
/ Pro Tools for Game Audio

ITP 499x (4 Units)
Fall 2012 (2012-3)
Objective / Upon completion of the class, the student will have been instructed in the basics to fulfill the job requirements of an entry-level sound effects designer in the video game industry.
The Midterm consists of online testing offered by AVID and additionally allows the student to acquire User Certification for Introduction to Pro Tools issued by AVID, provided they pass the exam.
Concepts / This course is segmented into two distinct parts. Instructor teaches PT 130 Audio for Games, this course is an AVID Learning Partner course and requires Pro Tools 101 as a prerequisite.
This class pre-pends The Primary Game Audio Course with the Introduction To Pro Tools 101 Course.
This course is an intense and comprehensive lecture and hands on introduction to Game Audio using the Game Engine Unity, and Pro Tools, the primary audio software tool used by professionals to create modern game audio, taught by a working game audio industry veteran.
Recommended Preparation / ITP 101 recommended; students should have basic computer skills. The pre-requisite is incorporated into the course.
Any experience playing current and past games, examining the role and presence of audio, music and dialog in games.
Instructor / Bill Black
Contacting the Instructor / Email: (unless the university prefers to issue a faculty address)
Office Hours / TBD
Lab Assistants / Questions about assignments and grades should be directed to the instructor--NOT to the lab assistant. For informational purposes, the lab assistants this semester are:
Lecture / Average 3 hr./wk.
Lab / Average .5 -1 hrs./wk.
Course Structure / Each class begins with lecture. The first 6 weeks (Pro Tools 101) will require small exercises performed outside of the class period and turned in the following class. The remainder of the course will have all lab work performed during the course period.
Occasionally a guest speaker may come in to augment the lecture and provide a concrete video game industry experiences.
Exam formats / Midterm exam in the form of the Introduction to Pro Tools 101 exam. Offered online by AVID though USC, an Avid Learning Partner and administered by the instructor.
Textbooks / Pro Tools 101 An Introduction To Pro Tools 10 author Greg DeBeer available through Cenegage Learning as an ebook & hard copy
Pro Tools 10 For Game Audio author Frank D. Cook available through Cenegage Learning as an ebook & hard copy.
Both books are accompanied by Mac & Windows compatable content via download or DVD ROM and are necccesary for this course.
Websites /
Blackboard / Lecture And Classwork file is on Blackboard, under Assignments.
Assignments are to be turned in online via Blackboard
Grading / The following point structure will be used in determining the grade for the course. Final letter grade will be based upon
Weekly Assignments, Quizzes 50%
Participation 10%
Midterm 20%
Final Project 20%
Grading scale:
A 100-93
A- 92-90
B+ 89-87
B 86-83
B- 82-80
C+ 79-77
C 76-73
C- 72-70
D+ 69-67
D 66-65
F 64 or below
Policies / Instructor Policies
Attendance - Students should notify instructor by email in advance if a class will be missed. Students are expected to come to class on time and attend each class. The course reader is online. Read it. Do the homework online.
Assignments - Exercises are posted weekly under Assignments on Blackboard. Exercises are to be submitted online via Blackboard. Exercises are due the day assigned. It is the student’s responsibility to turn in assigned exercises on or before deadlines as set by the instructor. If student misses class, assignment is still due that day and can be turned in on Blackboard from anywhere in the world with internet access. If absent due to illness, bring written note from medical facility to get exception.
Quizzes - During the first half of the semester, quizzes may be given (to be announced at least one week ahead of time). The quiz counts the same as a regular weekly assignment, and its grade goes into the assignments portion of the overall grade.
Athletes - If you must miss class due to an athletic event, you must notify instructor in advance of the absence. You are still expected to turn in all work. As noted above, assignment is still due that day and can be turned in on Blackboard from anywhere in the world with internet access.
Late Submissions - Exercises/assignments turned in late will be reduced by 20% the first day it's late, and by 50% the second day. Day of class, maximum possible grade is 100. Day after class, max possible grade is 80. Two days after class, max possible grade is 50. After that deadline, a zero is entered in the grade center. This policy is as of Fall 2011 semester.
Make-up policies - To make up for a missed assignment, student must turn in assignment on Blackboard (subject to lateness penalty per above). To make up for a missed exam, the student must provide a satisfactory reason (as determined by the instructor) along with proper documentation. Make-up exams are only allowed under extraordinary circumstances.
ITP Policies
Classroom Computers - Before logging off a computer, students must ensure that they have emailed or saved projects created during the class or lab session. Any work saved to the computer will be erased after restarting the computer. ITP is not responsible for any work lost.
Open Lab - ITP offers Open Lab use for all students enrolled in ITP classes. These open labs are held beginning the second week of classes through the last week of classes. Please contact office staff in OHE412 for specific times and days for the current semester.
Academic Integrity / The use of unauthorized material, communication with fellow students during an examination, attempting to benefit from the work of another student, and similar behavior that defeats the intent of an examination or other class work is unacceptable to the University. It is often difficult to distinguish between a culpable act and inadvertent behavior resulting from the nervous tension accompanying examinations. When the instructor determines that a violation has occurred, appropriate action, as determined by the instructor, will be taken.
Although working together during lab is encouraged, all work claimed as yours must in fact be your own effort. Students who plagiarize the work of other students will receive zero points and may also be referred to Student Judicial Affairs and Community Standards (SJACS).
All students should read, understand, and abide by the University Student Conduct Code listed in SCampus, and available at:
Students with Disabilities / Any student requesting academic accommodations based on a disability is required to register with Disability Services and Programs (DSP) each semester. A letter of verification for approved accommodations can be obtained from DSP. Please be sure the letter is delivered to me (or to your TA) as early in the semester as possible. DSP is located in STU 301 and is open 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The phone number for DSP is (213) 740-0776.
Pro Tools for Game Audio
ITP 499x (4 Units)

