Algebra 1ACourse Syllabus

Course description

This is a course for students who were not recommended for Algebra I. This course curriculum is designed to review and expand on the fundamental math principles necessary for successful completion of the Algebra I graduation requirement. The course will begin with a review of the basic skills that will complement the development of introductory algebra skills. Algebra 1B is also required to earn the necessary Algebra I credit for graduation.

Course Objectives

To successfully perform operations on real numbers; solve equations, inequalities, word problems, and systems of open sentences; operate on monomials; factor polynomials; simplify rational expressions; and graph linear equations.


A)Learn about life through:

1)Hard work


3)Treating others with respect

4)Academic Integrity

B)Use the 8 Standards of Mathematical Practice

C)5 skills students need in order to learn:

1)Being on time and in place

2)Keeping the work place orderly and having the necessary tools

3)Following directions

4)Note taking/Participation

5)Producing written work of quality

Daily Requirements

A)Book (covered)

B)3-Ring Binder for all lecture notes (Notes will be on-line – must be printed when absent.)

C)Notebook – all assignments must be placed in notebook/binder to aid organization

D)Pencil or pen: (Exams need to be done in pencil)

E)A TI-84 Series Graphing Calculator is required.


90% based on a percentage of points and 10% based on Semester Final

A) Grading scale: A93% - 100%

B85% - 92%

C77% - 84%

D69% - 76%

Fbelow 69%

B) Accumulation of points

1)Daily work – 10 points each

a)1-2 per unit (average) consisting of notebook quizzes, collected assignments, pop quizzes, group work, etc

b)5% penalty per day for late work with a minimum recorded score of 70% of actual points. (Actual score of 8/10 that is 6+ days late: .7 x 8 = 5.6 ≈ 6/10)

c)Lowestdaily work score per semester will be dropped at the end of the semester

2)Quizzes/Quests – 20/40 points:

a)Every 3-4 sections, always announced (see homework page)

b)No make-ups on quizzes. They may be taken early if arrangements are made.

c)2 Quiz scores or lowest Quest per semester dropped at theendof the semester.

3)Tests – 80 points, given at the end of some chapters

  • Make-ups on Quests/Tests taken on 1st day back from absence if due to illness (See Item #6)

4)Extra Credit – once in a while if required work is completed

  • Not available and/or cancelled if there is a 0 on a daily grade or an unexcused absence
  • Left-over bathroom/hall/book passes (5 given at start of semester, added after Final)

5)Academic Integrity – any cheating will result in a grade of 0 for all involved

6)Planned/School Absence – arrangements must be made to take exams before absence