Second Step and Social Competence Scale

This report was adapted from the CDC manual Measuring Violence Related Attitudes, Beliefs, And Behaviors: A Compendium of Assessment Tools and is found on page 217 as the Social Competence – Teacher Post Ratings. The second part was adapted from the Second Step Curriculum’s Transfer of Training Report.

Teachers should use this to help us monitor the effectiveness of the Second Step Curriculum. Teachers could do a follow-up each month or at the end of the Second Step lessons. This is appropriate for pre K- 5th grades.

Please return these to the P/I Center c/o Nickajack Elementary when they are all completed.

Thank you for your assistance,

Prevention/Intervention Center

Social Competence – Second Step Grades Pre K-5

Teacher Post-ratings

Please think about how a class was behaving at the beginning of the year and rate the degree of change that has taken place since then.

School Grade .


/ Much Worse / A Little Worse / No Change / A Little Better / Much Better
1. Ability to stop and calm down when excited or upset.
2. Ability to verbally label emotions of self and others.
3. Ability to show empathy and compassion for others’ feelings.
4. Ability to handle disagreements with others in a positive way.
5. Ability to initiate interactions and join in play with others in an appropriate and positive manner.
6. Ability to provide help, share materials, and act cooperatively with others.
7. Ability to take turns, play fair, and follow rules of the game.
8. Self-Esteem

Second Step Observations

(Behavior in the last 30 days) / Not At All / Once / Two-Five Times / Six-Ten Times / Eleven or More
9. Students used Second Step skills to solve a problem or conflict.
10. Second Step principles were integrated into other course content (social studies, writing, etc).
11. Students report using the Second Step strategies or report another student using them.
12. Students use the “I feel” statement.
13. Students use the problem solving strategy to solve a problem.
14. Students use the anger management steps.