Langtoft Players

Notes of meeting held on Tuesday 25th April 2017 at 7.00pm in the Committee Room at Langtoft Village Hall.


Steph Barrett, Andrew Clingo (chair), Jackie Dodds, Anja Greaves,Carole Walker, Chris Gunby (note taker).


Joanne Clingo,Anne Fensom, Val Gregg.

Notes of the previous meeting - 14th March 2017 had been emailed out and no comments received, therefore agreed as a true record

Matters Arising

Production Checklist had been sent out for comments and will be put into use. Additional items will be added as required.

The response to LVHMC was a requested that the stage floor is sanded down and resurfaced as it is. There has been no reply as yet but LVHMC have a meeting next week.

Steph has updated the Facebook page with new photographs and will continue to do this as part of her publicity role.

Equipment inventory of items stored outside the Village Hall has been completed. Jackie will put the list in the folder with the costume inventory and both will be stored in the Players’ cupboard. Action Jackie

Finance Report

There was a profit of £299.39 made from Love Begins at 50 which ran for only two nights, therefore a respectable profit.

Production Update

NODA show report received from Anne Key-Huckerby who had attended Love Begins at 50. She felt that the show was well cast but was slightly critical of a number of missed sound effect cues and the need for prompting.Ticket sales were 154 over the two nights approximately half online and half from the box office.

The next production will be the music show which is to be called “A Century of Sound”and will run from 21st to 23rd June 2017. Jackie is working through the production checklist and the aim is for poster to be completed shortly and tickets to be on sale from the second week in May.

It was agreed that Steph should be copied in to the TicketSource emails so that she is up to date with how ticket sales are progressing.

Action Steph / Genevieve


Jean Hawksworth has resigned from Langtoft Players for personal reasons; the committee expressed its sincere thanks to Jean for her contribution over the past years. Sharon Hall has agreed to be Juniors Representative for the time being.

Letter from NODA intimating that they are to transfer all assets to a new Charity basically the same service but with a new name.

NODA regional meeting takes place on 11th June 2017 at Loughborough. Juniors Players have been nominated for the Youth Award for Smike and Players have been nominated for the Pantomime Award for Beauty and the Beast. Michelle and Andrew have volunteered to attend.

Letter received from LVHMC to say a big ‘Thank You’ for making the Murder Mystery such a success.

Email from organisers at Braceborough Village Hall enquiring as to whether or not we would be able to help with a Murder Mystery to enable them to raise funds. Agreed that this would be possible and they have been asked to suggest some dates in the autumn.


Steph has made enquiries about a pre-show meal deal with the Waggon and Horses. Details and prices to be worked out ready for when tickets go on general sale. Action Steph

Date of Next Meeting

Next meeting will be Tuesday 13th June 2017 at 7.00pm LVH

Meeting closed at 7.40pm