From: Moore, Rose Ann
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 10:47 AM
To: 5th floor team
Subject: 5th Floor Leadership Transition
Importance: High

5th Floor Team,

By now you have heard that Yvette will be stepping down from the Interim Clinical Manager of 5th Floor and Hemodialysis effective at end of day 10/12/12. I want to thank Yvette for all she has brought to the unit for the past 7 months and I wish her nothing but the best.

I know this message brings up many questions and concerns related to the leadership of the unit. Yesterday I met with Linda Mueller and Mary Jane Nichols and both have agreed to share the “point-of-contact” role and to help with all unit and system communication as we search for a new nurse manager. Please use Linda and Mary Jane as your primary unit resources during this time. When Linda and Mary Jane are off or when issues arise at night or weekends I ask that you address your issues to Kathy Guy, Director of Professional Services at x 2867 and our night supervisors. Kathy will be covering for me while I am out on a short leave of absence through the end of November.

For those of you who are already serving on our committees, councils, and special projects and those who are signing up to take a more active role these meetings I want to thank you for representing the 5th floor.

Know that Linda and Mary Jane have shared with me several of the unit/team ideas and wishes going forward that include (but not limited to) continued focus on patient-centered care, shared-governance model, and to be the renal-diabetic experts for this organization.

Thank you in advance for all you do every day and be certain that I am working hard to find an excellent leader for the unit. As always feel free to drop by the office, email me or set up an appointment.

Rose Ann M. Moore, MSN, RN, NE-BC

Director of Patient Care Services

Penrose Hospital

719-776-5802-Office Phone, 776-7032- Cisco Phone