A007. Other Designated Persons. Write in the title and name of personnel who are authorized to apply and sign for OpSpecs and the appropriate part(s) for which each person is responsible.


A008. Operational Control. The system described or referenced in this paragraph is used by the certificate holder to provide operational control of flight operations.

  • System/ Procedures for Initiating, Diverting, and Terminating Flights.

Name of operator operating as a Single Pilot Operator, has sole responsibility for initiating, diverting, and terminating all flights.

  • Person Authorized to and responsible for Exercise of Operational Control.

Name of operator is authorized and responsible for the exercise of Operational Control of all flight operations.

Facilities and Location used by the operator in Exercise of Operational Control.

Name of operator exercises operational control of the facilities located at insert location.

Communication system and procedures used by the operator.

Name of operator uses VHF and/or MARINE radios to Communicate with the base of operations.

Procedures to assure the aircraft is airworthy.

Name of operator will assure that the aircraft is airworthy by looking at the status board and maintenance release if applicable.

Flight Locating Procedures

Name of operator will always file a flight plan with either the FAA or with the designated company person name of person. In the event that a company flight plan is filed it will have, at a minimum, the information required for a FAA flight plan.

Emergency notification procedures.

In the event that a flight becomes overdue by one (1) hour and all efforts to locate have been unsuccessful, the person guarding the flight plan for the company will notify the nearest air traffic facility and the FAA Regional Operations Center. Call the Regional Operations Center 24 hour number at 907-271-5936 or 800-478-7233, and ask to be conference called to FAA FSDO and the NTSB. These instructions will be posted and reviewed by the designated company flight locating person.

A009. Airport Aeronautical Data. The system described or referenced in this paragraph is used by the certificate holder to obtain, maintain, and distribute current aeronautical data for the airports in uses.

Where do you obtain your aeronautical data for the airports in uses?

Name of operator will obtain current aeronautical charts, the Alaska Supplement and the Airman’s Information Manual from a local supplier, or the NOAA chart sales office in Anchorage, or by mail order.

How do you maintain the above data?

Name of operator will obtain current data through a subscription service and local vendors.

How do you distribute the above data?

Name of operator will provide each pilot a current set of the abovedocuments.


A0l0. Aeronautical Weather Data. The system described or referenced in this paragraph is used by the certificate holder to obtain and disseminate aeronautical weather data for the control of flight operations.

All weather reports and forecasts will be obtained from the national weather service (NWS), a source approved by the NWS, or other source approved by the FAA administrator. For VFR operations, the pilots own observations, or those of another competent observer may be used when approved sources are not available.

