UnitingCareGippsland – form Organisation wide Page 1 of 3
Position Description
Position Title: / Communities for Children (CfC) Project Support WorkerAward: / Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010
Classification: / Community Development Worker Level 4
Hours Per week: / 24 hours per week (0.6 EFT)
Responsible to: / Program Manager Community Development
Any special conditions: / Based inBairnsdale
Key Summary of Functions:
Working within the Communities for Children (CfC) team at UnitingCare Gippsland, the Project Support Worker position will have a key role in developing and maintaining administration, communication and reporting systems that support the Communities for Children Program
Key Duties:
- Maintaining administration systems for reporting requirements, including data entry, mailing lists and resource management.
- Ensure the marketing of CfC program via program promotional materials, website and social media, mailing lists (including email, newsletter/update)
- Provide administration support including convening and minute taking at various CfC meetings including CfC Advisory Group, Working and Learning Together workshops, Community Partner Meetings and team meetings
- Co-ordinate professional development and training opportunities.
- Support the CfC team by actively participating in activities
- Attend to general program enquires
- Use principles of best practice to provide an innovative and responsive program.
- Maintain current and accurate case notes, records and statistical information.
- Staff are responsible for upholding consumer rights, privacy, confidentiality and informed consent.
- All UCG staff are responsible for identifying, monitoring, resolving and reviewing OH&S and risk management issues.
- Undertake review and evaluation of program and professional practice.
- Comply with organisational effectiveness strategies of UnitingCareGippsland, including development of quality plans, personal objectives and training plans.
- Assist in the general administration of UnitingCareGippsland such as working the switchboard at peak times.
- Respect the diverse needs of all community groups and individuals to ensure that their needs are met in an inclusive and sensitive manner.
- Participate in agency quality accreditation processes.
- Conform to and apply relevant requirements of the Law within the workplace.
- Report and participate in any investigation of any incident or occurrence that may constitute a breach of any legal requirement.
- Other duties as directed.
Key Selection Criteria
- Satisfactory National police check and Victorian Working with Children Check.
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
- Demonstrated ability to use computers efficiently including Word and Outlook.
- Demonstrated ability to work within the vision, mission, policies and principles of the organisation.
- Demonstrated experience in Community Development
- Demonstrated experience in data management
- Demonstrated experience in program marketing including the development of marketing materials
- Demonstrated ability to participate in a multi-skilling learning environmentand a self-managing team.
- Demonstrated ability to develop creative solutions to issues that arise within the community or workplace using community development principles.
- Current Victorian Drivers License.
- Demonstrated ability to relate positively to a large range of people from diverse backgrounds.
- A well-developed understanding of the CfC Program
- Practice experience in either early years, education, health, family support or early intervention service systems in East Gippsland.
- A working knowledge of the linkages between different sectors and how to work effectively within these structures.
Key UnitingCareGippsland Principles:
UnitingCareGippsland staff are encouraged to deliver services in a community development continuum, within a multi-disciplinary team environment. Staff are asked to work within the broad principles of Consultation, Caring, Participation, Accountability, Sustainability, Transparency and Quality
I acknowledge that I have read and understood the requirements of the position and agree to work within the agency principles and policies.
Staff Member’s NameSignature:Date:
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Supervisor’s NameSignature:Date:
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Current as at April 2016