Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Semester: Spring 2007
Total Credits: 3 credit hours Lectures (Theory)
Course Description: The course deals with the following topics: Fourier transform, Z-transform, Digital Fourier transform (DFT), Fast Fourier transform (FFT), Filter design, Digital Filter design, and Optimal Filter design.
Prerequisite: Signals and Systems
Professor: Dr. Hatem Elaydi
Office: Administration Building, B529
Phone: 286-0700 ext. 1015
Office Hours: SMW, Tue. 9:00-10:00
Teaching Assistant: Eng. Fadwa Elshawaf,
Textbooks: Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing by Lonnie C. Ludeman
The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing by Steven W. Smith, available online at:
Digital Signal Processing 2 ed., by W.D. Stanley, G.R. Dougherty and R. Dougherty
Introduction to Digital Signal Processing by J.G. Proakis and D.G. Manolakis.
Introduction to Signal Processing by Sopholes J. Orfanidis.
Signal Processing Toolbox: User's Guide by The Math Works.
Course Aims:
· Understanding of discrete signals.
· The ability to present signals in both time and frequency domains.
· Manipulation and processing of small signals.
· Design analog, digital and optimal filters.
· The ability to use and program using software languages or packages in order to simulate their projects and design.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
· Knowledge of discrete and continuous systems.
· Differentiation between discrete and continuous signals.
· Dealing with signals in both time and frequency domains.
· Using Mathematical representation in order to manipulate and process signals.
· Understanding of signal representation in the frequency domain.
· Design and simulation of filter models using software packages and programming languages.
· Implementation of digital filters (when possible) on real life problems.
· Development of research skills and presentation skills.
Computer Usage: Students are encouraged to use the popular simulation program MATLAB (available on student accessible machines) during the solution of homework problems, projects and labs.
Grading: Grades will be determined as Follows:
Homework 15%
Quizzes 15%
Project 20%
Midterm 20%
Final 30%
There will be weekly homework assignments consisting of textbook and miscellaneous software projects
Midterm Exam. date April 2, 2007
Course Outlines
Fundamentals of Discrete Systems: definitions, discrete systems, Fourier transform of sequences, and sampling of continuous signals. (6 hrs.)
The Z-transform: definition of the Z-transform, inverse of the Z-transform, computation of frequency response, and solution of LCCD equations. (2 hrs.)
Analog Filter Design: butterworth filters, Chebyshev filters, elliptic filters, and general filter forms. (2 hrs.)
Digital Filter Design: Discrete-time filters, Design by numerical solutions of differential equations, analog design using digital filters, design of digital filter using digital-to-digital transformation, IIR filter design , and FIR filter design (12 hrs.)
The Discrete Fourier Transform: continuous Fourier series, discrete Fourier series, discrete Fouries transform, and the fast Fouries transform. (9 hrs.)
Optimal Filter Design. (6 hrs.)
DSP Applications (6 hrs.)
Policies: I highly encourage you to discuss homework and projects with either myself or your peers. This discussion could include among other things, various approaches to a homework problem, algorithms for a software project, programming tips, and various theoretical insights. Be aware however, that all submitted solutions to homework and projects must be written or coded ( in the case of software) by the individual. There is to be no ``sharing'' of solutions. Any plagiarism or cheating will result in an automatic failing in the course
College of Engineering