Minutes of ScalfordAnnual Parish Council Meeting
held on
Wednesday 10th May2017 at 7.30 pm in Scalford Primary School
Page 110
Present:Cllrs, Elizabeth Bryan,Brian Dodd, Tim Spencer,
In Attendance:
Members of the Public: 5
Apologies for Absence:
Cllrs June Jones
17/485 Election of Chairman:
Cllr E Bryan was unanimously elected as Chairman
Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office:
Cllr Bryan signed the Acceptance of Office Form in the presence of the Clerk who countersigned the form.
Election of Vice Chairman:
Cllr B Dodd was unanimously elected as Vice Chairman.
Declarations of DisclosablePecuniary or Personal Interest:
Review Re Adopt or Amend the following documents:
a) Standing Orders
b) Financial Regulations
c) Code of Conduct
d) Equal Opportunities Policy
e) Risk Assessment Policy
f) Statement of Internal Control
g) Bank Mandate
h) Allotment & Cemetery Fees
i) Asset Register
j) Complaints Policy
k) Security of Data
The above documents were reviewed and it was unanimously agreed to readopt items a to h without amendment, item i) Asset Register was still being updated and was dependent on the outcome of the land registry process item j) Complaints Policya newdraft policy had been prepared by the Clerk and was unanimously adopted with immediate effect subject to confirmation at the June meetingk) Security of Datait had been recommended by the Internal Auditor that the Council should look at methods of remote storage of data, after discussion it was unanimously agreed to use the free remote storage facility provided by Microsoft called One Drive and review again in 12 months.
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Public Participation:
A question was raised regarding unused allotments and whether the Council would have them ploughed over or continue having them sprayed with weed killier.
To approve and sign the Minutes from theParish Council Meeting heldin Scalford Primary School on 12th April2017:
It was unanimously agreed that the Minutes from the Meeting on the 12th April 2017 were a true record, and the Minutes were signed by the Chairman.
Ongoing Matters:
Grass Triangle – No further progress had been made.
Cemetery Path–Cllr Dodd advised he was still awaiting quotations
17/00436/VAC – S73 Application to vary condition No 9 Access drive
gradient ref 15/00746/FUL – 25 King St, Scalford, LE14 4DW – A meeting had taken place between Cllr Dodd and Highways Officers where it had been proved that the gradient was not correct and not even in accordance with the amendment agreed by planners. It was unanimously agreed to write and object to this application with copies to Borough Cllrs E. Holmes and B Rhodes
17/00246/FUL – 2 Extensions to cattle barn 1 each end – Field No 3641, Melton Road, Scalford .
17/00152/FUL – one and half storey four bedroomed house – 7 New Street,
Scalford, LE14
Planning Appeal:
APP/Y2430/W/17/3169413 – Ref 17/00003 – Demolition of garage proposed new 2 bedroomed dwelling and parking. It was unanimously agreed to write to the planning inspectorate and reiterate previous objections.
17/493Receipts & Payments April 2017:
Scalford Village Hall£4000.00
Scalford School£1100.00
Co-op Funerals£ 350.00
Western Distribution£ 4.60
Chq 101318C & C Plants£ 440.00
101319E on£ 252.57
101320LRALC£ 214.69
101321RCC£ 50.00
B P C J Hill£ 360.15
B POldham Marsh£ 130.00
The above payments were unanimously authorised and signed off by two Councillors.
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Internal Audit:
The Internal Audit had been completed with no major issues highlighted, a recommendation had been made that the Council look at remote storage of date please see minute ref 17/489 item k above.
Letter from Mrs P H Clemons St Egelwin Church:
It was unanimously agreed to support in principal the project H.E.L.P by the Church.
Request from Mrs P H Clemons re Churchyard working party:
It was unanimously agreed that the Council had no objection to this being advertised in the Village News Magazine.
Neighbourhood Plan:
Cllr Joneshad emailed in her absence that it was recommended that a meeting with Gary Kirk from YourLocale was held before letters distributed.
Email from Midland Rural Housing:
After discussion it was unanimously agreed that it was not necessary for anyone to attend a Parish Council meeting and Councillors would await the results of the survey carried out on behalf of the Borough Council. It was agreed that should any low cost housing be proposed it should be for people from Scalford.
Matters arising from Emails circulated and other matters:
It was unanimously agreed to make a donation of £100.00 to the school towards a team kit for use when representing the school
Clerk advised he had been informed by Council solicitor there was up to a 6 month back log at the Land Registry Office
Cllr Spencer left the meeting at 8.20 when discussion was held on process for sale of land at South Street, car park. And returned at 8.26pm.
Items for Next Month’s Agenda:
Neighbourhood Plan
Date ofNext Meeting: Wednesday 21st June2017at 7.30pm Parish Council Meeting in Scalford Primary School,
The meeting closed at 8.35 pm
Signed: ______
Chairman Scalford Parish Council
Date: ______
These Minutes were unanimously approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman at the Parish Council meeting on the 21st June 2017.