US History II Mid-Term Exam Review Notes

Chapter 15: Industrial America: Immigration & Urbanization TEXT: P. 460-477

  • The reasons that immigrants both left their homeland and decided to move to

the United States

  • The difficulties encountered by immigrants in America and how they coped
  • Why some Americans feared immigrants
  • Why people emigrated from the South
  • The rapid expansion of cities and the subsequent related problems
  • How reformers tried to improve city life and stop the corruption in government
People to Know / Terms to Know
1. Jane Addams / 1. Ellis Island
2. “Boss” Tweed / 2. Angel Island
3. Rutherford B. Hayes / 3. nativism
4. James Garfield / 4. progressive
5. Chester A. Arthur
6. Grover Cleveland
7. Benjamin Harrison
8. Jacob Riis
/ 5. tenement
6. mass transit
7. settlement house
8. urbanization
9. suburb
10. rural
11. ghetto vs. slum
12. Tammany Hall
13. political machine
14. graft/corruption
15. patronage
16. civil service
17. refugee
18. alien

Also make sure you know:

1. Old Immigration

2. New Immigration

3. Chinese Exclusion Act

4. The Gentlemen’s Agreement

5. The Pendleton Civil Service Act

6. Americanization Movement

7. Social Gospel Movement

US History II Mid-Term Exam Review Notes

Chapter 16:Life at the Turn of the 20th Century TEXT: P. 480-507

· The expansion of public education at the secondary and college levels

· How technological advances impacted city life

· Increased literacy

· Legalized discrimination as shown in Plessy v. Ferguson

· The development of American architecture and the arts

· Turn-of-the-century innovations in marketing and advertising

· The growth of leisure activities

People to Know / Terms to Know
1. Orville and Wilbur Wright / 1. poll tax
2. Booker T. Washington / 2. lynching
3. W.E.B. DuBois
4. Louis Sullivan
5. Frederick Law Olmstead
6. Joseph Pulitzer
7. William Randolph Hearst / 3. segregation
4. discrimination
6. literacy test
7. grandfather clause
8. department store
9. chain store
10. realism ( art + literature )

Also make sure you know:

1. Jim Crow laws

2. Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

US History II Mid-Term Exam Review Notes

Chapter 17: The Age of Reform: The Progressive Movement TEXT: P. 512-543

· How the Progressive Movement increased the power of the government to

Regulate business, clean up government, and protect workers + consumers

· Teddy Roosevelt, the Square Deal, and the modern presidency

· The role of women in the reform movement and the right to vote

· Taft’s view of Progressivism and the split of the Republican Party

· The Election of 1912

People to Know / Terms to Know
1. Florence Kelley
2. Carrie Nation
3. Robert LaFollette
4. Susan B. Anthony
5. Upton Sinclair
6. Theodore Roosevelt
7. Ida Tarbell
8. William Howard Taft
9. Woodrow Wilson
10. Carrie Chapman Catt
11. Gifford Pinchot / 1. progressivism
2. Prohibition
3. scientific management
4. muckrakers
5. initiative
6. referendum
7. recall
8. 16th Amendment
9. 17th Amendment
10. 18th Amendment
11. 19th Amendment
12. suffrage
13. conservation

Also make sure you know:

1. Clayton Anti-Trust Act

2. Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

3. National Association of Colored Women

4. National American Women’s Suffrage Association (NAWSA)

5. The Jungle

6. “Square Deal”

7. Meat Inspection Act

8. Pure Food and Drug Act

9. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

10. Payne-Aldrich Tariff

11. “Bull Moose” Party

12. “New Freedom”

US History II Mid-Term Exam Review Notes

Chapter 18: America Claims an Empire TEXT: P. 546-575

· Imperialism and its impact

· The Spanish-American War and how America managed the land it won

· U.S. policy towards Cuba, China, and Japan

· President Teddy Roosevelt and his foreign affairs policies

· The history of the Panama Canal

People to Know / Terms to Know
1. Queen Liliuokalani
2. Sanford Dole
3. George Dewey
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Emilio Aguinaldo
6. Joseph Pulitzer
7. John Hay
8. Rough Riders / 1. imperialism
2. yellow journalism
3. protectorate
4. missionary
5. annexation
6. sphere of influence

Also make sure you know:

1. U.S.S. Maine

2. Teller Amendment

3. Platt Amendment

4. Open Door Policy/Notes

5. Boxer Rebellion

6. The Spanish-American War

a. causes for

b. the war itself

c. results of

7. Philippine American War

8. Panama Canal

9. Russo-Japanese War

10. The Roosevelt Corollary

11. Dollar Diplomacy

12. Missionary Diplomacy

13. Foraker Act

US History II Mid-Term Exam Review Notes

Chapter 19: The Emerging Role of the United States in TEXT: P. 578-611

International Affairs: World War I

· The causes of the Great War

· America’s failure at neutrality

· Strategy, key leaders, and major battles

· America’s role in winning the war

· New technology and its impact on warfare

· War on the homefront

· President Woodrow Wilson, the Fourteen Points, and the Treaty of Versailles

People to Know / Terms to Know
1. Archduke Franz Ferdinand / 1. Nationalism / 11. war bonds
2. Gen. John J. Pershing / 2. Militarism / 12. Propaganda
3. Woodrow Wilson / 3. Alliances / 13. Mobilization
4. Kaiser Wilhelm II / 4. U-boat
5. "The Big Four" / 5. Trench warfare
a) George / 6. Propaganda
b) Wilson / 7. Lusitania
c) Orlando / 8. Conscientious Objector
d) Clemenceau / 9. Pacifist
10. Armistice

