Business Name
Number Form ADB
Annual Declaration By A BUSINESS NAME
Pursuant to section 8(1) of the Registration of Business Names Act 1918
Name of the business:Date of Declaration: ______day of ______20_____
The Declaration must be made each year on the anniversary of the registration of the business name.
I hereby declare that:
(1) The above business continues to carry on business at the date of this declaration.
(2) There are no changes to the particulars required to be delivered to the Department for Enterprise (see Note 2).
Signed: ______(see Note 3)
Print Name: ______
Capacity: ______(see Note 3)
Date: ______
1. There is no fee or late fee payable for filing this form.
2. If any details relating to the Business Name change, you must notify the Companies Registry on the appropriate form within 14 days of the change. Changes include changes in the name or address of the business itself or in the names or addresses of the owners of the Business Name. There is no fee payable if you inform us of the change within 14 days but a penalty payment of £15 is payable if you notify us after that time.
The types of change in particulars forms are:-
BN3 For a registration by an individual
BN3A For a registration by a partnership
BN3B For a registration by a corporate body
Please complete the appropriate form and return it with this annual declaration if there has been a change.
3. The Declaration must be signed by either (a) the sole trader, or (b) one of the partners, or (c) an officer of the company in whose name the business is registered.
4. Please return the completed form to the Companies Registry, Registries Building, Deemsters Walk, Bucks Road, Douglas, Isle of Man IM1 3AR.
5. All of the forms referred to above are available free of change on our web site ( or from the Companies Registry.
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