Indiana Library Federation
Legislative Committee Minutes
April 1, 2014 at 10 a.m.
Indianapolis, IN
Attendance:Susan Akers,Ann Abel, Kelly Ehinger, Carolyn Elliott, Bev Gard, Jane Hall, Jason Hatton, Jos Holman, Sharon Kain, Wendy Knapp, Larry Oathout, Wendy Phillips, Nick Schenkel (phone), William Wiebenga
Absent:Alexis Caudell, Michael McCullough, Ann O’Bryan, Tim Hommey, Terry Rheinheimer
Welcome:Jasonwelcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 10:08 a.m.
Approval of Minutes: A motion was made byJane Hall and seconded by Jos Holmanto approve the minutes with the following corrections: 1) date should be March 4, not February 4 2) Jos welcomed everyone, not Jason.
Correspondence: None.
Legislative Advocates Update:
Carolyn provided astatus report on bills related to libraries.
HB1004 – Early Learning Pilot Grant Program: passed
HB1062 – Local Government Tax: passed
HB1266 – Local Government Finance Issues: passed but does not include libraries
SB1 – State and Local Taxation: passed; local government must opt in for this to affect libraries
SB80 – Interim Study Committee Structure: passed; changes the way Summer Studies are structured
SB106 –Local Government Transparency: passed
SB420 – Property Tax Deadlines and Procedures: signed by the President Pro Tempore
SB 1075 - PERF Innuity Pay Out: passed; phased down to market starting Oct. 1, after Sept. 30 down to 5.9%
SR48 – High-Speed Broadband Connectivity: no solution
Session ended March 13. 870 bills were filed and approximately 200 went to the governor.
Several Senators are retiring this year:
Sen. Allen Paul (R)
Sen. Johnny Nugent (R)
Sen. Dorothy (Sue) Landske (R)
Sen. Thomas Wyss (R)
Sen. Lindel Hume (D)
Representative Rick Niemeyer will be dropping out to run for office
Educational Issues: New standards being proposed and finalized. Indiana has elected to drop Common Core.
Looking to the Future: Budget year next year. Increasing Connectivity & INSPIRE, have libraries individualize it and contact their legislators. Larry, Kelly, and Jos will work on statistics to send to library directors.
ILF Executive Office Report/Announcements:Susan stated ALA would like to have libraries sign and promote the petition for the “Declaration for the Right to Libraries”, committee members were given “Declaration for the Right to Libraries” bookmarks. Susan reported ILF staff assisted at PLA, and IPLA and IMCPL sponsored a trolley that took attendees to several locations around Indy. Around 850 attendees took the trolley to various locations. Susan also reported about $60,000 in Trustee and Institutional dues has come into the ILF office in the last few weeks. ILF is asking for members to write “thank you” letters for LSTA grants to send to Legislative Day in Washington, D.C. on May 5 & 6. Susan also stated the “call for programs” for annual conference is now online and the ILF staff is also working on sending out informational brochures to new library directors. Lastly, ILF is seeking to fill 2 positions on the Nominating Committee at this time.
Network Coordinator’s Report: Nick thanked Susan form mentioning IPLA’s sponsoring of the trolley during PLA.
Federal Network Coordinator’s Report: No report.
ISL Report/Announcements: The state librarian job is being held open until April 2, 2014. There are currently 18 candidates. ILHB will meet on April 11 and the Standards Committee will meet on April 14. ISL is currently trying to establish a partnership with ICHC.
Other Business:A discussion on the distribution-of-information procedures was continued, and a subcommittee will be appointed to determine what information (reports, tracklists, minutes/summaries, alerts) should be shared with whom (members, directors, website).
Next Meeting:There will not be a May meeting held. Next meeting will be June 3, 2014 at ILF office complex at 10 a.m.
Adjournment:A motion was made and seconded for the meeting to adjourn.