DearSpringHarborMusic Students and Parents,

Welcome to an exciting new year of music! This letter will give you information about grading, concert dates, and materials for music class. I look forward to working with you.


Ben Jaeger

Music Director, SpringHarborMiddle School


General Music at SpringHarbor concentrates on developing young voices. We do exploratory guitar and piano throughout the year and some composition and multi-track recording, but we compete and perform as vocal ensembles.

Grading:an academicrating systemof 0-4, is used for each of the power standards based on the following criteria:

Skills and Techniques: individual singing assignments,practice time, skills assignments

Knowledge: practicing and passing piano and guitar songs, music reading assignments, solo vocal project

Application: Daily participation and concert assignments

Study Skills: a rating of most of the time, some of the time, or rarely is given for study skills based on the following:

Uses time productively – Is the student singing/playing when asked, not talking or playing out of turn?

Prepared for class - Does the student bring a pencil and sheet music/book to class daily?

Cooperates with others – Is the student able to sing and play in a group, work as a team, and get along with the other students?

Everyone MUST practice outside of class to make sure all students can enjoy an excellent sounding group. This is typically the only work given to be completed outside of class. If it is not possible to practice at home, please make arrangements for before-school, lunchtime, or after-school practice at SpringHarbor. 10-20 minutes a day with one day off per week is the expectation for everyone. Like any physical or mental training, a shorter daily routine is more beneficial than one or two long sessions per week.

Extra Opportunities:Madison Youth Choirs, participating in solo and ensemble contest in the spring, taking private lessons (see the SpringHarbor music website, or ask or email me, I have a list of teachers), or attending concerts (put the program on my desk with your name on it.)

Materials needed:

A pencil. Every day.

6th grade: Guitar Method 1 by Aaron Stang, Warner Bros Publications (blue book)

7th grade: Guitar Method Book 1 second edition by Will Schmid and Greg Koch (black book)

See me for loaners if you need financial assistance.

Piano music and vocal music will be loaned out to students like a library book free of charge. Fines may be assessed for lost music.

Concert Dates:

Please notify me in writing signed by a parent as soon as possible (preferably at least two weeks ahead) if you know you cannot attend one of these events so I can reassign parts and arrange for make-up work. Please aim for black and white dress clothes for concert attire if possible.

Here are this season's show dates:

Wednesday, November 10th 7PM 6th, 7th, and 8th graders sing inSpringHarbor M.S. gym

Wednesday, February9th6PM 6th, 7th, and 8th graders sing in SpringHarbor M.S. gym for the Heritage dinner

Wednesday, May 25th 6PM 6th, 7th, and 8th graders sing on the SpringHarbor M.S. lawn


Music Contract:

I have read this letter and understand the grading policy. I intend to obtain the required materials and practice my concert music and I have marked on my calendar the concerts, all of which I can attend.

Student's Name: (please print) ______

Student's Signature:______

Parent's Signature:______

Please return this portion of the letter to Mr. Jaeger by Friday, September 10th. Consider this your first assignment. :)

Private teachers:


Jane Ferris 257.1428, 256-1516

Carol Dewyer 233.8541

Eva Wright238-9765

Shad Wenzlaff 695.4005

Jackie Colbert298-0907
Marilyn Fisher233-1090
Ruth Horrall238-0502
Marie Kyle833-8622
Gary McKercher249-8524
Rachel Edie Warrick238-9511
Peggy Walters274-2059

Joel Spiess 232-1510


Clare Stoner Fehsenfeld 215.6795 x2818

Shad Wenzlaff 695.4005

Alena Harrison 236.0739

Larry Elliot 233.0546


Steve Radtke 715.304.8622

Lessons for all instruments:

MemorialHigh School 663.6145

UW School of Music student teaching division 263.1900

Drums N Moore 661.4442

Music Tree 833.4488

EastwoodSchool of Music 245.0200


Ward Brodt 661.8600

Good 'n Loud 231.5990

Drums N' Moore 222.3786

Extra Credit?

Join Madison Youth Choirs: 238.7464