Executive Board February 1, 2001

Attending: Linna Barnes, Susan Sellers, Ginny Hillhouse, Madelyn Hamilton, Scott Bisset, Michele Yu, Kevin Byrne, Beth Wong, Diane Kupelian, Daniel Robinson, Ann Black, Mary Vincent, Lucie Campbell, Lynn Lowman, Andrea Gates, Susan Filocco, Meredith Walters, Patty Rapp, Luella Mast, Jerry Loux, Joseph Stewart

The meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m.

The report of the Principal and President Committee was added to the agenda, as was the Cable TV committee. The V.P. for Administration report was shifted earlier in the agenda due to a personal obligation to her child. The agenda changes were approved. Ms. Campbell passed out information on a puppet presentation and other programs and reports from the Mental Health Administration. The Consent Calendar was accepted without objective.

President’s Report

Ms. Barnes stated that the MCCPTA Executive Board would be meeting with the Board of Education on April 23, 2001 at 5:30 p.m. with a potluck dinner. She noted that it currently appears that there is no time on the Board of Education schedule for a presentation by the MCCPTA Executive Board. She commented that she would seek further information from the Board on what they wish to do. Ms. Campbell raised a question about the time of the meeting but Ms. Barnes stated that the time was the same time as in the past. Ms. Lowman questioned whether we should give them dinner or just give a presentation. Ms. Barnes indicated that the issue will be further discussed in the March Executive Board meeting. Ms. Sellers suggested that the V.P Programs try to schedule the meeting for the Carver cafeteria. It was noted that the time given for MCCPTA by the Board was longer than that given to the union for MCPS principals.

Ms. Barnes indicated that the MCCPTA officers would meet with the MCPS Leadership team headed by Dr. Williams on February 15, 8:00 a.m. She stated that the officers would discuss parent involvement with the leadership. Ms. Filocco expressed her concern that with the chance to meet with these leaders we should present the goals of MCCPTA such as all day kindergarten. Ms. Barnes noted that those issues were budget issues that must now be passed by the County Council. Ms. Campbell suggested that we broaden the issues we wish to discuss. Ms. Barnes stated that the elected officers were concerned with the problem of sharing information with parents. Ms. Yu stated the officers wanted to discuss giving greater respect to parents in MCCPTA. She suggested we discuss the power of the parents in such issues as developing curriculum. Ms. Lowman stated that there was a concern that some programs only pay lip service to parent involvement and input and MCCPTA should insist that such involvement be meaningful. Ms. Hillhouse suggested that we ask for a presentation by the outside contractor to develop curriculum and the parent involvement in that process. She stated that we should focus on parent involvement. Another member noted that the change to community superintendents have brought MCPS closer to the community but he stated that it seems that MCCPTA is having less input to the schools at the local level and being pushed aside. He suggested that the marriage between the PTA and the principals is being spilt apart. Ms. Barnes suggested that we have area meetings. He stated that his concern that the local principals are not responding for questions for information. Ms. Sellers stated that the Cluster Coordinators are meeting on February 10, 2001 to discuss the role of communication. Ms. Yu noted that the superintendent has called for a smaller role for PTAs, suggesting that they limit their role to fundraising.

Ms. Barnes stated that there will be a presentation on changes in ICB policy with centralization of scheduling. She noted a concern that local PTAs were sponsoring for profit groups in fund raising and therefore be charged for use of the schools. Ms. Campbell stated that other groups are expressing concerns of the ICB issues and will react to proposed changes. Ms. Campbell indicated that she had received a memo that ICB was having an after school vendor fair for after school programs. She asked who was going to represent the kids in picking the vendors. Ms. Barnes noted that some PTAs have worked with schools to pick after school vendors. Ms. Campbell stated that the information should have been more widely circulated. Ms Gates indicated that a representative form Wheaton H.S. attended to get information. Ms. Yu noted that the ICB was strongly concerned of PTA sponsorship of commercial activities. She stated that the PTA representative stated that MCCPTA would police itself. She expressed concern that the ICB would seek payment for any activity in which a PTA charged an admission fee.

Ms. Barnes discussed the alcohol and drug use booklet that is now ready for distribution to the high schools but only a limited number is available. She asked whether the booklet should be mailed to the PTAs leaders at home or sent to schools. Ms. Lowman asked whom it was intended to send the booklets to. Ms. Kupelian stated that it was intended that the PTAs distribute the booklets. Ms Barnes indicated that the booklet was an MCPS booklet. She noted that the PTA is taking responsibility for it to make sure it doesn’t get lost. Ms. Lowman stated that the booklets should go the schools to distribute since it was an MCPS program. Ms. Barnes stated that MCCPTA was sponsoring a kickoff for the program on March 12, 2001 which will be attended by Dr. Weast and other school officials.. Ms Campbell stated that we should insist that the schools distribute the booklets to all freshman students. Ms. Barnes stated that each school is getting 400 books and there was a question of whether PTSAs should pay for printing the extra copies at $1.50 each. Ms. Hamilton noted that local PTSAs often don’t do as much fund raising and therefore may not the funds for paying for extra copies. Ms. Campbell asked whether it should be distributed through the SCAT coordinators. Ms. Sellers that that this issue would be an extra expense for high school PTSAs which had set their budgets long ago. Ms. Barnes stated that MCPS has already paid for the publication with the help of grants. Ms. Kupelian suggested that PTSA presidents be informed when the booklets are sent. Ms. Barnes noted that this effort had been parent driven in private schools and was intended to be parent driven in public schools.

