THURSDAY February 2, 2017 7:36 PM to 10:10 PM

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Members Present: Chair Lohny Fredrick, Supervisors Carole Vawter and LeRoy Tietz, Treasurer Jon Schoenike, and Clerk Deborah Behl. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Public Notice: Clerk reported that agendas were posted on Monday, January 30, 2017.

Public Comment: None.

Minutes: MOTION (Fredrick, Vawter): To approve the minutes from December 8, 2016, December 22, 2016 and January 12, 2017 as distributed. Carried on voice vote with no negatives.

Treasurer’s Report: MOTION (Tietz, Fredrick): To accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented with balances in Checking $900.48 and in the Interest Account $949,543.07. Carried on voice vote with no negatives.

Resolution L-17-A Crawfish Road Land Purchase: MOTION (Fredrick, Tietz): To approve Resolution L-17-A: Road Relocation and Acquisition Agreement with Robert R. and Jeannine A. Spoerl. Carried unanimously on a roll call vote: Fredrick – aye, Vawter – aye, Tietz – aye.

Crawfish Road Project: Bid specs for the reconstruction of Crawfish Road from Highview Road East to the dead end at Harnischfeger County Park have been distributed by our engineers MSA. Bids will be received by them electronically only and are due back Janaury 24, 2017. They will be opened at the MSA Office on January 24, 2017 at 10:00 am. MSA will review the bids and present their recommendation to the Board at the February 2, 2017 Board meeting. The Board will award the bid that night.

Sugar Island Barn: Dennis Robus, W3801 County Road O, spoke to the Board about the history and current status of the Sugar Island Barn. This is an old dairy barn on his property which they converted for use as a wedding or other event venue. This started in 2013 with the wedding of his daughter. He has been told by Dodge County Land Resources and Parks that he needs a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the operation of such a venue. Robus is now working with General Engineering Company of Portage to file a CUP. Robus presented a receipt from the County for a CUP application fee from January 11, 2017. Robus was asked what his intentions are regarding a Liquor License. Robus stated that it is their intention to have the people renting the facility bring in their own alcohol. The Board told him that this would not be acceptable. He could apply for a liquor license for his facility or he could require the renters to use a alcohol licensed caterer.

Police Report: Chief Dave Beal presented the December police report.

Ordinance 5.03.010 Parking: MOTION (Fredrick, Vawter): to adopt Ordinance 5.03.010 Regulation of All Night Parking. Carried on voice vote with no negatives.


THURSDAY January 12, 2017 7:34 PM to 10:04 PM

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Accounting Software: MOTION (Fredrick, Tietz): to approve Town Hall Software for a new accounting program at a cost of $2,075. Carried on voice vote with no negatives.

Planning Committee and Land Use Issues: Building permits were reviewed. Ag use penalties from the conversions of ag land to other uses were reviewed.

Highway Superintendent’s Report: Highway Superintendent Brent spoke about the final determination letter we recently received from the State Commissioner of Railroads regarding the possible closing of the railroad crossing at Upham Road. The Commissioner of Railroads has denied the petition of Union Pacific Railroad Co. for the closure of the Public Crossing with Upham Road. According to the decree, the Town must maintain the stop signs on Upham Road at both approaches to the crossing and the Town must clear brush and trim trees from its right-of-way within 330 feet of both approaches to the public crossing. Boyd will replace the two stop signs and he will check on the brush situation.

Boyd will begin preparing bid specs for our summer road work. It was agreed that bids will be opened at the April Board meeting. Due to a conflict, the April Board meeting will be moved from Thursday, April 5 to Wednesday April 4 at 7:30 pm.

Fire Department: Fire Chief Brent Boyd reported that we now have a five year fire contract with the Town of Emmet that is signed by all parties.

Park Committee: Nothing.

Board Member Reports: The Wisconsin Towns Association (WTA) Convention arrangements were discussed. Fredrick will attempt to procure rooms. Attendance at WTA District training meetings was discussed. Vawter will look into electronics recycling. Vawter will contact the Horton Group about insurance renewal. Clerk Behl reported that the Tobacco Free Coalition Dodge Jefferson Waukesha has completed tobacco compliance checks on three of our retailers within the Town. The report received says that our retailers did an outstanding job of checking IDs and denying the juvenile volunteers access to tobacco products including E-cigarettes.

Future Agenda Items: Nothing additional.

Monthly Bills: Bills for the month were reviewed. MOTION (Fredrick, Vawter): to pay bills as presented in the amount of $42,099.38 and tax settlements totaling $820,429.86.. Carried on voice vote with no negatives.

Adjournment: MOTION (Fredrick, Vawter): to adjourn. Carried on voice vote with no negatives.

Respectfully Submitted,

Deborah Behl, Clerk