CPWF Project Inception Report

CPWF Project Inception Report

Project Title: On assessing and anticipating consequences of innovation

Project Number: Nile Project 4 (N4)

Project Leader: Seleshi Bekele Awualchew

For submission to the

Date: 10, 15, 2010

CPWF Project Inception Report

(max. 5 pages, excluding Annexes)


●  Throughout this template, there are links to relevant sections in the on-line CPWF Handbook and CPWF ME Guide that provide guidance, templates and examples. The CPWF ME guide is the reference document for filling out the report

●  Submission should be by e-mail attachment or on-line using Google Docs. If you use the latter send the document URL to the Basin Leader, and make sure that it is shared so that anyone who has the link can view the document, and Annexes.

1. Please describe and elaborate on the following:

1.1 Explanations of any changes made to the Project Workbook (i.e., Outcome Logic Model, Gantt Chart, Budget)

The following changes are made on the work book:

All the comments provided by the M&E team are addressed. For this modification the worksheets with the comments and updates versions of the worksheets are provided in the workbook.

OLM changes: There are no major changes in the OLM. However, baseline plans for the two of the most important outcomes are developed

Gantt chart: Modifications have been made on the start and completion dates of the first year activities and deliverable milestones. These were required owing to the delayed start date of the project. However, the effect will not be translated in affecting completion of the second year activities. These changes, when they translate to be pushed in other quarters, they are shown in yellow shading. In addition, details of activities in the sections of outputs 3 are provided. Furthermore, responsible institutions and individuals are shown at activities level. Note that where there are more than one name indicated, the first person is responsible for the delivery of the output

Budget: There are no budget changes.

Research Staff: There are adjustments of names of researchers reflecting the names of staff newly seconded to the project. Special arrangement is that the new staff of IWMI Dr. Charlotte MaCAllister is assigned as co-leader of the project at this stage of the project implementation.

1.2 Key inception insights on:

The project commenced on the existing good foundation of phase 1 project results. Based on this it is possible to accelerate the delivery of outputs. The crucial innovation idea is integration of rain water management in the equation of water management (green-blue water) accounting is very crucial in agricultural water management and understanding impacts and consequences. WEAP and SWATWB models are configured to address large scale interventions and these models will be modified to include the aggregated impact of small scale interventions. We will further develop the nested approach for understanding erosion processes, sediment yield, sediment transport and siltation across a range of scales from local to basin scale, and the impact of interventions in affecting sediment dynamics. Similalry, livlihood, instiutional, policy and economy wide analysis are critical entry points for impact analysis.

○  bottlenecks (and how they were/ are being addressed)

No major bottlenecks are observed yet. However, delivery of lessons of small scale interventions at landscape levels, which is dependent on N2 outputs, is crucial ingredient to expedite analysis of consequences and impacts. Expectations are that these will be delivered in time to feed into N4.

○  major achievements (and how they contribute to the project and BDC)

Available hydro-meteorological, land use and farming systems database of Ethiopian highland and the broader Blue Nile basin. Major agreement on the type of models that are to be used and the necessary improvements anticipated

○  lessons learned

Partnership and engagement of stakeholders not only from Ethiopia but also from Sudan and Egypt is crucial in project implementation for the success of the project and enhancing regional collaborations.

1.3 Partnerships entered into and their relevance to project goals

-  MoU drafted and signed with two institutions. These include the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and the Stockholm Environmental Institute (SEI). The two institutions are core implementing partners.

-  New MoU is drafted to be signed with Cornell University (CU). CU was not directly identified as implementing partner of the project. However, the University has worked with IWMI and its partners in the past to implement phase 1 CPWF project together with Bahir Dar University (BDU). CU has now renewed its work relationship with BDU to run an M.Sc. program which is directly relevant to the project objectives and goals. The agreement therefore helps the project goal through engaging students from BDU, and professors and researchers from CU.

