Course Attributes
‘Essential’ and Social Distance ‘Ready’ Courses
Departments are developing continuity of instruction plans (also referred to as ‘social distance teaching’ plans) to enable continuation of instruction during a pandemic event. This entails Departmental Pandemic Coordinators working with chairs and faculty to determine which courses are ‘essential’ to teach during a pandemic and then departments preparing those ‘essential’ courses to be taught in a social distance teaching mode; thereby making them ‘ready’.
UW Madison will be using SIS to identify courses or sections that are ‘essential’ and/or ‘ready’ using a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) course attribute.
Coding Courses or Sections as ‘Essential’ and/or Social Distance ‘Ready’
If a course or specific section(s) has been identified as ‘Essential’ and/or ‘Ready’, it then needs to be coded appropriately in the Student Information System as follows:
Step / Action1. / If you want the course coded as ‘Essential’ and/or ‘Ready’ at the COURSE level:
Email the following to :
· Subject Area Number
· Catalog Number
· Coding Requested: [pick one] ‘Essential’ or ‘Ready’ or Both (Essential & Ready)
2. / If you want the course coded as ‘Essential’ and/or ‘Ready’ for a
specific term or section only, do this at the SECTION level:
a. Select from your Main Menu:
>Curriculum Management
Schedule of Classes
Maintain Schedule of Classes
b. Find desired course.
c. Click the |Basic Data| tab.
d. Use row counter to find the specific section to which you want to identify as ‘Essential’ and/or ‘Ready’.
Note: If multiple component types (e.g., Lec, Disc, Lab), only assign attribute(s)
on first component type (e.g., Lec or sections numbered 001-299).
e. On that section, scroll down to view the Class Attributes area.
Continues on next page…
f. To assign a COOP Course Attribute, follow the instructions below:
If Course Attribute field: / Then:
Is Blank / i. Click on Course Attribute Look up button.
ii. Click yellow [Look Up] button.
iii. Click ‘COOP’.
iv. Click on Course Attribute Value Look up button.
v. Click yellow [Look Up] button.
vi. Click desired Course Attribute Value,
‘Essential’ or ‘Ready’.
Is filled in and you need to add a new COOP row / i. Click the last Add [+] button.
ii. Follow the ‘Is Blank’ procedure above.
Tip: To Delete a Course Attribute, click that row’s delete [-] button.
g. If you need to assign another Course Attribute Value to this section, go to Step 2f.
h. If you have more sections to apply course attributes to, go to Step 2d.
i. Click [Save].
Note: Section level attributes need to be assigned EACH term. They do NOT term roll.
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