In this activity you will observe howprotectivecolorationhelpssome animals to survive in nature. Youwill model predatory behavior by feeding on toothpick prey items in an outdoor area.
1. Be careful when picking up the toothpicks as they are sharp and can scratch and/or poke your skin.
2. Do not push, trip, tackle orengage in other horse playin the lab or during a lab
1. Read through the entire procedure before beginning.
2.In the spacemarked Hypothesis on the studentanswer page, formulate a hypothesis as to which “insect” will be selected the least and which one will be selected the most. The toothpick colors include wood, red, yellow, green and blue.
3. In the space marked Purpose on the studentanswer page, write the purpose of the lab.
4.In the space marked Data Table on the student answer page copy the data table as your teacher instructs. You must draw the lines with a ruler or straight-edge. (R1 is an abbreviation for round one, R2 for round two, and so on…)
5.You are going to be a predatory “bird” feeding on “insects” to survive. Colored toothpicks will represent your insect prey. When instructed to begin, you will have one minute to “feed” on at least four“insects” in the feeding areaoutlined by your teacher. If you do not capture at least fourprey toothpicks, you will diefromstarvation and have to sit out for the remaining rounds. After several rounds, only one “Super Predator” will survive.
Here are the rules:
You must use your “beak” (forefinger and thumb) of one hand only.
You may “eat” only one “insect” at a time.
You must place the “insect” in your “crop” (your other hand) before you can reach for another insect.
You must stop feeding when time is called. If you are reaching for an insect and your teacher has called time, do NOT finish reaching for it and stand up straight.
You must line up along the boundary that your teacher has designated, with your back turned to the area ofpredation.
Yellow “insects” are poisonous. Do not eat a yellow insect. If you accidentally pick up a yellow “insect” into your beak, put it backonto the ground. If you put
the yellow insect into your “crop”, then you will be poisoned and you will have to
stop feeding and sit out the duration of this round.
6.After time is called for each round, put all captured insects into the plastic cup labeled, “Round 1”. The “dead” predators will then sit in a designated area. All of the surviving birds will feed again in “Round 2”, with eachbird again eating at least 4 “insects”. The eaten “insects” for Round 2 will go in the cup labeled, “Round 2”. The class will doas many rounds as are necessary to decrease or “select” the population down to one surviving bird, the “Super Predator”.
7.When there is only one “Super Predator” left, return to theroomand complete your data table. Use the cups collected duringeach round to determine how many toothpicks of each color were consumed.
8. Use the following formula to determinethe % selected for each color toothpick.
%selected= totalnumber of aparticular color collected 100 number of thatcolor of toothpickyour teacher distributed
9.In the space marked Explanation on your datatable, provide a specific reason as to why you and the class collected the particular insects that you did.Do not state reasons that are not factual; for example, do not say thattheinsectstastedgood since you did not really taste them.
Color of Prey / R1 / R2 / R3 / R4 / R5 / R6 / TotalSelected / % Selected / Reason for Selection or
1.Which color of prey was selected more thanany other color and thereforesurvivedthe least?
2. Why was the color of prey inquestion #1 selected the most?
3.Excluding the yellow poisonous prey, which color of prey was selectedleastandtherefore survivedthe most?
4. Why was the color of prey inquestion #3 selected the least?
5. Why did the predators not select the yellow “insects”?
6. Why did the predators not eat yellow-and-red-striped “insects”?
7. Which color(s) ofinsect isan example of camouflage?
8. Name one example of camouflage in the natural world.
9. Which color of insect is an example of mimicry?
10. Give an example of mimicry in the natural world.
11. If this simulation activity is similar to what occurs in nature, then what survival strategies are most effective in avoiding predation?
12.Explain how, in nature, the color of an insect may determine whether it will be preyedupon or not?
13.Explain howpredators help to “select” which animals will survive in nature.