Course Outline
Week 1 – Intro to class and Getting To know Pro Tools
Getting Inside Pro Tools part 1 of 2
Reading: Book Pro Tools 101: Lesson 1 Getting to know Pro Tools
Lesson 2 Getting Inside Pro Tools (first half of chapter)
Project: Pro Tools 101 Exercise 1
Week 2 – Getting Inside Pro Tools part 2 of 2
Reading: Book Pro Tools 101: Lesson 2 Getting Inside Pro Tools (second half of chapter)
Project: Pro Tools 101 Exercise 2
Week 3 – Creating Your First Session
Making Your First Audio Recording
Reading: Book Pro Tools 101: Lesson 3 Creating Your First Session
Lesson 4 Making Your First Audio Recording
Project: Pro Tools 101 Exercise 3
Week 4 – Importing and Working with Media in a Session
Making Your First MIDI Recording part 1 of 2
Reading: Book Pro Tools 101: Lesson 5 Importing and Working with Media in a Session
Lesson 6 Making Your First MIDI Recording
(first half of chapter)
Project: Pro Tools 101 Exercise 4
Week 5 – Making Your First MIDI Recording part 2 of 2
Selecting and Navigating
Reading: Book Pro Tools 101: Lesson 6 Making Your First MIDI Recording (second half of chapter)
Lesson 7 Selecting and Navigating
Project: Pro Tools 101 Exercise 5
Week 6 – Basic Editing Techniques
Basic Mixing Techniques
Finishing Your Work
Reading: Book: Pro Tools 101: Lesson 8 Basic Editing Techniques Lesson 9 Basic Mixing Techniques
Lesson 10 Finishing Your Work
Project: Pro Tools 101 Exercise 7
Week 7 – Review for Midterm and administer midterm
Reading: review of past chapters
Project: Midterm/Pro Tools 101 online course
Week 8 – Lesson 1 Understanding the Game Audio Workflow
Reading: Book: Pro Tools 10 For Game Audio Lesson 1 Understanding the Game Audio Workflow
Project: none
Week 9 – Lesson 2 Working with Dialogue
Reading: Book: Pro Tools 10 For Game Audio Lesson 2 Working with Dialogue
Project: Exercise 2 Adding Dialogue to the Game
Week 10 – Lesson 3 Working with Foley
Reading: Book: Pro Tools 10 For Game Audio Lesson 3 Working with Foley
Project: Exercise 3 Adding/Editing Foley Elements
Week 11 – Lesson 4 Working with Sound Effects
Reading: Book: Pro Tools 10 For Game Audio Lesson 4 Working with Sound Effects
Project: Exercise 4 Adding/Editing Sound Effects
Week 12 – Lesson 5 Working with Backgrounds
Reading: Book: Pro Tools 10 For Game Audio Lesson 5 Working with Backgrounds
Project: Exercise 5 Adding/Editing Background Elements
Week 13 – Lesson 6 Working with Music
Reading: Book: Pro Tools 10 For Game Audio Lesson 6 Working with Music
Project: Exercise 6 Adding Music to the Game
Week 14 – Lesson 7 Working with Vehicle Sounds
Reading: Book: Pro Tools 10 For Game Audio Lesson 7 Working with Vehicle Sounds
Project: Exercise 7 Adding Vehicle Sounds to the Game
Week 15 – Visit to recording studio
Reading: Book: Pro Tools 10 For Game Audio Lesson 8 Working with Cinematics
Project: Observe and participate in Visit to Game Audio Studio Facility in Burbank.
Week 16 – Final Exam Lesson Working with Cinematics & review of course.
Final Project: Exercise 8 Adding Cinematics to the Game
Final written exam due at end of class period.

Schedule subject to modification as necessitated by holidays and guest speakers