-  Other specific MoU will be signed on yearly basis with NARS partners, as recently explained to CPWF management during the workshop in September and also conceived in the project proposal. To do this discussions have been made with Ethiopian Rain Water Harvesting Association, Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (ORARI), Amhara Regional Agricultural Institute(ARARI). Need based specific MoU’s will be signed as needs emerge

-  IWMI has already an umbrella MoU with Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) on behalf of the CGIAR including CPWF. The MoU with ENTRO is delayed as the modalities of the N4 MoU need to be decided whether it should be Addendum or MoU. There was not also sufficient time for ENTRO to discuss the engagement of stakeholder institutions from Sudan and Egypt. This will be facilitated in the remaining period of 2010.

1.4 Anything else you think is important to report (we encourage sharing of information describing activities that have both successful and negative impacts on your work in order to learn from both)

N4 is on one hand in a good situation as most of the baselines such as Models at Ethiopian Highland or Blue Nile or Nile wide from the phase 1 projects can be adapted to this phase. On the other hand it is also very much dependent on the results of N2 and to some extent on N3 to utilize analyze consequences of innovations at landscape and basin wide. While rapid progress can be achieved on one side, there is a potential slow down on the other side.

2 . Status of compliance with Standard Clause 3.03 and changes requested at time of contracting (please provide as attachments to your report):

Required documents from Standard Clause 3.03
Document Description / Status/ Reference*
Updated Project Workbook based on interactions with stakeholders and changes requested at time of contracting
Draft outcome logic model / See Workbook, N4_OLM_Oct10
Indicator and milestone plan developed for the duration of the project / See Workbook, N4_MS_Oct10
Gantt Chart / See Workbook, N4_GANT_Oct10
Budget / See Workbook, no change
Plan for baselining of outcome targets / See Annex, N4-baseline plan
Signed MOUs corresponding to milestone plan / See Annex, MoUs
Third Party Intellectual asset audit / See Annex X
Any other documentation agreed to between the Project Leader and the CPWF. / None

* Please provide the corresponding URL/ link to the document in question

2.1 Needs from the CPWF - Is there anything that the CPWF can help you with at this point in the project? (e.g., from Basin Leader, Coordination Project, CPWF KM team, capacity building)

Most necessary supports are in place and none is required at this stage. Collective dissemination strategy, M&E instrument used by N5 for coordination of outputs, etc are needed

3. Statement of Receipts and Expenditures

3.1 Cash flow analysis of project to date (will be provided)

Time / 2010 / 2010 / 2011 / 2011 / 2012 / 2012 / 2013 / 2013 / Final Audit
6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36 / 42 / 48
(thousands of $US) / US$ / US$ / US$ / US$ / US$ / US$ / US$ / US$ / US$
Contracted budget
Value of tranche payments received to date (accumulative)
Balance of funds to be received (row 1 minus row 2)
Value of expenditures shown in your financial system
Value of commitments shown in your financial system
Total expenditures to date (sum of rows 4 and 5)
Balance held against tranche payments received to date (Row 2 minus row 6)
Balance held against total contracted budget (sum of rows 3 and 7)

3.2 Narrative summary analysis of project cash flow (any comments regarding unexpected financial management issues that have arisen)

○  If matching funds are being provided, please note the status of the provision and if this is affecting the project in any way

Vehicles during field visits, office spaces, computers and audiovisual equipments are made available.

○  If substantial commitments or balances are shown, please explain here:

The existing funds are not yet extensively utilized. With in 2010, transfers of funds to partners will be made.

○  If any alterations have been made in budget line items (see clause 8.03(c)) please state here:

No alternations have been made

3.3 Status report of partner disbursements and expenditures against the agreed MOU (Please provide a brief narrative statement regarding the financial status of each partner’s expenditures. Are they in line with your expectations in the MOU, and if not what actions are being taken, and how is this affecting the research, if at all.)

Too early to describe this!

Date: October 20,2010 Project leader: Seleshi B. Awulachew


1. Please attach documents requested in Question 2, OR provide URLs (as detailed above)

2. Please provide an invoice requesting the next payment.

3. Please provide a financial statement signed by your Chief Financial Officer in support of the figures provided above for this report period.

Please note that you will need to provide an invoice for disbursement of next payment, and that an internally generated financial statement should be produced (Standard Clause 8.06)