Dublin Wholesale Market Report


Fruit,Vegetables and Flowers

Weekly Market Report Week51/2014

Friday12/12/2014 to Thursday 18/12/2014

Vegetables:There was a good improvement in trading activity but wholesalers cognizant of the price war by the multiples this time last year were nervous that similar special offers at retail level might occur again this year and the impact that would have on trade at wholesale level.

  • The price of good quality Spanish broccoli remained stable, 6 Kg boxes traded at €7.00-€8.00 per 6 Kg. According to recent trade reports Spain is the third largest broccoli producer in the world and to ensure continuity of supply to markets throughout the EU production has been geographically diversified because over concentration on a single production area is too much of a risk due to weather issues.
  • Cauliflower supplies remained tight and prices increased. Spanish made up the bulk of the produce on offer, count of 8 traded at €11.00- €12.00 compared to €10.00-€11.00 last week, small volumes of Irish produce count 8 sold in the range €8.00-€10.00 compared to €7.00-€8.00 in week 50. French cauliflower reappeared on the market and was trading at €10.50-€11.50 slightly below Spanish produce per count of 8.
  • The price of Brussels sproutsso far is holding at recent values, wholesalers and growers are hoping that a repeat of the giveaway price for sprouts that occurred as a result of the special offers by the multiples last year can be avoided.
  • Celerymet a steady demand, Spanish count of 16 traded at €8.50-€9.00 and small volumes of good quality Irish produce on offer traded at similar values to week 50.
  • Spanish peppers met a steady turnover at firm values, red traded at €9.00-€10.00/ 5 Kg up 5%, green and yellow made more modest gains.
  • Canary Island and Spanish 57-67mm round tomatoes met a fair demand at lower values, 6 Kg boxes sold at €7.50-€8.50 compared to €8.50-€9.50 in week 50.
  • Adequate supplies of root crops (carrots parsnips Swedes) met a fair demand at similar values to last week.
  • Chinese ginger 10 Kg rose in value to trade in the range €43.50-€44.50 an increase of 10%. Brazilian ginger 13 Kg boxes dealt at unchanged values.

Potatoes: Good supplies on offer met a moderate demand at similar values to last week. Traders believe that it will take a sustained period of cold weather to boost demand and lift prices at wholesale level but are also anxious about special offers at retail level which they believe could make a difficult situation worse.

  • Good quality Rooster sold at €2.30 -€3.00 per 10 Kg.
  • U.K Maris Piper moved out at €6.50-€7.50 per 25 Kg.
  • Small volumes of Golden Wonder sold in the range €3.50-€4.50/10 Kg.

Fruit: Trade was much improved across all lines.

  • Small volumes of Dutch strawberries were on offer and they traded at €41.50-€42.50/ 8 x 500g, Spanish 10 x 250g sold at €16.00-€17.00. Egyptian and Palestinian 10 x 250g decreased in value to trade at €14.00 and €17.00. According to recent trade reports the Russian ban on EU imports has created new opportunities for Palestinian producers. Growers in the Gazza territory are now supplying strawberries to the EU as well as Russia and they hope to broaden the range of products for export in future years.
  • French Golden Delicious and Granny Smith apples moved out well at reduced values. Royal Gala was again the most popular variety on offer at similar values to week 50.
  • Good supplies of blueberries met a steady demand at reduced values, produce from Argentina, Chile and Peru traded at €18.50-€19.50 per 12 x 125g a decrease of 10%.
  • Good quality Spanish clementines met a good turnover, 10 x 0.75 Kg traded in the range €9.00-€10.00. Traders expect demand to remain steady because consumption levels increase significantly during the winter months.

Flowers: Trading was steady throughout the week at similar values to last week.

  • AllRed and White coloured lines were popular.
  • Poinsettias moved out well at €5.00-€6.00 each.
  • Cyclamen sold in the range €2.00-€5.00 each
  • Wreaths met a good turnover.