Psych 0470 –Behavior ModificationReview #2

Chapter 3– Antecedents

1)Differentiate between immediate vs. distant antecedents.

a)Differentiate between overt vs. covert antecedents.

2)Discuss the nature of discrimination learning.

a)What is differential reinforcement?

b)What is a discriminative stimulus? S-delta?

c)Discuss the nature of stimulus generalization.

d)What is stimulus control?

e)What are prompts?

i)Discuss the different types of prompts.

ii)What is fading?

(1)How does this relate to delayed prompting?

(2)Discuss the nature of "steps."

3)How are modeling and instructions used as antecedents?

a)Discuss guidelines for effective modeling and instructions.

4)Discuss the nature of cognitive antecedents.

a)What are self-instructions and how are they used?

5)Discuss methods for changing existing antecedents.

6)Be familiar with "Tips for Managing Antecedents."

Chapter 4– Reinforcement

1)What is reinforcement?

a)Differentiate between positive and negative reinforcement.

b)What is meant by “reward” value?

i)Why don’t we use the term “reward” as synonymous with the word “reinforcer?”

ii)What is the difference between quality versus quantity?

c)What is the Premack Principle and how can it be applied?

d)Differentiate between unconditioned (primary) and conditioned (secondary) reinforcers.

2)Discuss the types of reinforcers, their advantages, and disadvantages where applicable:

a)Tangible/consumable reinforcers


i)How does this relate to the Premack Principle?

ii)What is the response deprivation hypothesis?

c)Social reinforcers



i)What are backup reinforcers?

f)Covert reinforcers

3)Discuss direct and indirect methods of identifying reinforcers.

4)What are ways to enhance reinforcer effectiveness?

5)Discuss the nature of shaping.

a)What is “successive approximations?”

b)What are different types?

c)How can we shortcut shaping?

6)Discuss CRF and PRF schedules of reinforcement.

a)What is thinning?

b)What is extinction in operant conditioning?

i)What is the PRF Effect?

7)What is negative reinforcement?

a)What is escape conditioning? Avoidance conditioning?

8)Be familiar with "tips on using reinforcement."

Chapter 5 - Decreasing Operant Behavior

1)What is extinction?

2)Discuss the process and characteristics of extinction:

a)What is an extinction burst?

b)What is spontaneous recovery?

3)Discuss factors that affect resistance to extinction.

4)What is punishment: positive and negative?

a)What are the types of punishment?

i)Physically aversive stimuli


iii)Aversive activities

(1)What is overcorrection? Restitution? Positive practice?


(1)What are the types of time-out?

v)Response cost

b)Discuss advantages and disadvantages of punishment.

c)Discuss consideration for using punishment.

i)How does one use punishment well?

5)Discuss other strategies for decreasing behavior:




6)Discuss the use of self-monitoring and self-instructions.

7)Be familiar with "tips on using extinction and punishment.