Ms. Barnes indicated that the National PTA conference is scheduled for June 24 to June 27, 2001in Baltimore and asked for volunteers to attend the convention. Ms. Wong stated that Maryland PTA is raising $40,000 for the convention but so far has raised only $4,000. She stated that the state PTA is aiming to get at least 800 volunteers. Ms. Campbell stated that even volunteers needed to register. She noted that there would be an evening meeting for member of county executive boards for June 23 at the Baltimore Aquarium. Ms. Barnes indicated that she would be seeking volunteers on First Class to see who wishes to go. Mr. Robinson raised a question of members staying overnight rather than being required to drive home late at night and returning the next morning. Ms. Barnes stated that it would be a better use of our money to send more members to the meeting during the day. It was suggested that MCCPTA rent a suite in Baltimore for the time of the convention.

Corresponding Secretary

Ms. Yu submitted her report on correspondence. She noted that one parent has testified that the schools should resist the entrance of commercial products on public school property. She noted that he raised the health issues of these products. She also indicated that the county had given a list of the language banks in the county. Ms. Sellers had stated that she had talked to the person and suggested that a local PTA present a resolution on the issue.

The Treasurer has no report

V.P. for Administration.

Ms. Black stated that the Nomination Committee has received several nominations. Ms. Black referred to the bylaws noting that called for an area-cluster nominating committee consisting of at least five PTA presidents in each area. Ms. Lowman noted that clusters had been informed that each cluster should have a nominating committee. Ms. Black indicated that the area nominating committee was to provide at least one nominee for each cluster. Ms. Barnes indicated that she was seeking a response from the state on the revised bylaws and was seeking to present them to the delegates in the March Delegates Assembly. Ms. Black stated that a nomination only needed the name and phone number of a nominee. She clarified that e-mails and letters were acceptable but the nomination must be written.

Ms. Mast of the Standing Rules Committee discussed the corresponding secretary’s duties but received no comments. Ms. Sellers stated that there would be a breakfast from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Carver cafeteria on February 10 for all cluster coordinators to discuss the role of the cluster coordinator in MCCPTA and MCPS. Ms. Lowman suggested that the meeting also discuss the role of the area coordinator. Ms Mast stated that there would be a draft on area coordinator position available for discussion. Ms. Mast presented the standing rules as suggested so far and asked the executive board members to bring their copy to the March meeting where it will be voted on. She noted that some items were flagged on amendments added by the committee that had not been previously reviewed with the Executive Board. She stated that once the rules are set forth, any person taking the job must agree to do all the duties listed in the standing rules. She thanked Mr. Bisset for putting together a treasurer’s job description. Ms. Barnes indicated that the rules would be sent to members who did not attend the meeting.

Ms. Hillhouse indicated that a Spotlight would be sent soon.

Ms. Hillhouse reviewed the testimony before the County Council by cluster coordinators. She noted that two lists of presenters had been sent to the scheduler of the County Council, the second longer than the first. She was informed today that the first, shorter list had been approved. She stated that she was seeking spots for three more people to testify. Mr. Loux stated that every cluster is seeking an element in the capital budget along with issues that are not within the clusters. He noted that 12 clusters will not have an opportunity to testify. He indicated that Mr. Lavornga had sent information to clusters on some areas. Mr. Loux stated that some of these issues are larger than cluster issues. He asked clusters to address the problems on an issue basis beyond the concerns of their cluster. He stated that he would send an e-mail message out and ask those testifying to highlight the issues that MCCPTA should address. Ms. Campbell asked whether Wootton would be testifying. Ms. Hillhouse stated that she believed that the cluster coordinator for Wootton would be testifying. She stated that she would be meeting with the scheduler tomorrow to clarify the testimony schedule. Ms. Lowman suggested that in the future we testify by area. Ms Hillhouse noted that some of the strongest testifiers would not be able to present it. Ms. Filocco asked whether the circulated list represented the order at the testimony. She stated that Magruder cluster was having a large number of children coming to the testimony and therefore needed to testify early in the evening. It was suggested that some members of the council preferred not to have children attend the testimony.

Cluster Reports

Mr. Byrne noted that the Rockville Cluster was still recovering from the death of Susan Stottmeister, a former PTA president from Rock Creek Valley ES. Mr. Byrne noted that Mrs. Stottmeister had recruited him six years ago into an active role in the PTA. He reported that a parent in the Rockville Cluster had set up a memorial fund at a local bank for contributions to benefit her two children. He circulated the address of the fund to the members of the Board. He noted that Montgomery County police had held two community meetings and indicated that he hoped to have a cluster meeting in March with the police addressing the issue of keeping children safe.

Ms. Rapp stated that a new principal had been selected for the Northwest #6 ES. She noted that the selected principal was from another school within the cluster so another principal selection would be needed in the near future.

Ms. Filocco noted that the Magruder testified as an area which strengthened the bond of the clusters area. Ms. Gates reported that the Wheaton cluster also testified. Ms Vincent indicated that Churchill Cluster is preparing for its meeting for the Board of Education.

V.P. for Educational Issues.

Ms. Sellers stated that the Curriculum Committee was asked to prepare a letter to response to the proposed changes in curriculum policy. She read the letter noting that MCCPTA wanted more details on how curriculum would be developed setting parameters for curriculum development. She noted the letter discussed how curriculum would be reviewed, and whether the input of teachers and parents on the success of the curriculum would be included. The letter asked for comparison of the curriculum to other systems and to national standards to make sure the county curriculum made the school met worldwide standards. The letter called for training of teachers before the implementation of new curriculum. She stated that parent participation was important to the review of curriculum to make parents full partnership in curriculum committees. The letter stated that changes to the curriculum must be widely announced and that the information on curriculum must be communicated two ways. Mr. Loux suggested that we add publication on web sites as a way for MCPS to communicate changes. Ms. Sellers stated that she would also include the need to inform parents in alternate languages of curriculum changes