excellent learning support team and programs which are designed to support each child’s learning. Our children are taught within the context of our values of respect, achievement, acceptance, commitment and integrity all while learning to be respectful, be responsible and to be their best.

These values guide our learning and form part of our everyday teaching. A well-rounded education is important for future success but it is also important in meeting children’s needs to be healthy, happy, inquiring and resilient individuals. We provide a huge range of opportunities for students in academic, sport, creative arts, technology and personal development, in school and out of school.

AUSLAN is offered as a Language other than English (LOTE) subject in the school. At all assemblies and school activities we provide interpreters for our deaf students, and our children sign The National Anthem and our School Song. We have a hard-working P&C and Student Representative Council as well as an effective School Leadership group. We run very successful Arts programs, such as Drama Group, Choir, Dance Group, Drumming and Signing Choir, all of which have been very successful in various concerts and competitions.

In 2012 we were successful in being included in the National Chaplaincy Program and have Mrs Donna Knee employed as our school chaplain to support our school community. Mrs Knee will be at our school 2.5 days each week. Students also have the opportunity to start the day at the Good Start Breakfast Club which is run by Mrs Alex Wastell. CHOOSH, is a before and after school care facility that is offered 5 days a week between 6:30am - 8:30am and 3pm - 6pm during the school term. School Holiday care is also available.

Altogether Chertsey is a thriving community with lots on offer to families and children. We invite you as a new member of our community to become an integral part of Chertsey Primary School. Chertsey Primary School is truly an oasis on the Central Coast.


Mrs Toni Skinner



Principal - Toni Skinner

Assistant Principals - Karen Auinger

- Robynne Scott

- Loretta Sewell (relieving)

Classroom Teachers - Karen Auinger

- Robynne Scott

- Sharon Hynes

- Linda Fantoni

- Loretta Sewell
- Naomi Gay

- Anita Blumer

- Heidi Daley

- Matthew Makepeace

- Nicole Scott

- Matthew McLeod

- Kirsten Gorsky

- Nicole Tweedie

Librarian - Kim Tialshinsky School Counsellor – Montana Wood

STLA - Rose-Marie van Drempt Reading Recovery – Christie Campbell

R.F.F. - Jodie Craig

- Anne Whitty

SASS Staff - Kris Denning School Administrative Manager (SAM)

- Chris Hollaway School Administrative Officer (SAO)

- Ros Woodley School Administrative Officer (SAO)

- Lisa Mills School Administrative Officer (SAO)

SLSO Staff - Kim Masters

- Alexandra Wastell -Trish Plater

- Linda Gormly -Janet Harding

- Julie McCrannor -Jenny Webb

- Kate Currie -Donna Lerway

- Jan Strachan

School Chaplain - Donna Knee Itinerant Support Hearing- Zoe Bowden

General Assistant (GA) - Terry Waters Canteen Supervisor - Di Dyer

Cleaners - Andrew Holyoak
- Steven Vella



The School’s address for all correspondence is -

Chertsey Primary School

10 Willow Road



Free bus travel is available for primary children who live more than 1.6 kilometres from the School and to all K-2 children irrespective of the distance between home and School. Application forms for free bus travel via an Opal Card can be obtained from Mrs Denning at the school office. No special bus serves the School and children are required to use the public service.

Hours and Punctuality

School hours are –

9.00 am – 11.00 am

11.45 am – 1.10 pm

1.45 pm – 3.00 pm

Punctuality is very important and you are asked to support the School in encouraging your child to be punctual and ready for learning each day. If your child is sick and cannot come to school, please send a note explaining their absence when they return to school.

Telephone Numbers 02 43253963 or 02 43231443 Fax 02 43236891

Uniform - All children are expected to wear the official school uniform.

Details of the uniform are:-

Boys Summer Uniform K-6

o  White shirt/polo shirt (Year 6 commemorative shirt for Year 6 boys)

o  Navy shorts

o  White socks

o  Black shoes

o  Navy school hat

o  Blue tracksuit top with school emblem (Years 5/6)

Boys Winter Uniform K-6

White shirt/polo shirt/skivvy(Year 6 commemorative shirt for Year 6 boys)

o  Navy trousers/tracksuit pants

o  Navy sloppy joe/hoodless jacket

o  White socks

o  Black shoes

o  Navy school hat

o  Blue tracksuit top with school emblem (Years 5/6)

Boys Summer Sport Uniform K-6

o  Gold polo shirt

o  Navy shorts

o  White socks

o  White joggers (with limited coloured trim)

o  Navy school hat

Boys Winter Sport Uniform K-6

o  Gold polo shirt

o  Navy tracksuit pants/shorts

o  Navy sloppy joe/hoodless jacket

o  White socks and black shoes

o  White joggers (with limited coloured trim)

o  Navy school hat

Girls Winter Sport Uniform K-6

o  Gold polo shirt

o  Navy tracksuit pants/netball skirt/shorts/skort

o  Navy sloppy joe/hoodless jacket

o  White socks

o  White joggers (with limited coloured trim)

o  Navy school hat

Girls Summer Sport Uniform K-6

o  Gold polo shirt

o  Navy netball skirt/scungees

o  Navy shorts/skort

o  White socks

o  White joggers (with limited coloured trim)

o  Navy school hat

Girls Summer Uniform Years K-4

o  Blue/white check dress

o  White blouse/polo shirt

o  Navy shorts/skort

o  White socks and black shoes

o  Navy school hat

Girls Summer Uniform Years 5&6

o  White blouse/polo shirt (Year 6 commemorative shirt for Year 6 girlsonly)