Also make sure you know:

1. Causes of WWI 16. “Big Four”

2. Triple Entente/Allies 17. Treaty of Versailles

3. Triple Alliance/Central Powers

4. Russian Revolution

5. Selective Service Act

6. new weapons of war

7. War Industry Board

8. Food Administration

9. Committee on Public Information

10. National War Labor Board

11. Espionage and Sedition Acts

12. Fourteen Points

13. Zimmerman note

14. Great Migration

15. League of Nations

US History II Mid-Term Exam Review Notes

Chapter 20: The Age of Reform: Politics of the 1920s TEXT: P. 618-633

· The Red Scare and anti-immigration and anti-labor sentiments

· Racial and Ethnic tensions

· The Scopes Trial

· The Presidency of Warren G. Harding and its difficulties

· The United States’ rejection of the League of Nations and Isolationism

· The birth of the modern household

People to Know / Terms to Know
1. A. Mitchell Palmer
2. Niccolo Sacco & Bartolomeo Vanzetti
3. Warren G. Harding
4. Albert B. Fall
5. Calvin Coolidge
6. Henry Ford / 1. nativism
2. isolationism
3. communism
4. anarchism
5. quota system
6. “normalcy”
7. urban sprawl
8. assembly line
9. prohibition

Also make sure you know:

1. “Red Scare”

2. KKK in the 1920’s

3. “Ohio Gang”

4. Teapot Dome Scandal

5. impact of the automobile industry

6. new electrical appliances

7. new methods of advertising

US History II Mid-Term Exam Review Notes

Chapter 21: Age of Reform: The Roaring Life of the 1920s TEXT: P. 638-667

· The dichotomy of rural and urban lifestyles begins to lessen

· How the lives of women changed

· How science and technology changed modern lives

· The explosion of radio and the movies and the growth of the arts

· The golden age of sports

People to Know / Terms to Know
1. Al Capone
2. John Scopes
3. Clarence Darrow
4. William Jennings Bryan
5. Charles Lindbergh
6. Amelia Earhart
7. George Herman “Babe” Ruth
8. Gertrude Ederle
9. Marcus Garvey
10. Georgia O’Keefe
11. George Gershwin
12. Ernest Hemingway
13. Sinclair Lewis
14. Louis Armstrong
15. Duke Ellington
16. Bessie Smith / 1. speakeasy
2. bootlegger
3. fundamentalism
4. evolution
5. flapper
6. double standard

Also make sure you know:

1. Prohibition/ Eighteenth Amendment – pros + cons/ causes + effects

2. Scopes Trial

3. Boston Police Strike

4. how women’s lives changed in the 1920’s

5. effects of radio

6. Harlem Renaissance

7. United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA)

US History II Mid-Term Exam Review Notes

Chapter 22: The Age of Reform: The Great Depression TEXT: P.670-689

  • Reasons for the Great Depression
  • The government’s initial reaction to the economic downturn and President Herbert Hoover’s failures
  • The hardships and suffering that American families withstood during this time

Terms to Know Names to Know

1. speculation 1. Herbert Hoover

2. buying on margin 2. Alfred E. Smith

3. recession/depression

4. installment buying

5. bread lines/soup kitchens

6. Dust Bowl

7. Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)

8. Dow Jones Industrial Average

9. Hooverville

10. direct relief

11. overproduction

Also, make sure you know:

· Causes of the Great Depression

· Long term effects of the Great Depression

· Black Tuesday

· The Bonus Army

· Hawley-Smoot Tariff

· The Patman Bill

US History II Mid-Term Exam Review Notes

Chapter 23: The Age of Reform: The New Deal TEXT: P.694-727

  • The life of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his attitude regarding the government’s responsibility to help the United States out of the Great Depression
  • How key leaders aided America’s recovery
  • The three “R’s” of the New Deal
  • The increased importance of the federal government in establishing economic and social policies
  • The emergence of a “New Deal coalition” consisting of blacks, blue-collar workers, poor farmers, Jews, and Catholics
  • How the New Deal affects America today

Terms to Know Names to Know

1. New Deal 1. Franklin D. Roosevelt

2. Brain Trust 2. Huey Long

3. Fireside chats 3. Eleanor Roosevelt

4. FDIC 4. Frances Perkins

5. TVA 5. John L. Lewis

6. AAA 6. Father Coughlin

7. CCC 7. Francis Townsend

8. deficit spending 8. John Steinbeck

9. WPA 9. Woody Guthrie

10. NYA

Also, make sure you know:

  • The Wagner Act/NLRB
  • Social Security Act
  • Roosevelt’s Court Packing Plan
  • American Gothic