Napa County Office of Education

Barbara Nemko, Ph.D., Superintendent

Napa County board of Education

July 1, 2014
A Regular Meeting of the Napa County Board of Education was called to order at 4:01 p.m. on Tuesday, July 1, 2014, via teleconference, from the Napa County Office of Education, 2121 Imola Avenue, Napa, California, Board Trustee Janna Waldinger (Napa) presiding. Members via teleconference: Lisa Lindsey (American Canyon), Steve Orndorf (Napa), Ken Slavens (St. Helena) and Ann Cash (Napa). Members Absent: Jennifer Kresge and Don Huffman.
The salute to the Flag was led by Janna Waldinger.
Visitors were welcomed to the meeting.
The Agenda was approved on a motion by Mrs. Cash and a second by Mrs. Lindsey.
The Minutes of June 24, 2014 meeting were approved on a motion by Mrs. Cash and a second by Mrs. Lindsey.
There were no comments from the public.
1.  Josh Schultz, Deputy Superintendent, suggested discussing the possible Community School sites at the next August 5th meeting so he can proceed with the possible installation of solar panels in the administration office parking lot.
2.  Mr. Orndorf reported he called an executive at California County Board of Education (CCBE) regarding the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF).
Consent Agenda Item 3.A. (Temporary County Certificates) was passed on a motion by Mr. Slavens and a second by Mrs. Lindsey.
Consent Agenda Item 3.B. (Board Member Compensation) was tabled to the August 5, 2014 meeting because additional information was needed for a compensation request.
Backup information on the consent items was included in the Board packets and is on file in the Superintendent’s office.
On a motion by Mrs. Cash and a second by Mr. Slavens, the Board approved certifying that Kyle O’Brien’s high school education is equivalent to the requirements of the high school diploma issued to qualified students by the Napa County Office of Education. The vote was as follows: Ayes – Steve Orndorf, Ken Slavens, Janna Waldinger, Ann Cash, and Lisa Lindsey. Absent – Don Huffman and Jennifer Kresge.
Napa County Board of Education
July 1, 2014 – continued
Mr. Slavens emailed members CSBA’s Governmental Relations Positions on Legislation and Sponsored Legislation. He noted SB 971 (School Finance) was read a second time and amended and has been re-referred to the Committee.
The Board accepted the Personnel Activity Report as presented.
Dr. Apolloni discussed the appointment of Joshua Schultz as Deputy Superintendent as of July 1, 2014. Mr. Schultz will report directly to the Superintendent and will hold both titles of Chief Business Official and Deputy Superintendent.
Dr. Apolloni will reduce his time base from the current 80% to 70% and will reassume his previous role as Associate Superintendent with direct supervision of Educational Services programs.
Mr. Slavens noted that under Gifts in Board Bylaw 9270 – Conflict of Interest, it states “Gifts of travel, including public transportation, and related lodging and subsistence shall be subject to the prevailing gift limitation except as described in Government Code 89506” and he thought the “including public transportation” part had been banned. Dr. Apolloni will look into this possible change and report to the Board members at the August 5th meeting.
Mr. Schultz noted that since the 2014-15 budget was just approved last week, he did not have any new information to report.
Future agenda items: 1) Work Session with WLC Architects, 2) Discuss Board Retreat, 3) Report from Board Evaluation Ad Hoc Committee, 4) Budget Update, 5) Second Reading and Approval of Board Bylaw 9270 – Conflict of Interest, 6) Update on Facilities Master Plan and Design for a Proposed Community School, and 7) Discuss Alternative Site for Board Meeting in the Fall.
The next meeting of the Napa County Board of Education will be on August 5, 2014.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:37 p.m., on a motion by Mrs. Lindsey and a second by Mrs. Cash.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Nemko, Secretary
Approved Date /

Call to Order

Flag Salute


Approval of
Approval of Minutes
Comments from the Public
Correspondence, Communications, and Reports
Consent Agenda Item 3.A. (Temporary County Certificates)
Consent Agenda Item 3.B. (Board Member Compensation)
Approval of Request by Kyle O’Brien for Board Certification of Education Equivalent to High School Diploma
Discussion, Review, and Direction Re: Legislative Updates and Positions
Personnel Activity Report
Appointment of Joshua Schultz as Deputy Superintendent
First Reading of Revisions to Board Bylaw 9270 – Conflict of Interest
Budget Update
Future Agenda Items
Next Board Meeting