o  Navy check skirt

o  Navy shorts/skort

o  White socks and black shoes

o  Navy school hat

o  Senior jacket

Girls Winter Uniform Years K-4

o  White blouse/polo shirt/skivvy

o  Navy check pinafore

o  Navy pants/tracksuit pants

o  Navy sloppy joe/hoodless jacket

o  White socks/navy tights and black shoes

o  Navy school hat

Girls Winter Uniform Year 5&6

o  White blouse/polo shirt (Year 6 commemorative shirt for Year 6 girls only)

o  Navy check skirt

o  Navy pants/tracksuit pants

o  Navy sloppy joe/hoodless jacket

o  White socks/navy tights and black shoes

o  Navy school hat

o  Senior jacket

NB – All navy uniform pieces are to be without coloured trim or logos, other than school logo where applicable.

Parent volunteers run the ‘Uniform Shop’ and sell quality used uniforms. The uniform shop is open on Wednesday mornings 8:30am-9:00am or by request at the front office.

Parents and Citizens Association (P&C)

President - Mrs Michelle Fraser

Secretary - Mrs Nada Potter

Treasurer - Mr Mark Deuxberry

The P&C meets at the School on the second Tuesday of each month at 6.30pm during term. (You are welcome to bring your children. A children’s DVD is usually shown). The P&C extends a warm welcome to new families. If any information on the local area or the School is required, the P&C representatives are happy to answer any questions.

Advice of Custody Arrangements

The School should be advised in writing of any special or unusual custody arrangements concerning children. If a divorce or separation has occurred or one parent is denied access to a child, this information needs to be passed on to the School. Such information will be treated with strict confidence. Should custody arrangements change at any time it is essential that the School be advised.

Removal of Children during School Hours

Any person who wishes to remove a child from School during School hours must send a note or report to the office. To protect children from wrongful removal no child may leave the School without permission of the Principal or one of the Assistant Principals. All students are to remain in the school foyer until collection by parents/caregivers.

Chertseydale Community Cottage

An exciting initiative of this school was the purchase, relocation and renovation of a Cottage sited adjacent to the main school car park. Activities for all members of the School Community are regularly provided within the cottage including playgroups, dance, music programs and coffee mornings for mums and dads. Details of such activities are communicated through the fortnightly School Newsletter.


During the year classroom teachers propose visits to places or events of educational interest. Such excursions require the Principal’s approval. Approved excursions form an integral part of the educational program and benefit the children. The purpose of the excursion will be explained to parents and permission of the parents must be obtained prior to any student leaving the School on an extended excursion.

Functions at School

Educational and entertainment items are made available by visiting artists to our students at a reasonable cost. Such presentations have Department of School Education approval and provide worthwhile experiences for the children. Parents are encouraged to support this aspect of the School’s educational program.

School Development Days

Each year the Minister for School Education allows schools in New South Wales to conduct five School Development Days. In 2013 an extra day has been granted to assist in the implementation of the new curriculum. On these days all staff participate in staff development activities. These activities include policy development; curriculum initiatives; health and safety and planning to maximise the learning outcomes and opportunities for all students.


The Weekly Newsletter is the main method of keeping parents fully informed of what is happening in the School. Newsletters are emailed or sent home each Tuesday during term. Please read your Newsletter as you will find it keeps you up-to-date with events at the School. School promotions are displayed on the board in the COLA. In the Newsletter we also try to inform you of ‘Out-of-School’ activities in the area.

Whole School Assemblies

These are held in Weeks 2,4,6,8,10 on Friday’s at 1.45 pm in the School Hall. In Weeks 1,3,5,7,9,11 K-2 Assembly is held on Friday’s at 9.15 am whilst 3-6 Assembly is held on Friday’s at 1.45 pm. We welcome and encourage parents to attend, especially when your child is involved in presenting a class item. (This information will be contained in the Newsletter). Morning Assemblies are held in the COLA briefly after the bell has gone.


The School Canteen operates three (3) days a week, (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) under a canteen supervisor and volunteers. The volunteers (mostly parents or grandparents) take orders, prepare lunches and sell snacks. Please consider accepting Canteen duty as a responsibility. If your child would like to make a lunch order, please fill out a paper bag outlining their name, class, which lunch the other is foe (Lunch 1 / 2) and their order.

For any enquiries please contact: Di Dyer on 0405 009 617


Tablets and Medicines

Schools can only administer medication which has been specifically prescribed by a medical practitioner. If a child must bring medication to School (tablets, medicine, asthma puffers, etc.), the following procedure should be observed:

1.Take the medication to the School Admin Officer (SAO) or SLSO, preferably in an unbreakable container. The SAO or SLSO will supervise the administration of the correct dose at the appropriate time. A note is required stating the name of the child, class, medication to be given, and the dose to be given as per doctor’s instructions, and lastly date/s medication is required.

2. Bring only a daily dose to School. (Only exception may be asthma).

3. If a child is on regular medication, special forms need to be signed by the parent. These forms are available from the School Office and are placed in the child’s School Record Card. A daily record is kept of all prescribed medications given to students, noting the date, time and amount administered.

First Aid

Staff administer basic First Aid to children who become injured at School. In all cases where the injury is more than minor, we immediately try to contact parents. As our First Aid facilities are limited we sometimes need parents to collect children from School and arrange treatment.